Atlanta Fire Chief Fired for Writing Christian Book

That's inaccurate's the contents of the book being objected to. If he was distributing a cookbook this would not be an issue

Right. Distributing a cookbook wouldn't be workplace harassment. Distributing bigotry is.

I feel like you guys have never worked in an office or something. You know a manager can't go up to people that report to them and call them "perverts" or whatever because they're gay, right? Of course you know that. So what's the confusion? Just because he wrote it down instead of saying it out loud?
...Gay people do not perform any sexual acts that are not done by straight couples. I understand its icky to you, and that you use God to justify your bigoted views, but if you take those to work and make them known, there's a good chance you will also be fired.
That will last only while the Gay Mafia has a stranglehold on American politics... a state of affairs that may change in the not-too-distant future.
It's refreshing to hear you commit to that statement.
So, no one should be fired for their religious or sexual orientation.
Great !

Do you believe this emphatically?

From the Washington Post

Cochran wrote: “Uncleanness — whatever is opposite of purity; including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, all other forms of sexual perversion.”

In another section, Cochran wrote that “naked men refuse to give in, so they pursue sexual fulfillment through multiple partners, with the opposite sex, the same sex and sex outside of marriage and many other vile, vulgar and inappropriate ways which defile their body-temple and dishonor God.”

The mayor’s administration learned about the book after employees complained about it last week.

Although the mayor’s decision to suspend Cochran seems to focus on Cochran’s comments about LGBT people, along with complaints about the chief distributing materials to employees,

I wonder how long I would keep my job if I were to hand out books to employees saying all Christian Righties are going to hell? LOL!

How about nobody loses their job for their private viewpoints and the practice of their faith?

That's the "liberalism" that defined this country to begin with.
Yes. It's your commitment to constitutional liberty in question, not mine.

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