Arkansas GOP State Rep Thinks Slavery Was Blessing in Disguise for Blacks

I'd more to blame the parents and family than government, but thats just me promoting personal responsibility.
Yeah no the government isnt forcing people to do anything. Government didnt force people, it swept in to put a bandaid on the situation and its not helping out in the long run. Thats if you look at the overall picture. Government can do good but it made people lazy and comfortable in the culture they created.

I'm with you on personal responsibility. Ultimately the people are to blame. I've seen very few black leaders today speak on these issues. It's like they've given up.

or just died out. Again i would blame the current culture for that. Today's spokesmen are more in entertainment than anything else. Thats what kids want and sadly they don't realize they most likely won't get there.

Interestingly enough its the same problem with the right in their support of the wealthy. How they think they will be next. A lot of people don't realize they are not going to be rich, they are not going to get to share in the millions.

But these are broadbrushes of an overall problem.
Which is why I don't take you seriously. We don't support the wealthy, we are against oppressive government.
I'm with you on personal responsibility. Ultimately the people are to blame. I've seen very few black leaders today speak on these issues. It's like they've given up.

or just died out. Again i would blame the current culture for that. Today's spokesmen are more in entertainment than anything else. Thats what kids want and sadly they don't realize they most likely won't get there.

Interestingly enough its the same problem with the right in their support of the wealthy. How they think they will be next. A lot of people don't realize they are not going to be rich, they are not going to get to share in the millions.

But these are broadbrushes of an overall problem.
Which is why I don't take you seriously. We don't support the wealthy, we are against oppressive government.

Oh I'm sorry. You must have missed this entire year where the words "job creator" in place of the word "wealthy" was thrown around. The defense against taxation of these so called "job creators" reached fanatical levels.
Ok, ok, we've established that you're an unamerican moron; don't belabor the point.

How is it Un American of him to state his Opinion?.

It is unamerican to value freedom so little (and to fail to understand it so completely) and to try and diminish the suffering of the ancestors of our fellow citizens due to the greatest contradiction and corruption of our ideals in the history of this great nation.

If you cut my legs off and beat me with them for a hundred years or so, should my primary feeling be one of gratitude when you finally stop? Am I complaining too much if I take issue with the fact that you gave me, in compensation, a couple of rotten planks to use as legs - planks that you kick out from under me regularly? And if finally, after another hundred years or so, I manage to get some of those cutting-edge prostetics like Oscar Pistorius used in the Olympics - whether I use them well or take good care of them or not - do I need to take seriously whining and moaning that YOU are now the victim? Do you really want me to cut your legs off and take it from the top? I don't think you do.

Slavery ended Several Generations ago, it's not like we just "finally stopped"
bripat, squeezeberry, William Joyce, JeannieD, IanC, and the rest are poorly educated, and their cognitive abilities are limited by preconceived notions to which the facts are twisted.
That Slavery ended Several Generations ago, it's not like we just "finally stopped" did not end the racial torture.
Arkansas GOP State Rep Thinks Slavery Was Blessing in Disguise for Blacks

Republican State Rep. Jon Hubbard of Jonesboro, Arkansas has some instructive things to say about black Americans in his book available on Amazon, “Letters to the Editor: Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative.” For example, he believes that slavery was a blessing in disguise for black people, as pointed out earlier today by Talk Business.

Hubbard justifies slavery as a blessing for black people because they got citizenship in America as a result (never mind that they may have preferred to live with their families rather than be abducted and sold as human slaves):

the institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise. The blacks who could endure those conditions and circumstances would someday be rewarded with citizenship in the greatest nation ever established upon the face of the Earth.” (Pages 183-89)

Hubbard wants African Americans to appreciate all that they gained via slavery:

African Americans must “understand that even while in the throes of slavery, their lives as Americans are likely much better than they ever would have enjoyed living in sub-Saharan Africa.”

Hubbard seeks to justify slavery by suggesting that it was no worse than living in Africa:

Knowing what we know today about life on the African continent, would an existence spent in slavery have been any crueler than a life spent in sub-Saharan Africa?” (Pages 93 and 189)

Hubbard’s “frustrations” are clear. Black people are ruining our education system when they should be grateful that we used them as human tools to enrich the elite whites:

“… one of the stated purposes of school integration was to bring black students up to a level close to that of white students. But, to the great disappointment of everyone, the results of this theory worked exactly in reverse of its intended purpose, and instead of black students rising to the educational levels previously attained by white students, the white students dropped to the level of black students. To make matters worse the lack of discipline and ambition of black students soon became shared by their white classmates, and our educational system has been in a steady decline ever since.” (Page 27)

Hubbard calls himself a Christian in his opening, and then proceeds to explain how it was a blessing for other human beings to be subjugated to the often brutal conditions of human slavery, stolen from their home land and ripped away from their families, so that they could enjoy the “freedom” of America once they were lucky enough to obtain citizenship.

Hubbard’s resentments are pretty common among Southern Republicans (and it seems, Republicans in general these days). They feel put upon by having the inequity and immorality of slavery pointed out, and their response is that black people were really actually lucky to be slaves and they’ve had about enough complaining from liberals and blacks about the inequities in the system. Shut up and be grateful is the message.

Hubbard goes on in his book to explain that Democrats give “entitlement” handouts to blacks in order to keep them “dependent”. If those words are ringing a bell, it’s because Mitt Romney has made a campaign of these underlying ideas as his recent caught on tape comments about the 47% revealed, lest anyone still be unclear as to the point of his inaccurate welfare to work ads.

The Republican message in 2012 is: Let’s restore America to the “way it was” back when white men had power and the brown people knew their place and were grateful for it. The brown people are ruining American education and sucking the system dry — they are to blame for all of our woes. (I’ve factchecked this over and over again, but just in case, there are more white people on food stamps and Obama did not remove the work requirement from welfare.)

Republicans claim they aren’t racists, and then things like this happen and are met with the silence of complicity until they go mainstream (see Todd Akin), at which point Republicans run away from the person caught, but not from the underlying beliefs and ideas that so repulsed the nation (see the Republican Party platform that mirrors Todd Akin’s beliefs on women’s health).

How do we know this? Because Hubbard published this on March 29, of 2009 and he was subsequently installed in the state House in 2010, with the Tea Party sweep of the nation. Who paid for his campaign? Party committees, aka the Republican Party.

Hubbard is being challenged this year by Democrat Harold Copenhaven. Lest you think Hubbard’s racism is confined to the written page, he demanded a state funded audit into whether the University of Arkansas spent any money discussing the plight of undocumented workers.

Hubbard also refused to tell citizens where he stands on any of the issues in the 2012 Political Courage Test, reminding Americans that Mitt Romney isn’t the only policy ghost in town.

What's your point? Oh I get it. This guy represents the entire Conservative movement.
I guess we should tell Romney to close up shop and we'll just hand the election over to Obama.
Jesus Christ you lefties are schmucks for hype.
Yeah im going to guess they meant it a different way than blaming the decline of our education system...just a hunch.

Well, that is a different matter. Here's what was said:

“… one of the stated purposes of school integration was to bring black students up to a level close to that of white students. But, to the great disappointment of everyone, the results of this theory worked exactly in reverse of its intended purpose, and instead of black students rising to the educational levels previously attained by white students, the white students dropped to the level of black students. To make matters worse the lack of discipline and ambition of black students soon became shared by their white classmates, and our educational system has been in a steady decline ever since.”

Decades of data shows he is correct. Personally, I place the blame squarely on the government for destroying the black family unit and lowering educational standards for everyone.

Oook well he is blaming the blacks for our decline,that's racist.

As for government? Eh no that's really not true. Government can't force these people.
What's the matter? You got nothing in response?
"Government can't force these people"....What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Force whom to do what?
In and of themselves, Jackson and Hubbard are fruit loops. To suggest they are indicative of responsible liberals or conservatives is stupid language.
Arkansas GOP State Rep Thinks Slavery Was Blessing in Disguise for Blacks

Republican State Rep. Jon Hubbard of Jonesboro, Arkansas has some instructive things to say about black Americans in his book available on Amazon, “Letters to the Editor: Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative.” For example, he believes that slavery was a blessing in disguise for black people, as pointed out earlier today by Talk Business.

Hubbard justifies slavery as a blessing for black people because they got citizenship in America as a result (never mind that they may have preferred to live with their families rather than be abducted and sold as human slaves):

the institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise. The blacks who could endure those conditions and circumstances would someday be rewarded with citizenship in the greatest nation ever established upon the face of the Earth.” (Pages 183-89)

Hubbard wants African Americans to appreciate all that they gained via slavery:

Hubbard seeks to justify slavery by suggesting that it was no worse than living in Africa:

Hubbard’s “frustrations” are clear. Black people are ruining our education system when they should be grateful that we used them as human tools to enrich the elite whites:

“… one of the stated purposes of school integration was to bring black students up to a level close to that of white students. But, to the great disappointment of everyone, the results of this theory worked exactly in reverse of its intended purpose, and instead of black students rising to the educational levels previously attained by white students, the white students dropped to the level of black students. To make matters worse the lack of discipline and ambition of black students soon became shared by their white classmates, and our educational system has been in a steady decline ever since.” (Page 27)

Hubbard calls himself a Christian in his opening, and then proceeds to explain how it was a blessing for other human beings to be subjugated to the often brutal conditions of human slavery, stolen from their home land and ripped away from their families, so that they could enjoy the “freedom” of America once they were lucky enough to obtain citizenship.

Hubbard’s resentments are pretty common among Southern Republicans (and it seems, Republicans in general these days). They feel put upon by having the inequity and immorality of slavery pointed out, and their response is that black people were really actually lucky to be slaves and they’ve had about enough complaining from liberals and blacks about the inequities in the system. Shut up and be grateful is the message.

Hubbard goes on in his book to explain that Democrats give “entitlement” handouts to blacks in order to keep them “dependent”. If those words are ringing a bell, it’s because Mitt Romney has made a campaign of these underlying ideas as his recent caught on tape comments about the 47% revealed, lest anyone still be unclear as to the point of his inaccurate welfare to work ads.

The Republican message in 2012 is: Let’s restore America to the “way it was” back when white men had power and the brown people knew their place and were grateful for it. The brown people are ruining American education and sucking the system dry — they are to blame for all of our woes. (I’ve factchecked this over and over again, but just in case, there are more white people on food stamps and Obama did not remove the work requirement from welfare.)

Republicans claim they aren’t racists, and then things like this happen and are met with the silence of complicity until they go mainstream (see Todd Akin), at which point Republicans run away from the person caught, but not from the underlying beliefs and ideas that so repulsed the nation (see the Republican Party platform that mirrors Todd Akin’s beliefs on women’s health).

How do we know this? Because Hubbard published this on March 29, of 2009 and he was subsequently installed in the state House in 2010, with the Tea Party sweep of the nation. Who paid for his campaign? Party committees, aka the Republican Party.

Hubbard is being challenged this year by Democrat Harold Copenhaven. Lest you think Hubbard’s racism is confined to the written page, he demanded a state funded audit into whether the University of Arkansas spent any money discussing the plight of undocumented workers.

Hubbard also refused to tell citizens where he stands on any of the issues in the 2012 Political Courage Test, reminding Americans that Mitt Romney isn’t the only policy ghost in town.

What's your point? Oh I get it. This guy represents the entire Conservative movement.
I guess we should tell Romney to close up shop and we'll just hand the election over to Obama.
Jesus Christ you lefties are schmucks for hype.

No, but it does represent a world-view common to a significant number of those on the right; not that slavery was ‘good,’ but the effort to lay the foundation for an argument justifying the ending of social programs, education programs, and the curtailing of enforcement of civil rights laws and policies designed to address the unique problems faced by African Americans.

Indeed, the OP is evidence that civil rights laws and policies are needed as much today as any time in this Nation’s history.
It's impossible to argue with you because you simply don't know enough. The 200 years of British rule over India is considered by that country as one of the darkest chapters in their history.

Well then, if the Indians "consider" that, it must be true! The Japanese don't believe they committed atrocities in China and Korea. Many Germans think the Holocaust is a myth. Many Americans think Lincoln was a great president. The fact that a majority of people in a given country believe something doesn't make it a fact.

Here is an actual fact: The British built almost every mile of railroad that currently exists in India.

The wealth looted from India financed the British Industrial Revolution.

Bullshit. The industrial revolution is a source of wealth.

Indian society was torn apart.

On the contrary, prior to British rule, India consisted of dozens of independent waring states. British rule united India. It also created most of the institutions that modern India is built on.

When talking about British Rule in India, nearly every Indian textbooks starts off with something like, "A History of Looting and Pillaging".

Marxist propaganda.

In fact, it should obvious why the early Americans desired independence from the English. But I guess not.

It is obvious. Americans had become used to freedom because anytime they didn't like the government they lived under they could simply move across the frontier where the law couldn't reach them.

No wonder people in Texas were angry at conservatives rewriting text books. If you are any example, I can only imagine with horror at what conservatives imagine to be the truth. I know what they think of science, obviously. I know right wing schools are considered some of the worst in the world, except when it comes to law. The do love their lawyers. Which totally makes sense. Considering what they want to do to the 47%. But this idea of "benevolent empires" has never happened.

Right wing schools? Which are those? As opposed to almost all the other schools in the country with are leftwing?

No one ever claimed empires are benevolent. However, that doesn't mean that those who come under their rule don't benefit as a result.
bripat, squeezeberry, William Joyce, JeannieD, IanC, and the rest are poorly educated, and their cognitive abilities are limited by preconceived notions to which the facts are twisted.

You've already proven you're a pathetic git, fakey. Don't compound your shortcomings by attributing them to others.
Since 1968 the Republican Party has been the party of racists.

Nixon's so called Southern Strategy.

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