Bachmann’s Husband Tied To ‘Pray Away The Gay Therapy’

It's getting very sad to watch how DESPERATE the liberals are getting. They know THEY ARE IN TROUBLE of their Dear Leader LOSING his THRONE in 2012..

they dig up stupid stupid shit and again are going after FAMILY MEMBERS just like they did with Palin.

You'd think they would be ashamed, but they don't have any when it comes to KEEPING their MASTERS in power.

I vote this thread one of the stupidest..AND a real YAWNER.

I figured out something here. You are either the dumbest person here or the hackiest. Seriously. Please, please, please deal with the matter at hand here.

Face the hypocrisy of THIS threads topic. Can you do that? This is a serious question, can you respond to this by addressing the OP.

Can you? If not, again, I say you are the dumbest person in here or the hackiest. good luck.

Can you ? And you are the last person to be calling anyone a hack. You contributed opinion, and emotion. no facts.
Many homosexuals are caught up in a vicious cycle of depraved sex, drugs and disease

Sadly, many only see suicide as their avenue of escape from this depraved lifestyle.

This type of aversion therapy is many times their last and only hope towards a normal life

I seldom agree with you, but you got this one exactly right. You do realize that the only ones arguing against prayer are gays, atheists and agnostics. We will pray for them when they get Aids.

Pray all you want to. I've got no problem with prayer. I DO have a problem with dangerous "conversion" therapy.

Emotion, opinion, no facts.
While it might not constitute fraud, isn't time to stop this dangerous therapy? We should certainly stop federal funding of this harmful "therapy".

I just think its dangerous when science or psychiatry becomes political. :/

Because then what else may we stop funding?

People walkin' into that clinic know what's coming.

Children brought in by their families don't have a choice.

There is ZERO science in this harmful therapy ( which has a success rate of less than 2%)

Opinion, zero facts.
It's getting very sad to watch how DESPERATE the liberals are getting. They know THEY ARE IN TROUBLE of their Dear Leader LOSING his THRONE in 2012..

they dig up stupid stupid shit and again are going after FAMILY MEMBERS just like they did with Palin.

You'd think they would be ashamed, but they don't have any when it comes to KEEPING their MASTERS in power.

I vote this thread one of the stupidest..AND a real YAWNER.

I am not a liberal, vote Republican and will raise a very large amount of $$ once again this year for Republican candidates state wide and nationally.
But it will not be for Michelle Badhmann and her kind. She is a liar and a fraud just like her husband. No doubt it is the Republican right wing kook religous right that they pander to as those folks are typically uneducated zombies that follow anyone and everyone that says Jeeezuuus.
We are tired of these morons. George Bush, a good Christian man, is telling everyone and anyone right now that backing these fringe lunatics against Obama will once again doom us.
Wake up Republicans. These frauds are nothing more than right wing extremists.

Emotion, opinion. Zero facts.
Sadly, I think this will raise her standing with "conservative" voters.

Oh brother, most people won't GIVE A SHIT about this, WE HAVE BIGGER PROBLEMS going on.
gawd you really need to take your names advice..

You're right.........we do have some big problems that need addressing.

So........tell me..........why is it that when the GOP campaigned on jobs and the economy, the first things they did was DOMA, abortion and crap like that?

I'm STILL waiting on Cantor and Boehner to start working on things other than right wing social engineering, and start working on jobs and the economy.

They ran on job creation. Can you name one thing they pushed since being in their positions that have ANYTHING to do with jobs? Of course not. If they actually crated jobs, it would help Obama and we cant have that. I swear, its that simple..

Run on job creations knowing they wont do shit about it..
get the position and not do shit about it.

They CANNOT create jobs as long as OBama is in office. ITS THAT SIMPLE. Party over country. Serious question here...would the dems do the same thing? Have they in the past. Ireally dont know.
It's getting very sad to watch how DESPERATE the liberals are getting. They know THEY ARE IN TROUBLE of their Dear Leader LOSING his THRONE in 2012..

they dig up stupid stupid shit and again are going after FAMILY MEMBERS just like they did with Palin.

You'd think they would be ashamed, but they don't have any when it comes to KEEPING their MASTERS in power.

I vote this thread one of the stupidest..AND a real YAWNER.

I figured out something here. You are either the dumbest person here or the hackiest. Seriously. Please, please, please deal with the matter at hand here.

Face the hypocrisy of THIS threads topic. Can you do that? This is a serious question, can you respond to this by addressing the OP.

Can you? If not, again, I say you are the dumbest person in here or the hackiest. good luck.

Can you ? And you are the last person to be calling anyone a hack. You contributed opinion, and emotion. no facts.

Fact is, I asked a question. Please try to keep up with the "facts". Thanks.



crazy bitch



It is my opinion (and the opinion of many others) that Ms. Bachmann is a crazy bitch.


Apparantly that is not good enough. You have to have a piece of paper from her head doctor proving this "fact". Opinions, no matter how obvious, are not good enough for this idiot.
As much as I hate Bachmann's homophobia, don't you think it is bad policy to be making fun of a major faith group in the US? Some of them vote.
While it might not constitute fraud, isn't time to stop this dangerous therapy? We should certainly stop federal funding of this harmful "therapy".

I just think its dangerous when science or psychiatry becomes political. :/

Because then what else may we stop funding?

People walkin' into that clinic know what's coming.

Children brought in by their families don't have a choice.

There is ZERO science in this harmful therapy ( which has a success rate of less than 2%)
The Soviets controlled their mental heath fields.

You want to take individual choice away because you don't like it.

Heaven help us all from the morons who want to make choices for others.
I'm reminded of the mess I was subjected to when people tried to correct me from being left-handed to being right-handed. They finally gave up and soon learned that it just doesn't matter.

It matters to the right wing.

If they can prove it's a "choice", they think that gives them an "out" from their nasty, disgusting bigotry.

Even if homosexuality is a choice, I don't see that it matters. Christianity is a choice. Smoking cigarettes is a choice. Wearing a swimsuit in winter or wearing a jacket in summer is a choice.
I like to ask people who are heterosexual, who claim sexuality is a choice, if it was a difficult choice for them when they chose the opposite sex.
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