Aren't right wingers curious why their Leader, Mitt won't release his tax returns?

No, they aren't curious. They only care about the other guy's birth certificate, college transcripts and high school sweethearts but don't give a shit about "their guy" hiding money in the Cayman Islands and Swiss Bank accounts.

They don't want to know how little he paid in taxes. Ignorance is bliss...
I don't give a shit about any of that stuff.

That makes you an ignorant ass.

As someone who has an offshore account - because, like Romney (and a lot of other Americans... including many liberals...:eek::eek:)... I earn money outside the US. Those accounts are declared on my tax returns... it is not illegal, immoral or even vaguely bad. It's tax efficient... nothing more, nothing less.

Perhaps the US should revise its tax codes to encourage those of us who have money outside the country to bring it back and invest in the country? How radical would that be? Very! I suspect Romney might do that - if he becomes POTUS.
Just as much as I wonder why Obama hides all of his education records... So not very much.

Im more curious about that. We all know Mitt has money. We know he gives alot to charity. Neither of which really matter.

However, the left keeps arguing how smart Obama is. How do we know that without the grades? He sure doesnt act smart. I'd love to see some of the papers he wrote. It will give us a better idea of who he is. Though to be honest im sure we have a pretty good idea as it is.

You cannot be serious? You dont care who is funding Romney or where he gets his money because you already know he has money? But you're really concerned with Obamas grades because people say hes smart and you require proof?

Romney released his tax returns. He didn't release them back to 1970 and that's what the democrats were demanding.

On the other hand, how did obama who describes himself as an indifferent student who attended school sporadically and used drugs enthusiastically get into Harvard?
Just as much as I wonder why Obama hides all of his education records... So not very much.

Im more curious about that. We all know Mitt has money. We know he gives alot to charity. Neither of which really matter.

However, the left keeps arguing how smart Obama is. How do we know that without the grades? He sure doesnt act smart. I'd love to see some of the papers he wrote. It will give us a better idea of who he is. Though to be honest im sure we have a pretty good idea as it is.

You cannot be serious? You dont care who is funding Romney or where he gets his money because you already know he has money? But you're really concerned with Obamas grades because people say hes smart and you require proof?

the only reason people asked for proof he was smart was becuase of the answer that was commonly given as the reason one was voting for Obama...

q: Obama does not have much relevant experience. He has a voting record of party line 95% of the time with the renmaing viotes as "present. He has never authored legislation of national consequence. What makes you think he is qulaified for the position of President?

A: Becuase Obama is exteremely intelligent.

q: How do you know?

A: Everyone knows.

Q: How?

No one has the we asked for his transcripts. Sadly, most on the left simply believed him...and didnt want the proof.
No, they aren't curious. They only care about the other guy's birth certificate, college transcripts and high school sweethearts but don't give a shit about "their guy" hiding money in the Cayman Islands and Swiss Bank accounts.

They don't want to know how little he paid in taxes. Ignorance is bliss...

birth certificate: could care less
transcripts: Is he hiding something? Probably. Do I really give a shit? Not especially.
HS sweetheart: Don't care
Cayman Islands/Swiss Account: FI it's legal and anyone can do it, I don't give a shit.

Instead of THEY (Republicans), you should say SOME...

My apologies, sir. I should not paint with such a broad brush, especially since its so uncommon here.

granted, the motto here is usually 'do unto others.... then run'
Im more curious about that. We all know Mitt has money. We know he gives alot to charity. Neither of which really matter.

However, the left keeps arguing how smart Obama is. How do we know that without the grades? He sure doesnt act smart. I'd love to see some of the papers he wrote. It will give us a better idea of who he is. Though to be honest im sure we have a pretty good idea as it is.

You cannot be serious? You dont care who is funding Romney or where he gets his money because you already know he has money? But you're really concerned with Obamas grades because people say hes smart and you require proof?

the only reason people asked for proof he was smart was becuase of the answer that was commonly given as the reason one was voting for Obama...

q: Obama does not have much relevant experience. He has a voting record of party line 95% of the time with the renmaing viotes as "present. He has never authored legislation of national consequence. What makes you think he is qulaified for the position of President?

A: Becuase Obama is exteremely intelligent.

q: How do you know?

A: Everyone knows.

Q: How?

No one has the we asked for his transcripts. Sadly, most on the left simply believed him...and didnt want the proof.

Obama was apparently smart enough to fool everyone who voted for him into thinking he was smart enough.
Just as much as I wonder why Obama hides all of his education records... So not very much.

Im more curious about that. We all know Mitt has money. We know he gives alot to charity. Neither of which really matter.

However, the left keeps arguing how smart Obama is. How do we know that without the grades? He sure doesnt act smart. I'd love to see some of the papers he wrote. It will give us a better idea of who he is. Though to be honest im sure we have a pretty good idea as it is.

He's written two books. Why don't you check them out?
birth certificate: could care less
transcripts: Is he hiding something? Probably. Do I really give a shit? Not especially.
HS sweetheart: Don't care
Cayman Islands/Swiss Account: FI it's legal and anyone can do it, I don't give a shit.

Instead of THEY (Republicans), you should say SOME...

My apologies, sir. I should not paint with such a broad brush, especially since its so uncommon here.

granted, the motto here is usually 'do unto others.... then run'

the left spent 8 years ssaqying Bush was an idiot..and when presented with Bush's Yale background, the left said that does not make him smart...that makes him connected.

So you would think they would want proof of Obamas intelligence despite his Harvard background.

But, alas, they did not need proof. He is a democrat!
Just as much as I wonder why Obama hides all of his education records... So not very much.

Im more curious about that. We all know Mitt has money. We know he gives alot to charity. Neither of which really matter.

However, the left keeps arguing how smart Obama is. How do we know that without the grades? He sure doesnt act smart. I'd love to see some of the papers he wrote. It will give us a better idea of who he is. Though to be honest im sure we have a pretty good idea as it is.

He's written two books. Why don't you check them out?

So becuase Obama says so, it is true? have some blind faith in the honesty of a writer turned politician.....a terrible combination in my eyes.
Im more curious about that. We all know Mitt has money. We know he gives alot to charity. Neither of which really matter.

However, the left keeps arguing how smart Obama is. How do we know that without the grades? He sure doesnt act smart. I'd love to see some of the papers he wrote. It will give us a better idea of who he is. Though to be honest im sure we have a pretty good idea as it is.

He's written two books. Why don't you check them out?

So becuase Obama says so, it is true? have some blind faith in the honesty of a writer turned politician.....a terrible combination in my eyes.

Good grief, don't you guys ever get tired of acting like morons? Let me guess, it's a conspiracy.
He's written two books. Why don't you check them out?

So becuase Obama says so, it is true? have some blind faith in the honesty of a writer turned politician.....a terrible combination in my eyes.

Good grief, don't you guys ever get tired of acting like morons? Let me guess, it's a conspiracy.


A conspiracy?

Look sparky.....I have learned that just because someone touts himself as an intelligent man, doesnt mean he is an intelligent man....especially when it is a politician.

I guess you just dont understand how debate fairly and honestly....for I have no doubt YOU dont believe the words fo someone who is trying to sell you as well. I would think even you would want proof of something before you are sold on it by the salesman.
So becuase Obama says so, it is true? have some blind faith in the honesty of a writer turned politician.....a terrible combination in my eyes.

Good grief, don't you guys ever get tired of acting like morons? Let me guess, it's a conspiracy.


A conspiracy?

Look sparky.....I have learned that just because someone touts himself as an intelligent man, doesnt mean he is an intelligent man....especially when it is a politician.

I guess you just dont understand how debate fairly and honestly....for I have no doubt YOU dont believe the words fo someone who is trying to sell you as well. I would think even you would want proof of something before you are sold on it by the salesman.

Well maybe I was being unfair. But I remember a time when right wingers would go on endlessly about how Obama couldn't function without his teleprompter. That was until the presidential debate when he made McCain look like a doddering old fool.
Good grief, don't you guys ever get tired of acting like morons? Let me guess, it's a conspiracy.


A conspiracy?

Look sparky.....I have learned that just because someone touts himself as an intelligent man, doesnt mean he is an intelligent man....especially when it is a politician.

I guess you just dont understand how debate fairly and honestly....for I have no doubt YOU dont believe the words fo someone who is trying to sell you as well. I would think even you would want proof of something before you are sold on it by the salesman.

Well maybe I was being unfair. But I remember a time when right wingers would go on endlessly about how Obama couldn't function without his teleprompter. That was until the presidential debate when he made McCain look like a doddering old fool.

look what you just did.

You criticized what RW's did regarding Obama...and then you did the same exact thing with McCain.

I saw Obama as a disingenuous, insincere, liar. I saw McCain as an honest debater working against a man with nmothing more than the gift of gab.

You saw the exact opposite.

Yet...I dont see you as you see me. I see you as one who felt strongly about your candidate. You see me as one who simply wants to bad mouth your candidate.

And just an FYI....I was pushing for Hillary...and she had my vote if she won.

I had no interest in Obama, becuase of his lie about public financing and his refusal to releasedetails about the one thing he was marketing...his academic background and intelligence

Ultimately, my vote was for the lesser of the two evils. I ddi not think the left would work with McCain and I did not think the right would work with Obama...but I felt McCain was more likely to give in to the left in some areas than Obama would with the right.

A conspiracy?

Look sparky.....I have learned that just because someone touts himself as an intelligent man, doesnt mean he is an intelligent man....especially when it is a politician.

I guess you just dont understand how debate fairly and honestly....for I have no doubt YOU dont believe the words fo someone who is trying to sell you as well. I would think even you would want proof of something before you are sold on it by the salesman.

Well maybe I was being unfair. But I remember a time when right wingers would go on endlessly about how Obama couldn't function without his teleprompter. That was until the presidential debate when he made McCain look like a doddering old fool.

look what you just did.

You criticized what RW's did regarding Obama...and then you did the same exact thing with McCain.

I saw Obama as a disingenuous, insincere, liar. I saw McCain as an honest debater working against a man with nmothing more than the gift of gab.

You saw the exact opposite.

Yet...I dont see you as you see me. I see you as one who felt strongly about your candidate. You see me as one who simply wants to bad mouth your candidate.

And just an FYI....I was pushing for Hillary...and she had my vote if she won.

I had no interest in Obama, becuase of his lie about public financing and his refusal to releasedetails about the one thing he was marketing...his academic background and intelligence

Ultimately, my vote was for the lesser of the two evils. I ddi not think the left would work with McCain and I did not think the right would work with Obama...but I felt McCain was more likely to give in to the left in some areas than Obama would with the right.

I can hardly remember a time when my vote wasn't for the lesser of two evils so I hear you on that one. I actually admire McCain but the biggest deal killer was Palin. WTF was he thinking on that one?
McCain was a better candidate in 2000... but I had no real problem with Palin... Libs to tend to latch on to all the tabloidesque crap that their press hound dogs fling though... And if you think that they would have done different with any other person that McCain would have chosen for VP candidate, you are SADLY mistaken

As for Romney and the tax paperwork.. I fully expect it will be released
And why on earth is it embarassing?

Because Romney pays a lower tax rate than salaried voters because he is richer than them (one cannot derive large amounts of investment income without large assets). This is the sort of thing that some voters resent, and almost none applaud. Because Romney keeps some of his money in secretive accounts in the Cayman islands to avoid US tax liability. Even conservatives say that Romney's handling of his tax returns has hurt him (DeMint says Romney's tax answer 'hurt him' - and I'm inclined to think that that is because his tax returns are an inherent liability.

Personally, I'm sympathetic to the argument that everyone is entitled to pay the least amount of taxes they legally can (which Romney may or may not have done) even if that means exploiting loopholes. But I think it is clear enough that some of these devices, including the ones we know Romney has used, are political liabilities.

Wow, I would love to see the sources (FACTS) for all that "material" you presented. You are aware "rate" means percentage? Secretive accounts? Wow... Just wow.

Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands - ABC News

On Tuesday, Romney disclosed that he has been paying a far lower percentage in taxes than most Americans, around 15 percent of his annual earnings.

In addition to paying the lower tax rate on his investment income, Romney has as much as $8 million invested in at least 12 funds listed on a Cayman Islands registry.

Official documents reviewed by ABC News show that Bain Capital, the private equity partnership Romney once ran, has set up some 138 secretive offshore funds in the Caymans.

To say an account is "secretive" is a characterization, not a fact. Still, I think it is a good one. Bain's representative in the Caymans refused to even confirm the accounts existed. I'd call that secretive:

Asked if he could confirm the existence of the Bain accounts, David Byrne, the chief marketing officer for the law firm Walkers, listed on documents as Bain's Caymans' representative, said he could not. "No, I can't at all," said Byrne. "Unfortunately, I can't comment at all on that."

And yes, I am aware that "effective tax-rate" here means the ratio of taxes paid to income earned, which, up to a factor of 100, is a percentage. Is there something in my post that suggests otherwise?

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