Baptist Pastor who attacked Kim Davis is not Christian

We are told that we would be imprisoned for our faith. She is a real world manifestation of a truth of our faith.
If she was imprisoned for her faith...why weren't others imprisoned too?

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

Here is where I draw the line Bod. You sign up for government work, you follow the rules. You get paid well to do so. She has no right to refuse in her job as A CLERK OF THE GOVERNMENT to issue a marriage licence.sp pwi here give me a break on my spelling pulleeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!

You check your faith in at the door when you sign in to a government job. Ok getting really stoned. Am I right? or am I wrong here?
No you are not wrong. Here is something else to chew on....if Kim Davis ran for County Clerk again, and because of honesty in politics (chuckle) declared if elected, she would enforce the law based on what her new religion and her god said to do.........what do you think her chances of getting reelected are. Remember...her new found religion is against a lot of things normal people take for granted.
No you are not wrong. Here is something else to chew on....if Kim Davis ran for County Clerk again, and because of honesty in politics (chuckle) declared if elected, she would enforce the law based on what her new religion and her god said to do.

She'd win by a landslide.
No you are not wrong. Here is something else to chew on....if Kim Davis ran for County Clerk again, and because of honesty in politics (chuckle) declared if elected, she would enforce the law based on what her new religion and her god said to do.

She'd win by a landslide.
Not if everyone saw how she was going to enforce the law based on HER religion. No previously divorced...not dressed modestly? No papers for you....children out of wedlock? Nope. They may be the bible belt but they live normal lives.....not crazy ones.
Peter boasted of the strength of his faith...and yet, in fear he denied knowledge of the Savior three times, making oaths...and he was not only forgiven, but was the rock upon which the Church was built. Saul, a persecutor of Christians, wrote a great deal of the letters of the New Testament after his conversion. Matthew was a once a corrupt Publican before becoming an Apostle of Jesus. King David committed adultery with Bathsheba, then sent her husband to the front lines of battle to be killed before being convinced to confess his sin and express sincere repentance by the Prophet Nathan.

Evidently, this preacher needs to return to seminary...the Bible is a history of flawed men and women who by Grace are forgiven and turned to the good work of the Lord.

Look it up, it's written down.
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.

Lassie gives 3 cheers to people dying in a mosque, but she clearly follows her Bible. After reading her postings, I'm convinced that only old white, racist, conservative, bigots are going to heaven. :)It's her job as a Christian tell others how to get there.
She's one of the best advertisers for people not to take religion seriously.

You're one that should make people run to it. I mean really...
Not to worry.....We won....but be've got decades of child molester priests to hang your religious hat on.

They are Catholic. A religion. Man made religion not a faith and you damn well know it.

Kim Davis shouldn't issue marriage certificates to Catholics.
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.
It's something that real Christians understand. Satan is the "accuser of the brethren", so this guy, pastor or not, clearly serves him.

The Bible warns of people like this one.
Actually it warns of those like you here. If I wanted to destroy Christianity, I'd hire you guys.

The Pastor, BTW, is correct, your ilk is not...

Go away, you're another one that doesn't know the Bible from a dictionary
I know it very well young one, that's why I know that you are nothing like a Christian. Rarely have I bantered with one who is as bad for the faith as you. A true evil on earth...
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Kim Davis has every right to speak out. But, if she does not intend to fulfill the responsibilities of her elected position, she should resign. That would be the honorable thing to do.

Read up on what the bible says about oathbreakers.
She didn't take an oath to engage in sacrilege

She signed up for a government job though. This pains the crap out of me kg, but you sign into government you do the time.
Nobody is required to commit sacrilege to keep a gov't job. If the only thing she did was issue marriage licenses, you might have a point. But this is easily worked around for something that doesn't happen that often. AND she is an elected official of the state, not the fed....and I don't believe ky recognizes fed authority in this.
How wonderful is it that it is becoming IMPOSSIBLE to find a distinction between the Western Ideological Left and Islam?
The left and Islam? No, what is obvious is that the American Taliban and the real Taliban have only two things not in common, one is their God and the other is their actual belief in their holy book. Given ten minutes you guys would be throwing the homos off the nearest tall roof. Only liberals like me stand on your way...
Kim Davis has every right to speak out. But, if she does not intend to fulfill the responsibilities of her elected position, she should resign. That would be the honorable thing to do.

Read up on what the bible says about oathbreakers.
She didn't take an oath to engage in sacrilege
And she doesn't have to but the taxpayers aren't paying her to serve Jesus.
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.

Lassie gives 3 cheers to people dying in a mosque, but she clearly follows her Bible. After reading her postings, I'm convinced that only old white, racist, conservative, bigots are going to heaven. :)It's her job as a Christian tell others how to get there.
She's one of the best advertisers for people not to take religion seriously.

Like you do?
I'm not trying to make people follow any religious rules in our secular laws. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of secular law. Not christian sharia.

Where in the Constitution does it say anything about marriage? The law you refer too was made by the Supreme Court and making law by the SC is unconstitutional. God's laws do not compare to sharia law.
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.

Lassie gives 3 cheers to people dying in a mosque, but she clearly follows her Bible. After reading her postings, I'm convinced that only old white, racist, conservative, bigots are going to heaven. :)It's her job as a Christian tell others how to get there.
She's one of the best advertisers for people not to take religion seriously.

Like you do?
I'm not trying to make people follow any religious rules in our secular laws. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of secular law. Not christian sharia.

Where in the Constitution does it say anything about marriage? The law you refer too was made by the Supreme Court and making law by the SC is unconstitutional. God's laws do not compare to sharia law.

Point out this law.
No you are not wrong. Here is something else to chew on....if Kim Davis ran for County Clerk again, and because of honesty in politics (chuckle) declared if elected, she would enforce the law based on what her new religion and her god said to do.

She'd win by a landslide.
Not if everyone saw how she was going to enforce the law based on HER religion. No previously divorced...not dressed modestly? No papers for you....children out of wedlock? Nope. They may be the bible belt but they live normal lives.....not crazy ones.

They knew that about her when they elected her.
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.
It's something that real Christians understand. Satan is the "accuser of the brethren", so this guy, pastor or not, clearly serves him.
I called it first in that other thread. He's no Christian and certainly not Southern Baptist. Thanks for this follow up.
No you are not wrong. Here is something else to chew on....if Kim Davis ran for County Clerk again, and because of honesty in politics (chuckle) declared if elected, she would enforce the law based on what her new religion and her god said to do.

She'd win by a landslide.
Not if everyone saw how she was going to enforce the law based on HER religion. No previously divorced...not dressed modestly? No papers for you....children out of wedlock? Nope. They may be the bible belt but they live normal lives.....not crazy ones.

They knew that about her when they elected her.
How wonderful is it that it is becoming IMPOSSIBLE to find a distinction between the Western Ideological Left and Islam?
The left and Islam? No, what is obvious is that the American Taliban and the real Taliban have only two things not in common, one is their God and the other is their actual belief in their holy book. Given ten minutes you guys would be throwing the homos off the nearest tall roof. Only liberals like me stand on your way...

No Christian wants to throw a homo off of the roof, but the real Taliban would cut their head off. You stand in their way and they would cut off your head as well.
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.
It's something that real Christians understand. Satan is the "accuser of the brethren", so this guy, pastor or not, clearly serves him.
I called it first in that other thread. He's no Christian and certainly not Southern Baptist. Thanks for this follow up.

In every factual way he is a Christian. He is just not your type of Christian.
No you are not wrong. Here is something else to chew on....if Kim Davis ran for County Clerk again, and because of honesty in politics (chuckle) declared if elected, she would enforce the law based on what her new religion and her god said to do.

She'd win by a landslide.
Not if everyone saw how she was going to enforce the law based on HER religion. No previously divorced...not dressed modestly? No papers for you....children out of wedlock? Nope. They may be the bible belt but they live normal lives.....not crazy ones.

They knew that about her when they elected her.
How wonderful is it that it is becoming IMPOSSIBLE to find a distinction between the Western Ideological Left and Islam?
The left and Islam? No, what is obvious is that the American Taliban and the real Taliban have only two things not in common, one is their God and the other is their actual belief in their holy book. Given ten minutes you guys would be throwing the homos off the nearest tall roof. Only liberals like me stand on your way...

No Christian wants to throw a homo off of the roof, but the real Taliban would cut their head off. You stand in their way and they would cut off your head as well.
I stand in their way the same way that I stand in yours. And they hate me as much as you do.
Let me make the argument pithy, forceful, and clear. It is not possible for any Christian to upbraid another Christian for sins they were forgiven. Such blasphemy against the cross of Jesus cannot be uttered by recipients of mercy.

In his letter, this demonic person several times attacked Kim Davis for her BC life and thus made the unbiblical, unchristian argument that those made righteous by the blood of Christ cannot speak out against the wickedness of the world they forsook. If such were the case, no churches would have been started by St. Paul or any epistles written.

"Ye shall know them by their fruit" Jesus taught. Just because somebody calls themselves a pastor does not mean they're Christian. The former pastor of the Westboro Baptist church certainly wasn't.

And in this internet age, he probably is some loser in his mommy's basement calling himself a pastor because he started a blog that two other people follow.

Therefore his words mean nothing more than any other attack by hell bound reprobate heathens.

ov vey Goyim
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.
It's something that real Christians understand. Satan is the "accuser of the brethren", so this guy, pastor or not, clearly serves him.
I called it first in that other thread. He's no Christian and certainly not Southern Baptist. Thanks for this follow up.

Do you all have to share the same brain in order to be a Christian?
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.

Lassie gives 3 cheers to people dying in a mosque, but she clearly follows her Bible. After reading her postings, I'm convinced that only old white, racist, conservative, bigots are going to heaven. :)It's her job as a Christian tell others how to get there.
She's one of the best advertisers for people not to take religion seriously.

Like you do?
I'm not trying to make people follow any religious rules in our secular laws. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of secular law. Not christian sharia.

Where in the Constitution does it say anything about marriage? The law you refer too was made by the Supreme Court and making law by the SC is unconstitutional. God's laws do not compare to sharia law.
The state provides a service for protection of property, inheritance, etc. That is the civil marriage license....if the state provides that service for one law-abiding, tax-paying group, they must provide it for all law-abiding, tax-paying groups. If not, why not?
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.
It's something that real Christians understand. Satan is the "accuser of the brethren", so this guy, pastor or not, clearly serves him.

The Bible warns of people like this one.
Actually it warns of those like you here. If I wanted to destroy Christianity, I'd hire you guys.

The Pastor, BTW, is correct, your ilk is not...

This Pastor is correct how?

Base it on the Word.
If PMH touched a Bible, his hands would burn.

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