Are you afraid of black people?

Post #87
A couple of simple questions. Can you answer them? You made the claims, not me. I made NO claims about anything. I asked you to support the ones you made.
You aren't fooling anyone, you know.

There weren't any questions in that post. Try again.

While you're at it ponder the intelligence of comparing an entire rural mountain STATE against an industrial urban CITY.

Ok..word games..Can you supply the information I asked for in order to support the claims you made?

hahahaha..just kidding I know you won't and I know why.

Here..I'll do this one more time because it's amusing watching you squirm and try to weasel out of the corner you painted yourself into;

Post # 72
I blame the culture of poverty, not the melanin (thanks roto :mad:) in their skin.

rotagilla said:
Poverty causes crime?

It's the best breeding ground for crime.

rotagilla said:
Explain west virginia?
Compare and contrast with say....just the city of detroit, for instance..

I guess I'll start by saying the situations of Detroit and West Virginia over the last 30 years are completely incomparable. Then I'd move on to say that they're CURRENT situations are completely incomparable.

Then maybe I'd say something about density of population, degree of industry collapse, maybe throw in a little government corruption in there...

But naaahhh it's probably just that black people are evil because they've been infected by debilitating brownness OH MY GOSH!

Post #80
Too many quotes to transpose..go re read it don't try to pretend you don't understand. That worked earlier and I felt sorry for you but now I know you're just dodging...

Then you did some evading and excuse making for a while...


rotagilla said: don't understand.I see....I forgot you didn't know the difference between melanin and melatonin... public school "graduate", no doubt...LMAO..
I'll make it as easy as I can for you..

You said poverty breeds crime...Compare and contrast crime rates in the whole state of west virginia vs. crime rates in just the city of detroit.

I don't need you to wander off on some tangent about "situations over the last 30 years".

I don't need unsupportable theories and doubletalk about "density of population" "industry collapse"..You mention gvt corruption, though and I think you have a point there.

Compare and contrast gvt corruption in WV vs. detroit.. That should be very revealing.

Make sure and cover the crime rates of both places.I'd like to see what you discover.

Let me emphasize what I asked you don't pretend to misunderstand...again...

You said poverty breeds crime...Compare and contrast crime rates in the whole state of west virginia vs. crime rates in just the city of detroit.

.You mention gvt corruption, though and I think you have a point there.
Compare and contrast gvt corruption in WV vs. detroit.. That should be very revealing.

See that?

Two simple requests for proof of the claims you made.
Just two...and you spend 5 or 6 posts desperately avoiding them.
Do you see them now?
Do you understand them?
Will you supply the information I ask for that supports your claims?

I'm giving 5 to 1 odds that you will NOT answer them and will try to change the subject and/or dodge and/or call me names.

5 to 1 odds

Any takers out there?
You said poverty breeds crime...Compare and contrast crime rates in the whole state of west virginia vs. crime rates in just the city of detroit.

.You mention gvt corruption, though and I think you have a point there.
Compare and contrast gvt corruption in WV vs. detroit.. That should be very revealing.

The crime rate in Detroit is higher. Articles about government corruption in Detroit are far more numerous than West Virginia. So now we can get past comparing 2 COMPLETELY and IN EVERY WAY DIFFERENT places :thup:

Did you know the crime rate in Saginaw, MI is higher than Detroit? And it's 43% white! :eek:
We constantly hear that the racism dialog in America desperately needs more honesty and understanding, so I'm trying to be honest ,and by that, maybe I can learn something from someone and maybe/hopefully someone can learn something from me as well. So my answer to the OP title is yes, to some degree. I would feel unsafe if I were to be walking through black neighborhoods at night, or being surrounded by a group of blacks in certain circumstances. Does that make me a racist? I don't believe it does. Fear is an intelligent trait often times, when rational. The question is do I have an irrational fear. I believe that I do not. When I read stories in the news, look at hard data on crime and consider my own personal experiences, It is clear to me that I'm in a considerably more dangerous situation if I'm around blacks or Latino's, as opposed to other races or another ethnicity. Often times I hear about black people who get angry when they see whites afraid of them. We've all heard the frustration black men express when they talk about white women clutching their purses when they're around blacks. I can see why they're mad, to some degree, because for the most part there's nothing to be afraid of when dealing with blacks and I can see they believe they are being unfairly judged. Some of the fear however is justified. For example many white people, I would imagine, wouldn't think of walking through the projects at night. Also, the reason for the fear is because of the type of behavior blacks have shown. So when nonviolent, law abiding blacks get upset when whites fear them, they should be angry with other blacks and they're behavior for making whites afraid of them. I don't know that's just the way I see it. Am I wrong? Are others willing to admit they're afraid of blacks to a degree as well? I would appreciate other point of views to this OP as well.
afraid of them ? hell no ! but then again im not an apologetic guilt ridden liberal .
You said poverty breeds crime...Compare and contrast crime rates in the whole state of west virginia vs. crime rates in just the city of detroit.

.You mention gvt corruption, though and I think you have a point there.
Compare and contrast gvt corruption in WV vs. detroit.. That should be very revealing.

The crime rate in Detroit is higher.
I know that. but you said poverty breeds crime. West Virginia is the poorest state in the country and it is majority white...but the crime rate is nowhere near the city of detroit's.

What's up with that?

Articles about government corruption in Detroit are far more numerous than West Virginia.

So? You must have access to those articles because you are the one that brought up "government corruption". Or did you just make up some BS and hope no one would call you on it?

So now we can get past comparing 2 COMPLETELY and IN EVERY WAY DIFFERENT places :thup: don't see the correlation?
The poorest state in the nation (a vastly white majority state) has a lower crime rate than just the CITY of detroit which you were chirping about here;

post #91
Detroit GDP 2012 - $208.38 billion
All of West Virginia 2012 - $69.3 billion
Are black people just more productive than white people? :dunno:

Now don't you feel silly?

Aren't you embarrassed and ashamed of yourself for calling me all those vulgar names when you were wrong from the very beginning?

No I don't suppose you are..

Did you know the crime rate
in Saginaw, MI is higher than Detroit? And it's 43% white! :eek:

Haven't you learned your lesson about posting things with no proof yet?

Do you want to go through this again?...LMAO...
There is nothing inherent in having black skin that makes a black person more prone to violence. It's a culture that has infected black people with the idea that they have a right to commit violence. It's part of a general belief in deserved reparations. The idea that because of slavery no other race has a right to judge them.

I've been all over Los Angeles. East Los Angeles is all Hispanic. Sawtelle is all Asian. West Los Angeles is 90% muslim. Cerritos is called Little India for a reason. A part of Culver City is all black African immigrants. South Los Angeles is African American and it's there that you see homes with bars on the windows and doors. The people keep bags of recyclables on the roofs of their homes to keep them from being stolen. Children are killed playing in their yards. The homes are dilapidated. Apartment buildings have fences topped with barbed wire.

What makes black Culver City so different from black South Los Angeles when both neighborhoods are equally all black? Why do black people in Culver City have neat little homes with neat little gardens with no bars on those homes and no barbed wire around the apartments? Two black neighborhoods that are very different from each other? Africans have a very different culture than African Americans. They aren't infected with a culture that promotes violence as a civil right.
The title should be changed to "Are you afraid of Ghetto Black People"
Any white person who is afraid of ALL black people probably has a mental illness
No , not particularly, but it depends on which blacks ur talking about. And I wouldnt really call it fear anyway, more like just being aware in certain situations.

I recently delivered a piece of furniture to a friend of a friend who happens to be an older african american lady, (ex teacher) to her house in Richmond Ca. Well her house is situated right across the street from a neighborhood park. where the neighborhood druggies hang out. This is according to her, and she called them reptillians. of course in this neighborhood they were all black at the park. when i rolled up i could see they were checking me out because i was obviously not from that neighbor hood and plus i had trouble finding her house at first and was walking around a bit on the street.
I was never afraid at any point, but was aware of who was around and that i was being watched. On the other hand she is very afraid of them and has put up an iron gate in front of her house. They sell drugs there every day and she pointed out the kid who takes orders for people, while i was helping arange her garage.

Those people represent a very small minority of the black people i see every day, who are going about their business, If someone is just afraid of black people, they must not get out very much or live in a really bad neighborhood.

The answer for me as a generalization would have to be no. But i wouldnt hang out at that park at night .... just common sense
I take it you think my POV is racist?

I think you are not afraid of black people. I think you are afraid of low income areas high in crime. Many of which happen to be populated by black people.

So why do you think that is? <- you're answer will show whether or not your OP is racist.

But as to your question yes your OP seems pretty damn racist.

Let me give you another scenario. If I were given the option of walking by a group of 10 blacks or 10 whites at night , I would chose the white group. Why? Because it's much more likely that the black group would start trouble with me. Isn't that a fact? If it is a fact is it racist for me to admit to feeling dafter with the white group as my choice? Please if it is racist, let me know how. And I don't say that to mock you.

I would tend to stay away from any group of 10 people at night, especially if they were young adults. Id stay on the other side of the street for both groups. Anyway, Ive found you can usually pick up a vibe from peoples body language, that often means more than their color

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