As Ice Age ended, greenhouse gas rise was lead factor in melting of Earth's glaciers


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
As Ice Age ended, greenhouse gas rise was lead factor in melting of Earth's glaciers
A fresh look at some old rocks has solved a crucial mystery of the last Ice Age, yielding an important new finding that connects to the global retreat of glaciers caused by climate change today, according to a new study by a team of climate scientists.

For decades, researchers examining the glacial meltdown that ended 11,000 years ago took into account a number of contributing factors, particularly regional influences such as solar radiation, ice sheets and ocean currents.

But a reexamination of more than 1,000 previously studied glacial boulders has produced a more accurate timetable for the pre-historic meltdown and pinpoints the rise in carbon dioxide - then naturally occurring - as the primary driving factor in the simultaneous global retreat of glaciers at the close of the last Ice Age, the researchers report in the journal Nature Communications.

Read more at:

More proof supporting the green house effect for the warming.
Oh goody, yet more Shakun malarkey. He's good at peddling BS that's for sure!
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.
Oh goody, yet more Shakun malarkey. He's good at peddling BS that's for sure!

Actually, this post is on point. However, it is deceptively misleading, in that, climate change via CO2 is caused by cosmic rays, not AGW. Any CO2 caused by man is a drop in the bucket compared to the cosmic rays which are affecting the rest of the solar system.

Again, this is the elites, telling the truth, but spreading misinformation inside truthful information.

Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.
They don't think this will destroy the planet, just humanity and many species.
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.
They don't think this will destroy the planet, just humanity and many species.

Actually we KNOW it won't. Throughout history the facts are that when it has been warm the planet has blossomed. This is a FACT. At no time has any disaster the elitist sheep bleat about occurred when it was MUCH warmer in the past.
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.
They don't think this will destroy the planet, just humanity and many species.

Actually we KNOW it won't. Throughout history the facts are that when it has been warm the planet has blossomed. This is a FACT. At no time has any disaster the elitist sheep bleat about occurred when it was MUCH warmer in the past.
The earth had plenty of time to adjust then. The fear is if AGW is real, then this time it won't. Or should I say, WE won't and neither will many species of plants and animals.
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.
They don't think this will destroy the planet, just humanity and many species.
Fuck humanity s0n. We are overpopulated 10 times more as would be reasonable for sustainability. These GW fuckers know that but are afraid to say it or want to push a totalitarian agenda. We cannot produce with all our farting and industry combined so much methane as "nature" does by herself. We cannot fart enough in thousand years as a volcanic eruption does in one big fart going on for weeks.
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.
They don't think this will destroy the planet, just humanity and many species.

Actually we KNOW it won't. Throughout history the facts are that when it has been warm the planet has blossomed. This is a FACT. At no time has any disaster the elitist sheep bleat about occurred when it was MUCH warmer in the past.
The earth had plenty of time to adjust then. The fear is if AGW is real, then this time it won't. Or should I say, WE won't and neither will many species of plants and animals.

Bullpuckey. The Holocene Thermal Maximum occurred faster than this current warming is occurring. There are MANY examples in the last 50,000 years of rapid climate change happening. The only ones that led to mass deaths were cold related...

"There are many other examples of abrupt climate change in the last 50,000 years, which bear the rather cryptic names of Heinrich, and Dansgaard/Oeschger events. The picture below (figure 2) shows where Dansgaard/Oeschger (DO) events have been recorded. More details on those are provided on this link."

Two examples of abrupt climate change
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.

It's not a matter of destroying the earth. It's a matter of destroying our ability to exist upon it.
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.

It's not a matter of destroying the earth. It's a matter of destroying our ability to exist upon it.
It seems like libtards are afraid of going extinct. I personally do not fear death. I do not seek it nor do I tempt fate but if it comes I am good with it, I think.
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.

It's not a matter of destroying the earth. It's a matter of destroying our ability to exist upon it.

Feel free to present some actual factual data that warmth is a problem. There is LOADS of evidence that shows warmth to be beneficial to all life.

Here is a more recent paper showing that increased warmth leads to greater plant growth in urban environments.

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

There are THOUSANDS of papers that show warmth is better than cold. You should look up a few rather than parrot what the elitists tell you to.
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.

It's not a matter of destroying the earth. It's a matter of destroying our ability to exist upon it.

Feel free to present some actual factual data that warmth is a problem. There is LOADS of evidence that shows warmth to be beneficial to all life.

Here is a more recent paper showing that increased warmth leads to greater plant growth in urban environments.

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

There are THOUSANDS of papers that show warmth is better than cold. You should look up a few rather than parrot what the elitists tell you to.

And yet, as the jet-stream becomes more distorted, the more extreme cold we have in the northern half of this country in the winters. To say nothing of the extreme heat events that we've had this summer. It's only a matter of time before our conventional food crops are disrupted catastrophically.
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.

It's not a matter of destroying the earth. It's a matter of destroying our ability to exist upon it.

Feel free to present some actual factual data that warmth is a problem. There is LOADS of evidence that shows warmth to be beneficial to all life.

Here is a more recent paper showing that increased warmth leads to greater plant growth in urban environments.

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

There are THOUSANDS of papers that show warmth is better than cold. You should look up a few rather than parrot what the elitists tell you to.

And yet, as the jet-stream becomes more distorted, the more extreme cold we have in the northern half of this country in the winters. To say nothing of the extreme heat events that we've had this summer. It's only a matter of time before our conventional food crops are disrupted catastrophically.

What extreme heat events? The MAJORITY of the US has been cooler than average. The horse crap being spewed about this being the warmest July in history if stupid beyond belief.
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.

It's not a matter of destroying the earth. It's a matter of destroying our ability to exist upon it.

Feel free to present some actual factual data that warmth is a problem. There is LOADS of evidence that shows warmth to be beneficial to all life.

Here is a more recent paper showing that increased warmth leads to greater plant growth in urban environments.

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

There are THOUSANDS of papers that show warmth is better than cold. You should look up a few rather than parrot what the elitists tell you to.

And yet, as the jet-stream becomes more distorted, the more extreme cold we have in the northern half of this country in the winters. To say nothing of the extreme heat events that we've had this summer. It's only a matter of time before our conventional food crops are disrupted catastrophically.
Maybe it has to do something with your condom costume you are wearing. Get rid of it an you will feel the summer breeze...
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.

It's not a matter of destroying the earth. It's a matter of destroying our ability to exist upon it.

Feel free to present some actual factual data that warmth is a problem. There is LOADS of evidence that shows warmth to be beneficial to all life.

Here is a more recent paper showing that increased warmth leads to greater plant growth in urban environments.

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

There are THOUSANDS of papers that show warmth is better than cold. You should look up a few rather than parrot what the elitists tell you to.

And yet, as the jet-stream becomes more distorted, the more extreme cold we have in the northern half of this country in the winters. To say nothing of the extreme heat events that we've had this summer. It's only a matter of time before our conventional food crops are disrupted catastrophically.

What extreme heat events? The MAJORITY of the US has been cooler than average. The horse crap being spewed about this being the warmest July in history if stupid beyond belief.

Well I live in Spokane, WA, and our June and July had more record highs than ever in recorded history. Now that the forests here have been kiln-dried, practically this whole side of the state is on fire. And for some of us, that does affect our immediate prospects for survival. Yesterday the air quality index was over 300 for hours.
Go land on venus and tell me about warmth always being good. (S/) Of course, for 90% of our planets history we were warming then today but as we were warmer the oceans were also 200-300 feet higher. This wouldn't be good for civilization. This is simply the case because most of our infrastructure is within 300 miles of the ocean. Can we agree on that westwall?
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.

It's not a matter of destroying the earth. It's a matter of destroying our ability to exist upon it.

Feel free to present some actual factual data that warmth is a problem. There is LOADS of evidence that shows warmth to be beneficial to all life.

Here is a more recent paper showing that increased warmth leads to greater plant growth in urban environments.

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

There are THOUSANDS of papers that show warmth is better than cold. You should look up a few rather than parrot what the elitists tell you to.

And yet, as the jet-stream becomes more distorted, the more extreme cold we have in the northern half of this country in the winters. To say nothing of the extreme heat events that we've had this summer. It's only a matter of time before our conventional food crops are disrupted catastrophically.

What extreme heat events? The MAJORITY of the US has been cooler than average. The horse crap being spewed about this being the warmest July in history if stupid beyond belief.

Well I live in Spokane, WA, and our June and July had more record highs than ever in recorded history. Now that the forests here have been kiln-dried, practically this whole side of the state is on fire. And for some of us, that does affect our immediate prospects for survival. Yesterday the air quality index was over 300 for hours.
Matt… WE ARE an integral part of EARTH. We cannot destroy Her. She will destroy us when our parasitic existence threatens Her existence. In our bodies, when harmful bacteria reaches a level of intolerance, our body rejects them by killing them. Now we have the aid of advanced medicine to hasten that process. You GW fuckers give too much credit to yourselves thinking that we can destroy our planet. Even if humanity goes extinct… Earth will live on.

It's not a matter of destroying the earth. It's a matter of destroying our ability to exist upon it.

Feel free to present some actual factual data that warmth is a problem. There is LOADS of evidence that shows warmth to be beneficial to all life.

Here is a more recent paper showing that increased warmth leads to greater plant growth in urban environments.

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings

There are THOUSANDS of papers that show warmth is better than cold. You should look up a few rather than parrot what the elitists tell you to.

And yet, as the jet-stream becomes more distorted, the more extreme cold we have in the northern half of this country in the winters. To say nothing of the extreme heat events that we've had this summer. It's only a matter of time before our conventional food crops are disrupted catastrophically.

What extreme heat events? The MAJORITY of the US has been cooler than average. The horse crap being spewed about this being the warmest July in history if stupid beyond belief.

Well I live in Spokane, WA, and our June and July had more record highs than ever in recorded history. Now that the forests here have been kiln-dried, practically this whole side of the state is on fire. And for some of us, that does affect our immediate prospects for survival. Yesterday the air quality index was over 300 for hours.

BFD. I live in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and this is the first year in almost 40 that we haven't had a day over 100 degree's. Hell, the closest we've come is 98 degree's. Just like you the forests here are kiln dried, and thanks to environmentalist asshats, the whole Tahoe basin is a time bomb waiting to go off. There has already been one inferno in South Lake that was exacerbated due to enviro nutjobs preventing forest floor clearance. Get used to it, you'll no doubt get to enjoy even more fires.

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