As " The Worm Turns " -


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Somewhat a noveau riche adaptation of an old
Network TV* Soap.I coulda said a New version of how to putsch
some wonky woke mentality to influence the masses.Like the TV
soaps tried for decades.
Now instead watching TV soaps ... americans are consumed with
their Devices { iPhones,tablets and what have you }.In fact,going to
the movies { in a theatre is becoming jaded }.Who'd a thunk.
But Life also used to be a bowl of cherries.Or whatever sugary cereal
was on TV.I see where cartoons are now almost a thing of the past.
Like it's too Retro or Old Fashioned.Plus if there were talented
cartoonist they'd be pressured to make sure and feature Trump as some
nefarious villain like Snidely Whiplash.Only with Orange hair and an
orange mustache.Where Hollywood types control all aspects of
production in said cartoons.
I gots a better idea'r.Why not make cartoon characters out of
Leftist Movie stars.Just for the heck of it.I mean,this used to be
The Land of the Brave and home of the Free.
Now the only thing that's free is making sure to vote just
one party OR ELSE.Face the ramifications.Two-Tier Justice is here folks.
The dems saw to that.In fact,about 1,080 January 6th " Insurrectionists "
managed to get locked up.Many/Most still awaiting Bail or a court hearing.
PLus calls by Them scummy Democrats to hunt down and lock up another
1,ooo January 6th americans.I guess for good measure.
Whose good measure.There ain't a cartoon character that would
cotton that crap.Because That Ain't America.
What there need be is a Duty on Hypocrisy and a tax on
" I say,I say ... That's a Joke,son! "

- As the World Turns -.
If S'not for Thee
i COULD.jpg

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