Are you a Real American?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
I hear a lot of BS here from cons about freedom and liberties they never fought for or tried to protect (which is ok), so I would like to know if you all are Real Americans, what makes you think so? There are a lot of ways to show you are a real American. What have you done to show you are a real American? How do you show other people, say foreigners to America how to be real Americans and what should they respect about America.

This is NOT meant to be a Tit-4-Tat game, just what do you do to be part of our great country. Have you ever done a heroic act? Worked for the good of the public in some capacity? This is your moment to shine and ourr moment to be greatful for being here and thank you for whatever you have done.:eusa_angel:
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When it comes crashin' down and it hurts inside ...
I hear a lot of BS here from cons about freedom and liberties they never fought for or tried to protect (which is ok), so I would like to know if you all are Real Americans, what makes you think so?

Can you site some "BS" you've heard "around here" about freedom and liberties. "Real
Americans" would like to know just what your talking about.:smoke:

There are a lot of ways to show you are a real American.

Could you name a few?

What have you done to show you are a real American? How do you show other people, say foreigners to America how to be real Americans and what should they respect about America.

I pay taxes, I show "other people" the checks I send to the different goverment agencies.
As to what a foreigner should "respect" about America, I certainly couldn't say, and if they
were to ask me, well, I'd just ask them what they respect about their country.

This is NOT meant to be a Tit-4-Tat game, just what do you do to be part of our great country. Have you ever done a heroic act? Worked for the good of the public in some capacity? This is your moment to shine and ourr moment to be greatful for being here and thank you for whatever you have done.:eusa_angel:

I served during the Vietnam war, 1965 thru 1968. I served on our local school board, and as I said above, I've paid taxes.

No thanks is needed.:eusa_hand:
If you are born here, if you are a citizen, you are a real American. What you do with it or fail to do with it is on you.
I hear a lot of BS about 'taking care' of the people, mainly from lefties who think they have a right to decide what's 'best' for everyone.... mainly from idiots like the OP.

If you were born here, or are a naturalized citizen, then you are a 'real American'. Being a Real American, however, doesn't make anyone a Real Smart American... that takes a little individual effort. I find, generally, that's where many Americans fail.
....what do you do to be part of our great country?
Hmmmm.....good question!!

1) I was born in the USA.

2) My wife and I pay more in taxes than a lot of people make.

3) We gladly pay taxes because we care about doing our part to make this nation great and it shows that we have good jobs that enable us to do it.

3) I ran for and was elected to public office (re-elected 3 times).

4) I help out at a local shelter.

5) I only drive American brand automobiles.

6) I served on the local fire department.

7) I speak out when I feel something is wrong.

I could go on but these are some of the items I am doing in my part of being a member of this great nation and a real American. I also thank God for the opportunities I have and try to pay it back by doing all that I can and/or is asked of me.
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....what do you do to be part of our great country?
Hmmmm.....good question!!

1) I was born in the USA.

2) My wife and I pay more in taxes than a lot of people make.

3) We gladly pay taxes because we care about doing our part to make this nation great and it shows that we have good jobs that enable us to do it.

3) I ran for and was elected to public office (re-elected 3 times).

4) I help out at a local shelter.

5) I only drive American brand automobiles.

6) I served on the local fire department.

7) I speak out when I feel something is wrong.

I could go on but these are some of the items I am doing in my part of being a member of this great nation and a real American. I also thank God for the opportunities I have and try to pay it back by doing all that I can and/or is asked of me.

Sounds like you have part of it right. ;) :lol:
....what do you do to be part of our great country?
Hmmmm.....good question!!

1) I was born in the USA.

2) My wife and I pay more in taxes than a lot of people make.

3) We gladly pay taxes because we care about doing our part to make this nation great and it shows that we have good jobs that enable us to do it.

3) I ran for and was elected to public office (re-elected 3 times).

4) I help out at a local shelter.

5) I only drive American brand automobiles.

6) I served on the local fire department.

7) I speak out when I feel something is wrong.

I could go on but these are some of the items I am doing in my part of being a member of this great nation and a real American. I also thank God for the opportunities I have and try to pay it back by doing all that I can and/or is asked of me.

Sounds like you have part of it right. ;) :lol:

I just know I'm going to regret this but......what part? LOL
If you are born here, if you are a citizen, you are a real American. What you do with it or fail to do with it is on you.

I was born in Brooklyn which is sorta kinda a little bit like being born in America. I have held an office of public trust and in that job I "done good."

But the big question, the most important question, was already asked by Mad Scientist: "Why should anyone care what ShitNow thinks?"
I hear a lot of BS here from cons about freedom and liberties they never fought for or tried to protect (which is ok), so I would like to know if you all are Real Americans, what makes you think so? There are a lot of ways to show you are a real American. What have you done to show you are a real American? How do you show other people, say foreigners to America how to be real Americans and what should they respect about America.

This is NOT meant to be a Tit-4-Tat game, just what do you do to be part of our great country. Have you ever done a heroic act? Worked for the good of the public in some capacity? This is your moment to shine and ourr moment to be greatful for being here and thank you for whatever you have done.:eusa_angel:

i happen to have done the same thing that many kids of Illegals have done.....i was born here......that makes me the genuine pun intended Arti.....
I was born here, I pay taxes, I vote.

Is being a real American a certain set of values?
If so who determines which values?

Do I have to love Freedom Fries?
Want to invade a country that had not attacked us?
Be for or against abortion?
Support freedom of only one religion?
fight and kill in a country that had not harmed my country?
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"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." Dwight D. Eisenhower

Been there done that - served during Nam, tutored, taught handicapped kids, paid taxes, commute by bicycle, and don't give a flying fluck if they raise them - done lots but hey... to live in this great land you gotta support it and each other, something lost in America today.

Wrote this long ago:

Uniquely American - In no particular order

The Amish living peacefully in their way
A smoke filled diner on a busy street filled with calloused hands
A tractor trailer passing a Chevy at 75 in the middle of the night along 95
A USO bus in a hot city, windows open
A bicycle all decked out in red white and blue on the fourth with a girl’s large smile
A bum helped in from cold by a child who noticed
Volunteers signing up to help
The patience of visitors to our national treasures hot with child hanging on them in awe of it all
The Salvation Army taking a family lost for a moment and helping them along
A tall church steeple on a dirt road with little sign of anything else
A V8 engine with four barrel and no muffler filled with a bunch of kids looking cool going too fast
A worker staying late to tutor another
Stuckey’s surprise packages promised to the kids to keep them quiet till the next destination
A big MAC, KFC, Dunkin donuts, drive throughs
Cruising a Bob’s Big Boy
The open road riding shotgun enjoying the view
Barbecue and beer and softball
Sweating / freezing at the edge of your seat screaming 'defense'
Friday dances where you only stood and the girls danced
Revving the engine and racing off the line as the light changes
Corn fields upon corn fields upon corn fields
Commencements and jobs and getting up at five
April 15th

It seems to me that the uniquely American things are the small things that sometimes go unnoticed.

In the mid fifties, "generosity was voted the most conspicuous American characteristic, followed by friendliness, understanding, piety, love of freedom, and progressivism. The American faults listed were petty: shallowness, egotism, extravagance, preoccupation with money, and selfishness." William Manchester in "The Glory and the Dream" quoting George Gallup's Institute of public opinion.
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