Are you going to the "support chick fil a day" today?


Do you have any real evidence that Chik has discriminated against employees or customers?
If not, you should not be spreading around this kind of bs.

Pretty much how progressives/libs operate. If they can't get their way legally and civilly, they resort to shit like this. I suppose we should be pleased that there wasn't actually an explosive device activated. But again, they would be too cowardly to support their convictions with anything more than vicious words.
Do you carry a list with you so you don't forget who to avoid?

Do you know that a lot of companies donate to both right and left candidates?

Same thing with individual CEOs and such...

Well, I'm not really an impulsive shopper. Most of the food I buy is local, organic or free trade and soon, I will be growing my own. Most, if not all of the businesses I go to are local and not chains (I know that's easier here in NYC - this will be harder once I move out to the boonies to start my farm. The new Wal-Mart there is killing the two local groceries... precisely why I won't shop there). And there are lists of who companies donate to, politically and charity-wise.

You will not regret establishing you own farm. The advantages far outweigh the work you will put into it...just an opinion.
I don't have strong views one way or the other on gay marriage.
But I DO have strong views on free speech. For that reason alone I support
chick-fil-A even I can't eat them for two reasons: they aren't kosher, and even
if they were there isn't one in my state.

People have way blown out of proportion what was actually said in the interview.

Your cat snores? LOL!

Sorry, couldn't a long-time, multi-cat owner, I sympathize.

This boycott sponsored by the homophobic group, National Organization for Marriage. This happens to be a group that CEO Dan Cathy supports. Can anyone say irony?
I heard a little of the Mike Gallagher(sp?) Show on the radioitoday, he was actually suggesting that people in the drive through should pay for the car behind them as a nice gesture. You guys are weird.

I'm just glad Operation Artery Clog is running smoothly.

I though it was red meat that clogged the arteries. Who changed that to chicken?
A large portion of America just spoke loudly today with it's wallet.:clap2:
Stop being so silly Rebecca...a large portion of the RW just spoke loudly today with their wallet.

It wouldn't take much of any group to fill any singular fast food joint on any given today. Exaggerate much?

Could you imagine if the president of Copenhagen, Truck Nuts, Red Man, said what he CEO of Chik Fil A said? We'd have 24 hour gridlock.

We may spend our way out of the recession yet.

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