Ask A Schizophrenic

I am a diagnosed schizophrenic.

Ask me nearly anything and I’ll respond. I won’t be offended.

The purpose of this thread is to clear up any misunderstandings about mental illness.

The mental health crisis is a national security issue.

I’m ready to do my part, to help fix the problem.

Ask away.

At what age were you dx? I hear the common age is teens/20s?
Many schizophrenics that are on medication will behave so normally that they either think they no longer need medication, or there was a mistake and they never needed it.

My roommate imagined we were in a relationship since we shared living space. He would imagine we were building a life together. He was cured and stop taking his meds. I'd come home to find disarray and him in a catatonic break.

I instantly thought of that movie "As Good As It Gets", where the guy goes back on his meds to keep the girl.

I think this happens a lot to bipolar people too. They feel better and go off their meds, thinking they don't need it. Heck, I even fell prey to that with my migraine maintenance med. I was able to cut it down by 75% but when I went off it completely, migraine city
I am a diagnosed schizophrenic.

Ask me nearly anything and I’ll respond. I won’t be offended.

The purpose of this thread is to clear up any misunderstandings about mental illness.

The mental health crisis is a national security issue.

I’m ready to do my part, to help fix the problem.

Ask away.
Does this require to vote for Joe Biden again?
I instantly thought of that movie "As Good As It Gets", where the guy goes back on his meds to keep the girl.

Jack Nicholson's character was PERFECT in the beginning of the movie. He gave it all up for a girl. Even worse, he gave it up for Helen Hunt!

While there are many causes for homelessness, mental illness is one of them.

How do we solve the homeless problem?
Getting them off the streets, is the number one priority, I think.

I do my part. I never give money to the homeless. If a homeless person asks me for money, I will write down the phone numbers for Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous and hand it to them. One guy, six months later, came up to me and thanked me for saving his life. He had a job and apartment - and was sober, most importantly.

So, generally speaking, pouring more money into helping the situation is a bad idea - in my opinion. If we all do our part, maybe things would get better.
Are the voices in your head hot and sexy, or evil voices?
It’s not what people generally think.

When that symptom appears, it’s more like a million thoughts going through my head at once. Racing thoughts, in other words. Rare, for me, these days.
How does that affect your daily life? Can you work, can you maintain relationships, that sorta stuff.
Excellent question.

I’ve held a steady part-time job for ten years now. I was told by my medical team, a long time ago, to stay part-time indefinitely.

Relationships are more complicated. I have plenty of friends. I generally don’t tell them about my disability. Intimate relationships are a different story. Whenever I, out of fairness, tell a girl about my disability? They run away and break off the relationship.

No one seems to want to date a schizophrenic for very long. LOL - that’s more or less because of what people see in movies, tv and the media. Lots of misinformation out there.
Did you have a period of heavy drug or hallucinatory chemical use, prior to a schizophrenic diagnosis?
No, I was never into that scene. I‘m also not the biggest fan of drug induced psychosis.
I had a roommate that was schizophrenic. He was highly intelligent. I foolishly thought that he would stay on his medication. Alas, he did not and I threw him out.
High IQ is one diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia. Medication compliance is very important for severe cases. You did what you needed to do.
I was going to say.

OK. Something I've always wondered about: Why cannot iron be further processed into heavier elements via nucleosynthesis in the heart of a main sequence star?
I guess the iron can’t stand the heat long enough, so it stays out of the kitchen. : - )
Does this require to vote for Joe Biden again?
I actually voted for Trump in both 2016 and 2020. If I vote for Biden, it will be the first time I will vote Democrat in 30 years.

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