Bachmann’s Husband Tied To ‘Pray Away The Gay Therapy’


It is my opinion (and the opinion of many others) that Ms. Bachmann is a crazy bitch.


Apparantly that is not good enough. You have to have a piece of paper from her head doctor proving this "fact". Opinions, no matter how obvious, are not good enough for this idiot.

Cant stomach Chris Mathews. He is about political stoogerey, and not facts. Another weak poster put the same video up already. Still no facts to speak of. Typical.
It matters to the right wing.

If they can prove it's a "choice", they think that gives them an "out" from their nasty, disgusting bigotry.

Even if homosexuality is a choice, I don't see that it matters. Christianity is a choice. Smoking cigarettes is a choice. Wearing a swimsuit in winter or wearing a jacket in summer is a choice.
I like to ask people who are heterosexual, who claim sexuality is a choice, if it was a difficult choice for them when they chose the opposite sex.

Nope. It just comes naturally.


It is my opinion (and the opinion of many others) that Ms. Bachmann is a crazy bitch.


Apparantly that is not good enough. You have to have a piece of paper from her head doctor proving this "fact". Opinions, no matter how obvious, are not good enough for this idiot.

No. A simple post with evidence that shows he took federal money to prey the gay away. Looks like I am still waiting. you quote thrill up my leg Matthiew's and I'm the idiot ? You lost. Move on.
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I figured out something here. You are either the dumbest person here or the hackiest. Seriously. Please, please, please deal with the matter at hand here.

Face the hypocrisy of THIS threads topic. Can you do that? This is a serious question, can you respond to this by addressing the OP.

Can you? If not, again, I say you are the dumbest person in here or the hackiest. good luck.

Can you ? And you are the last person to be calling anyone a hack. You contributed opinion, and emotion. no facts.

Fact is, I asked a question. Please try to keep up with the "facts". Thanks.

Emotion, opinion, no facts.


Student recounts painful conversion therapy, abuse

The Dangers of Conversion Therapy

Vowing to Set the World Straight; Proponents of Reparative Therapy Say They Can Help Gay Patients Become Heterosexual. Experts Call That a Prescription for Harm

Position Statement of the America Psychiatric Association

The 'Sissy Boy' Experiment: Why Gender-Related Cases Call for Scientists' Humility

[ame=""]Part One - The Sissy Box Experiment[/ame]

Largely Unsuccessful

From the available data, four studies reported a "success" rate during conversion therapy of 0.4%, 0.0%, 0.5 and 0.04%. That is, conversion therapy has a failure rate in excess of 99.5% during each study. Considering the anecdotal data which indicates a large percentage of extremely depressed and suicidal clients emerging from conversion therapy, it would appear that this form of therapy is worthless. It my well result in the death by suicide of more gays and lesbians than it "converts" to a heterosexual orientation. Unfortunately, we cannot be certain of this. The quality of the studies is extremely poor.

Jack Drescher is a New York psychiatrist and chairperson of the American Psychiatric Association's committee on gay, lesbian and bisexual issues told a Washington Post reporter in 2005: "There are probably a small number of people with some flexibility in their sexual identity who can change. Out of the hundreds of gay men I've treated, I've had one." If we assume that his term "sexual identity" is a synonym for "sexual orientation," and that Dr. Drescher has treated 200 gay men, then he would seem to estimate that about 99.5% of gay men have a fixed sexual orientation, and that only about 0.5% can change their orientation.

Reparative therapy & transformational ministries - Estimates of success rates
Emotion, opinion, no facts.


Student recounts painful conversion therapy, abuse

The Dangers of Conversion Therapy

Vowing to Set the World Straight; Proponents of Reparative Therapy Say They Can Help Gay Patients Become Heterosexual. Experts Call That a Prescription for Harm

Position Statement of the America Psychiatric Association

The 'Sissy Boy' Experiment: Why Gender-Related Cases Call for Scientists' Humility

[ame=""]Part One - The Sissy Box Experiment[/ame]

Largely Unsuccessful

From the available data, four studies reported a "success" rate during conversion therapy of 0.4%, 0.0%, 0.5 and 0.04%. That is, conversion therapy has a failure rate in excess of 99.5% during each study. Considering the anecdotal data which indicates a large percentage of extremely depressed and suicidal clients emerging from conversion therapy, it would appear that this form of therapy is worthless. It my well result in the death by suicide of more gays and lesbians than it "converts" to a heterosexual orientation. Unfortunately, we cannot be certain of this. The quality of the studies is extremely poor.

Jack Drescher is a New York psychiatrist and chairperson of the American Psychiatric Association's committee on gay, lesbian and bisexual issues told a Washington Post reporter in 2005: "There are probably a small number of people with some flexibility in their sexual identity who can change. Out of the hundreds of gay men I've treated, I've had one." If we assume that his term "sexual identity" is a synonym for "sexual orientation," and that Dr. Drescher has treated 200 gay men, then he would seem to estimate that about 99.5% of gay men have a fixed sexual orientation, and that only about 0.5% can change their orientation.

Reparative therapy & transformational ministries - Estimates of success rates

Opinion. I can post the opposite from the other side. In this post, scandal was implied. None has been reviled. Try harder.
Emotion, opinion, no facts.


Student recounts painful conversion therapy, abuse

The Dangers of Conversion Therapy

Vowing to Set the World Straight; Proponents of Reparative Therapy Say They Can Help Gay Patients Become Heterosexual. Experts Call That a Prescription for Harm

Position Statement of the America Psychiatric Association

The 'Sissy Boy' Experiment: Why Gender-Related Cases Call for Scientists' Humility

[ame=""]Part One - The Sissy Box Experiment[/ame]

Largely Unsuccessful

From the available data, four studies reported a "success" rate during conversion therapy of 0.4%, 0.0%, 0.5 and 0.04%. That is, conversion therapy has a failure rate in excess of 99.5% during each study. Considering the anecdotal data which indicates a large percentage of extremely depressed and suicidal clients emerging from conversion therapy, it would appear that this form of therapy is worthless. It my well result in the death by suicide of more gays and lesbians than it "converts" to a heterosexual orientation. Unfortunately, we cannot be certain of this. The quality of the studies is extremely poor.

Jack Drescher is a New York psychiatrist and chairperson of the American Psychiatric Association's committee on gay, lesbian and bisexual issues told a Washington Post reporter in 2005: "There are probably a small number of people with some flexibility in their sexual identity who can change. Out of the hundreds of gay men I've treated, I've had one." If we assume that his term "sexual identity" is a synonym for "sexual orientation," and that Dr. Drescher has treated 200 gay men, then he would seem to estimate that about 99.5% of gay men have a fixed sexual orientation, and that only about 0.5% can change their orientation.

Reparative therapy & transformational ministries - Estimates of success rates

Opinion. I can post the opposite from the other side. In this post, scandal was implied. None has been reviled. Try harder.

What is it you are citing as opinion? There are plenty of facts in the links as well as the actual experiences of those that had this dangerous therapy practiced on them. Not to mention there are plenty of additional sources in the provided links. I really can't do ALL the work for you.

In what post was scandal implied?

I believe I've already stated that it is unlikely that fraud occurred, but I would like to see this dangerous practice banned altogether just as we have other dangerous therapies like shock treatment.

If we can regulate that no Federal funds go towards abortion, I have no problem doing the same for dangerous therapies like those practiced by the Bachmann Clinic.

By all means, provide your information from the "other" side. I'll bet I can counter them with more actual facts. Just an "FYI", there is nothing resembling a peer reviewed study that has ever come out of NARTH ;)

Rekers Resigns from NARTH Following Rentboy Scandal

Statement of Apology by Former Exodus Leaders
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Student recounts painful conversion therapy, abuse

The Dangers of Conversion Therapy

Vowing to Set the World Straight; Proponents of Reparative Therapy Say They Can Help Gay Patients Become Heterosexual. Experts Call That a Prescription for Harm

Position Statement of the America Psychiatric Association

The 'Sissy Boy' Experiment: Why Gender-Related Cases Call for Scientists' Humility

Part One - The Sissy Box Experiment

Largely Unsuccessful

From the available data, four studies reported a "success" rate during conversion therapy of 0.4%, 0.0%, 0.5 and 0.04%. That is, conversion therapy has a failure rate in excess of 99.5% during each study. Considering the anecdotal data which indicates a large percentage of extremely depressed and suicidal clients emerging from conversion therapy, it would appear that this form of therapy is worthless. It my well result in the death by suicide of more gays and lesbians than it "converts" to a heterosexual orientation. Unfortunately, we cannot be certain of this. The quality of the studies is extremely poor.

Jack Drescher is a New York psychiatrist and chairperson of the American Psychiatric Association's committee on gay, lesbian and bisexual issues told a Washington Post reporter in 2005: "There are probably a small number of people with some flexibility in their sexual identity who can change. Out of the hundreds of gay men I've treated, I've had one." If we assume that his term "sexual identity" is a synonym for "sexual orientation," and that Dr. Drescher has treated 200 gay men, then he would seem to estimate that about 99.5% of gay men have a fixed sexual orientation, and that only about 0.5% can change their orientation.

Reparative therapy & transformational ministries - Estimates of success rates

Opinion. I can post the opposite from the other side. In this post, scandal was implied. None has been reviled. Try harder.

What is it you are citing as opinion? There are plenty of facts in the links as well as the actual experiences of those that had this dangerous therapy practiced on them. Not to mention there are plenty of additional sources in the provided links. I really can't do ALL the work for you.

In what post, scandal was implied?

I believe I've already stated that it is unlikely that fraud occurred, but I would like to see this dangerous practice banned altogether just as we have other dangerous therapies like shock treatment.

If we can regulate that no Federal funds go towards abortion, I have no problem doing the same for dangerous therapies like those practiced by the Bachmann Clinic.

By all means, provide your information from the "other" side. I'll bet I can counter them with more actual facts. Just an "FYI", there is nothing resembling a peer reviewed study that has ever come out of NARTH ;)

Rekers Resigns from NARTH Following Rentboy Scandal

Statement of Apology by Former Exodus Leaders
Look, you authoritarian psycho. We don't just 'ban' things willy nilly because some hysterical idiot screams bloody murder about how she doesn't like it.
Look, you authoritarian psycho. We don't just 'ban' things willy nilly because some hysterical idiot screams bloody murder about how she doesn't like it.

No, dick for brains, we ban things that are dangerous and harmful. Lobotomies on minors are prohibited. This type of therapy should be as well.

If an ADULT, voluntarily signs up for this crap...whatever, their choice to be fucked up...kinda like a voluntary lobotomy, but this therapy is dangerous and should not be practiced on anyone under 18, period.
Opinion. I can post the opposite from the other side. In this post, scandal was implied. None has been reviled. Try harder.

What is it you are citing as opinion? There are plenty of facts in the links as well as the actual experiences of those that had this dangerous therapy practiced on them. Not to mention there are plenty of additional sources in the provided links. I really can't do ALL the work for you.

In what post, scandal was implied?

I believe I've already stated that it is unlikely that fraud occurred, but I would like to see this dangerous practice banned altogether just as we have other dangerous therapies like shock treatment.

If we can regulate that no Federal funds go towards abortion, I have no problem doing the same for dangerous therapies like those practiced by the Bachmann Clinic.

By all means, provide your information from the "other" side. I'll bet I can counter them with more actual facts. Just an "FYI", there is nothing resembling a peer reviewed study that has ever come out of NARTH ;)

Rekers Resigns from NARTH Following Rentboy Scandal

Statement of Apology by Former Exodus Leaders
Look, you authoritarian psycho. We don't just 'ban' things willy nilly because some hysterical idiot screams bloody murder about how she doesn't like it.

No, but medical treatment that is known to be ineffective and harmful should certainly be banned. As an interesting aside, look up why the procedure "hysterectomy" is called that. Ever wonder why the prefix is "hysteria"? It is certainly a valid medical procedure now, but look at why it was initially preformed.

Other than the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association condemning this silllyness, what more do we need?

If Bachmann wants to sell this snake oil bullshit, he should be able too. However, he shouldn't be able to do it under the guise of being a Mental Health Professional. He hasn't broke the law, as Minnesota has lax regulations on this. I would hope they would fix that.
10 and 1/2 min is to long to watch Chris Matthews. Hanity says different should I take his word for it ? Come on man.

If you would have even bothered to click the link, you would have seen the video in the first few minutes.

You obviously are simply going to ignore realities that conflict with your opinion.

That makes you a dull poster and a waste of time.

Again, Bachmann and Associates recieved $160,000 (at least) in medicaid funding.

That's federal funding (the same that Bachmann opposes) to practise a bunch of quackery. If they were a ministry and the money came from a different source, I would feel different. However, they claim to be a health care facility and the money came from the government.

Thy hypocrisy is ripe. I would venture to bet that was state Medicaid money too. Perhaps one of Michelle's buddies in the MN state legislature budgit committee kicked her some dough?
What is it you are citing as opinion? There are plenty of facts in the links as well as the actual experiences of those that had this dangerous therapy practiced on them. Not to mention there are plenty of additional sources in the provided links. I really can't do ALL the work for you.

In what post, scandal was implied?

I believe I've already stated that it is unlikely that fraud occurred, but I would like to see this dangerous practice banned altogether just as we have other dangerous therapies like shock treatment.

If we can regulate that no Federal funds go towards abortion, I have no problem doing the same for dangerous therapies like those practiced by the Bachmann Clinic.

By all means, provide your information from the "other" side. I'll bet I can counter them with more actual facts. Just an "FYI", there is nothing resembling a peer reviewed study that has ever come out of NARTH ;)

Rekers Resigns from NARTH Following Rentboy Scandal

Statement of Apology by Former Exodus Leaders
Look, you authoritarian psycho. We don't just 'ban' things willy nilly because some hysterical idiot screams bloody murder about how she doesn't like it.

No, but medical treatment that is known to be ineffective and harmful should certainly be banned. As an interesting aside, look up why the procedure "hysterectomy" is called that. Ever wonder why the prefix is "hysteria"? It is certainly a valid medical procedure now, but look at why it was initially preformed.

Other than the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association condemning this silllyness, what more do we need?

If Bachmann wants to sell this snake oil bullshit, he should be able too. However, he shouldn't be able to do it under the guise of being a Mental Health Professional. He hasn't broke the law, as Minnesota has lax regulations on this. I would hope they would fix that.

Is this procedure banned in any of the 50 states?
Look, you authoritarian psycho. We don't just 'ban' things willy nilly because some hysterical idiot screams bloody murder about how she doesn't like it.

No, but medical treatment that is known to be ineffective and harmful should certainly be banned. As an interesting aside, look up why the procedure "hysterectomy" is called that. Ever wonder why the prefix is "hysteria"? It is certainly a valid medical procedure now, but look at why it was initially preformed.

Other than the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association condemning this silllyness, what more do we need?

If Bachmann wants to sell this snake oil bullshit, he should be able too. However, he shouldn't be able to do it under the guise of being a Mental Health Professional. He hasn't broke the law, as Minnesota has lax regulations on this. I would hope they would fix that.

Is this procedure banned in any of the 50 states?

Which procedure?
No, but medical treatment that is known to be ineffective and harmful should certainly be banned. As an interesting aside, look up why the procedure "hysterectomy" is called that. Ever wonder why the prefix is "hysteria"? It is certainly a valid medical procedure now, but look at why it was initially preformed.

Other than the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association condemning this silllyness, what more do we need?

If Bachmann wants to sell this snake oil bullshit, he should be able too. However, he shouldn't be able to do it under the guise of being a Mental Health Professional. He hasn't broke the law, as Minnesota has lax regulations on this. I would hope they would fix that.

Is this procedure banned in any of the 50 states?

Which procedure?

The subject of the thread is pray away the gay or Conversion Therapy.
Is this procedure banned in any of the 50 states?

Which procedure?

The subject of the thread is pray away the gay or Conversion Therapy.

Oh. Technically therapy is not a "procedure" so I wasn't sure if you were talking about that or hysterectomies (which are procedures).

I don't know if it's banned in any of the 50 states. I don't think it should necessarily be banned, I just don't think it should be offered under the auspices of "treatment" by a mental health professional. As I noted, other states have much more stringent standards then Minnesota. I've never heard of a licensed mental health professional using it in my state, but that is anecdotal.

If a religious person is troubled spiritually by their sexual orientation and they believe prayer will be beneficial to them and seek the help of the ministry, that's completely different. I have no problem with that. I have a problem with someone claiming to be a healthcare professional and using treatment that is viewed as utter bullshit by the field.

Would it be reasonable for a Physician to use prayer as the sole means of treating meningitis? I assure you there is not billing code for prayer that a physician can use. (Maybe chaplains can though).
Bachmann’s husband again tied to ‘pray away the gay therapy’ caught on video | Washington Blade - America's Leading Gay News Source

ABC News has picked up an undercover video from LGBT-activist Wayen Besen’s TruthWinsOut of a counselor recommending prayer to “treat” homosexuality last month at the counseling practice of Michele Bachmann’s husband Marcus Bachmann.

The Bachmanns have denied patients have been counseled in such ways, but the video and the growing chorus of former patients coming out claiming to have been “treated” in this manner for their homosexuality by the Bachmann clinic.

In response, the Human Rights Campaign—which has already endorsed President Barack Obama for re-election in 2012—has launched a petition demanding GOP Presidential candidates sign a pledge disavowing dangerous “ex-gay” therapy, which major American mental-health groups from the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association and more have denounced as extremely harmful to patients.

And in other news "Who really gives a rats ass".

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