Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
We even had an OP today saying - paraphrase - "Gee, Trump must got something we don't know about".. "It can't be as bad as it looks.
Maybe true, but not for the USA, for Trumpov.
Such as him saving ZTE in exchange for Chinese buddies financing his $500 Mil Indonesia Project.
And the Chinese were the absent Elephant in the Room.
So Trumpov got the HUGE attention he wanted, and eventually perhaps the 'Trump Pyongyang Hotel and Golf Club.'
Otherwise it's still 2-0 Kim.
Legitimacy they wanted for 30 years, and ending war games.

The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea
The Singapore statement pales even in comparison with the interim, preliminary Iran deal signed by the U.S. and other world powers in 2013.
BORZOU DARAGAHI - 06.12.18 - 2:13 PM ET
The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea

ISTANBUL — One was the result of 12 years of painstaking negotiations over two U.S. presidential administrations and three changes of government on the other side, with the U.N. Security Council, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and leaders from the capitals of half a dozen countries actively involved.
The other was hammered out by two beefy guys with bad hair during the equivalent of a long layover in Singapore.
But the Singapore statement, which has been praised by Trump supporters and conservative pundits on cable television, also pales dramatically in comparison to the interim deal that Iran, the U.S. and other world powers signed in 2013.

That four-page document, called the Joint Plan of Action and signed in Geneva on November 24, 2013, ultimately paved the way for the JCPOA, which arms control experts generally regarded as an imperfect but effective way of preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, but Trump repeatedly has called the “worst deal” ever.

Republicans hostile to Barack Obama blasted the Iran deal as appeasing a brutal regime. In contrast, pundits on Fox News lauded Trump for his diplomatic prowess in meeting with North Korea’s leader."..."​

Iran Deal Comparisons Cloud Trump's North Korea Summit
Trump's proclamations of historic success at his unprecedented summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have drawn unflattering comparisons to his rejection of the Iran nuclear deal.
June 13, 2018 - BY MATTHEW LE - AP Diplomatic Writer

(AP) President Donald Trump's triumphant assertions about the success of the unprecedented Singapore summit are being met with skepticism and outright derision from critics seizing on the contradiction between his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and his willingness to accept vague pledges from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
"While I am glad the president and Kim Jong Un were able to meet, it is difficult to determine what of concrete nature has occurred," said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He said he wanted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who will lead the follow-on negotiations, to explain details of what the administration has in mind.

The top Democrat on that panel, Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, who also opposed the Iran deal, took issue with Trump's zeal as well as his announcement of the suspension of U.S.-South Korea military exercises.
"In exchange for Selfies in Singapore, we have Undermined our maximum pressure policy and sanctions,"
Menendez said.

For Iran deal proponents, though, the Singapore summit was evidence of Trump's Lack of preparedness and poor negotiating skills. Iran deal opponents, meanwhile, seemed willing to wait and see."...​

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LOL Trump's win was way bigger and he mocked Obama's Iran deal while he was at it just for fun.
Um, Uh, Duh..

HOW was Trump's deal "a Win," especially compared to the Iran Deal?
I posted Two Links that said it wasn't.

Understand how discussion or debate works you ******* MORON?
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We even had an OP today saying - paraphrase - "Gee, Trump must got something we don't know about".. "It can't be as bad as it looks.
Maybe true, but not for the USA, for Trumpov.
Such as him saving ZTE in exchange for Chinese buddies financing his $500 Mil Indonesia Project.
And the Chinese were the absent Elephant in the Room.
So Trumpov HUGE attention he wanted, and eventually perhaps the 'Trump Pyongyang Hotel and Golf Club.'
Otherwise it's still 2-0 Kim.
Legitinacy they wanted for 30 years, and ending war games.

The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea
The Singapore statement pales even in comparison with the interim, preliminary Iran deal signed by the U.S. and other world powers in 2013.
BORZOU DARAGAHI - 06.12.18 - 2:13 PM ET
The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea

ISTANBUL — One was the result of 12 years of painstaking negotiations over two U.S. presidential administrations and three changes of government on the other side, with the U.N. Security Council, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and leaders from the capitals of half a dozen countries actively involved.
The other was hammered out by two beefy guys with bad hair during the equivalent of a long layover in Singapore.
But the Singapore statement, which has been praised by Trump supporters and conservative pundits on cable television, also pales dramatically in comparison to the interim deal that Iran, the U.S. and other world powers signed in 2013.

That four-page document, called the Joint Plan of Action and signed in Geneva on November 24, 2013, ultimately paved the way for the JCPOA, which arms control experts generally regarded as an imperfect but effective way of preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, but Trump repeatedly has called the “worst deal” ever.

Republicans hostile to Barack Obama blasted the Iran deal as appeasing a brutal regime. In contrast, pundits on Fox News lauded Trump for his diplomatic prowess in meeting with North Korea’s leader."..."​

Iran Deal Comparisons Cloud Trump's North Korea Summit
Trump's proclamations of historic success at his unprecedented summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have drawn unflattering comparisons to his rejection of the Iran nuclear deal.
June 13, 2018 - BY MATTHEW LE - AP Diplomatic Writer

(AP) President Donald Trump's triumphant assertions about the success of the unprecedented Singapore summit are being met with skepticism and outright derision from critics seizing on the contradiction between his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and his willingness to accept vague pledges from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
"While I am glad the president and Kim Jong Un were able to meet, it is difficult to determine what of concrete nature has occurred," said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He said he wanted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who will lead the follow-on negotiations, to explain details of what the administration has in mind.

The top Democrat on that panel, Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, who also opposed the Iran deal, took issue with Trump's zeal as well as his announcement of the suspension of U.S.-South Korea military exercises. "In exchange for selfies in Singapore, we have undermined our maximum pressure policy and sanctions," Menendez said.

For Iran deal proponents, though, the Singapore summit was evidence of Trump's Lack of preparedness and poor negotiating skills. Iran deal opponents, meanwhile, seemed willing to wait and see."...

/----/ There s no deal with NK. It will be a treaty passed by Congress, unlike the Obozo Iran scam. So why not wait for something to be offered to Congress before you criticize?
Everything you need to know about the Iran nuclear deal

What Iran agreed to:

Cutting by two-thirds, to 5,060, its centrifuges at its key processing centre in Natanz. Iran will reduce its current stockpile of low-enriched uranium, which can be processed into bomb-grade fuel, by 96 per cent to 300kg. It will also allow the International Atomic Energy Agency access to all its sites and will not build any new enrichment facilities for 15 years. This extends Iran’s breakout time – the period estimated it would take Iran to produce sufficient fissile material for one weapon – to one year.


Not one year, but one year after 15 years. No agreement is forever. And who knows if Iran will even exist in 16 years. So this agreement means Iran will have no nuclear weapons for at least 16 years.

North Korea on the other hand........
We even had an OP today saying - paraphrase - "Gee, Trump must got something we don't know about".. "It can't be as bad as it looks.
Maybe true, but not for the USA, for Trumpov.
Such as him saving ZTE in exchange for Chinese buddies financing his $500 Mil Indonesia Project.
And the Chinese were the absent Elephant in the Room.
So Trumpov HUGE attention he wanted, and eventually perhaps the 'Trump Pyongyang Hotel and Golf Club.'
Otherwise it's still 2-0 Kim.
Legitinacy they wanted for 30 years, and ending war games.

The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea
The Singapore statement pales even in comparison with the interim, preliminary Iran deal signed by the U.S. and other world powers in 2013.
BORZOU DARAGAHI - 06.12.18 - 2:13 PM ET
The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea

ISTANBUL — One was the result of 12 years of painstaking negotiations over two U.S. presidential administrations and three changes of government on the other side, with the U.N. Security Council, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and leaders from the capitals of half a dozen countries actively involved.
The other was hammered out by two beefy guys with bad hair during the equivalent of a long layover in Singapore.
But the Singapore statement, which has been praised by Trump supporters and conservative pundits on cable television, also pales dramatically in comparison to the interim deal that Iran, the U.S. and other world powers signed in 2013.

That four-page document, called the Joint Plan of Action and signed in Geneva on November 24, 2013, ultimately paved the way for the JCPOA, which arms control experts generally regarded as an imperfect but effective way of preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, but Trump repeatedly has called the “worst deal” ever.

Republicans hostile to Barack Obama blasted the Iran deal as appeasing a brutal regime. In contrast, pundits on Fox News lauded Trump for his diplomatic prowess in meeting with North Korea’s leader."..."​

Iran Deal Comparisons Cloud Trump's North Korea Summit
Trump's proclamations of historic success at his unprecedented summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have drawn unflattering comparisons to his rejection of the Iran nuclear deal.
June 13, 2018 - BY MATTHEW LE - AP Diplomatic Writer

(AP) President Donald Trump's triumphant assertions about the success of the unprecedented Singapore summit are being met with skepticism and outright derision from critics seizing on the contradiction between his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and his willingness to accept vague pledges from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
"While I am glad the president and Kim Jong Un were able to meet, it is difficult to determine what of concrete nature has occurred," said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He said he wanted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who will lead the follow-on negotiations, to explain details of what the administration has in mind.

The top Democrat on that panel, Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, who also opposed the Iran deal, took issue with Trump's zeal as well as his announcement of the suspension of U.S.-South Korea military exercises. "In exchange for selfies in Singapore, we have undermined our maximum pressure policy and sanctions," Menendez said.

For Iran deal proponents, though, the Singapore summit was evidence of Trump's Lack of preparedness and poor negotiating skills. Iran deal opponents, meanwhile, seemed willing to wait and see."...


Good lord, they signed an agreement to negotiate, you people are stupid.
We even had an OP today saying - paraphrase - "Gee, Trump must got something we don't know about".. "It can't be as bad as it looks.
Maybe true, but not for the USA, for Trumpov.
Such as him saving ZTE in exchange for Chinese buddies financing his $500 Mil Indonesia Project.
And the Chinese were the absent Elephant in the Room.
So Trumpov HUGE attention he wanted, and eventually perhaps the 'Trump Pyongyang Hotel and Golf Club.'
Otherwise it's still 2-0 Kim.
Legitinacy they wanted for 30 years, and ending war games.

The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea
The Singapore statement pales even in comparison with the interim, preliminary Iran deal signed by the U.S. and other world powers in 2013.
BORZOU DARAGAHI - 06.12.18 - 2:13 PM ET
The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea

ISTANBUL — One was the result of 12 years of painstaking negotiations over two U.S. presidential administrations and three changes of government on the other side, with the U.N. Security Council, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and leaders from the capitals of half a dozen countries actively involved.
The other was hammered out by two beefy guys with bad hair during the equivalent of a long layover in Singapore.
But the Singapore statement, which has been praised by Trump supporters and conservative pundits on cable television, also pales dramatically in comparison to the interim deal that Iran, the U.S. and other world powers signed in 2013.

That four-page document, called the Joint Plan of Action and signed in Geneva on November 24, 2013, ultimately paved the way for the JCPOA, which arms control experts generally regarded as an imperfect but effective way of preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, but Trump repeatedly has called the “worst deal” ever.

Republicans hostile to Barack Obama blasted the Iran deal as appeasing a brutal regime. In contrast, pundits on Fox News lauded Trump for his diplomatic prowess in meeting with North Korea’s leader."..."​

Iran Deal Comparisons Cloud Trump's North Korea Summit
Trump's proclamations of historic success at his unprecedented summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have drawn unflattering comparisons to his rejection of the Iran nuclear deal.
June 13, 2018 - BY MATTHEW LE - AP Diplomatic Writer

(AP) President Donald Trump's triumphant assertions about the success of the unprecedented Singapore summit are being met with skepticism and outright derision from critics seizing on the contradiction between his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and his willingness to accept vague pledges from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
"While I am glad the president and Kim Jong Un were able to meet, it is difficult to determine what of concrete nature has occurred," said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He said he wanted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who will lead the follow-on negotiations, to explain details of what the administration has in mind.

The top Democrat on that panel, Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, who also opposed the Iran deal, took issue with Trump's zeal as well as his announcement of the suspension of U.S.-South Korea military exercises. "In exchange for selfies in Singapore, we have undermined our maximum pressure policy and sanctions," Menendez said.

For Iran deal proponents, though, the Singapore summit was evidence of Trump's Lack of preparedness and poor negotiating skills. Iran deal opponents, meanwhile, seemed willing to wait and see."...[/B]​


You do realize there was NO DEAL....dumbass.

You do realize there was NO DEAL....dumbass.
US 'wants N Korea disarmament by 2020'
What does the Deal lack?
Most Western observers have said the deal includes no new commitments from North Korea nor details on how denuclearisation could be achieved or verified.

How has the Deal been received?
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe spoke to Donald Trump after the summit, saying there was "great meaning in Chairman Kim's clearly confirming to President Trump the complete denuclearisation"...."
Yeah, Trump's deal with NK is every bit as bad as it looks.

He makes Obama look like The Great Obama.

You do realize there was NO DEAL....dumbass.
US 'wants N Korea disarmament by 2020'
What does the Deal lack?
Most Western observers have said the deal includes no new commitments from North Korea nor details on how denuclearisation could be achieved or verified.

How has the Deal been received?
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe spoke to Donald Trump after the summit, saying there was "great meaning in Chairman Kim's clearly confirming to President Trump the complete denuclearisation"...."

No kidding....sounds like they are IN THE PROCESS of working a deal....thank you Trump. Needless to say there still was no deal as of yet...dumbass.
We even had an OP today saying - paraphrase - "Gee, Trump must got something we don't know about".. "It can't be as bad as it looks.
Maybe true, but not for the USA, for Trumpov.
Such as him saving ZTE in exchange for Chinese buddies financing his $500 Mil Indonesia Project.
And the Chinese were the absent Elephant in the Room.
So Trumpov HUGE attention he wanted, and eventually perhaps the 'Trump Pyongyang Hotel and Golf Club.'
Otherwise it's still 2-0 Kim.
Legitinacy they wanted for 30 years, and ending war games.

The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea
The Singapore statement pales even in comparison with the interim, preliminary Iran deal signed by the U.S. and other world powers in 2013.
BORZOU DARAGAHI - 06.12.18 - 2:13 PM ET
The Art of the Deal? Obama’s With Iran Was Much Better Than Trump’s With North Korea

ISTANBUL — One was the result of 12 years of painstaking negotiations over two U.S. presidential administrations and three changes of government on the other side, with the U.N. Security Council, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and leaders from the capitals of half a dozen countries actively involved.
The other was hammered out by two beefy guys with bad hair during the equivalent of a long layover in Singapore.
But the Singapore statement, which has been praised by Trump supporters and conservative pundits on cable television, also pales dramatically in comparison to the interim deal that Iran, the U.S. and other world powers signed in 2013.

That four-page document, called the Joint Plan of Action and signed in Geneva on November 24, 2013, ultimately paved the way for the JCPOA, which arms control experts generally regarded as an imperfect but effective way of preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, but Trump repeatedly has called the “worst deal” ever.

Republicans hostile to Barack Obama blasted the Iran deal as appeasing a brutal regime. In contrast, pundits on Fox News lauded Trump for his diplomatic prowess in meeting with North Korea’s leader."..."​

Iran Deal Comparisons Cloud Trump's North Korea Summit
Trump's proclamations of historic success at his unprecedented summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have drawn unflattering comparisons to his rejection of the Iran nuclear deal.
June 13, 2018 - BY MATTHEW LE - AP Diplomatic Writer

(AP) President Donald Trump's triumphant assertions about the success of the unprecedented Singapore summit are being met with skepticism and outright derision from critics seizing on the contradiction between his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and his willingness to accept vague pledges from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
"While I am glad the president and Kim Jong Un were able to meet, it is difficult to determine what of concrete nature has occurred," said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He said he wanted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who will lead the follow-on negotiations, to explain details of what the administration has in mind.

The top Democrat on that panel, Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, who also opposed the Iran deal, took issue with Trump's zeal as well as his announcement of the suspension of U.S.-South Korea military exercises. "In exchange for selfies in Singapore, we have undermined our maximum pressure policy and sanctions," Menendez said.

For Iran deal proponents, though, the Singapore summit was evidence of Trump's Lack of preparedness and poor negotiating skills. Iran deal opponents, meanwhile, seemed willing to wait and see."...

/----/ There s no deal with NK. It will be a treaty passed by Congress, unlike the Obozo Iran scam. So why not wait for something to be offered to Congress before you criticize?
View attachment 198379
A treaty for what? The US never decalred war...
You do realize that it took Reagan and Gorbachev almost three years to negotiate a nuclear treaty. It took almost two months of solid negotiations for the Iran deal. In what crazy thought process would anyone expect a complete treaty in one day or even a couple hours?
At this point it is unfair to compare the two. I see this week's "summit" as nothing more than a civil discussion that was needed to put past rhetoric behind us and agree to move forward. It's a start, not the finish.

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