Are things better than 4 years ago? You Betcha!

Definitely better...out if Iraq, getting out of Afghanistan, bin Laden dead, DADT repealed, stock market double what it was, 22 straight months of job gains, stem cell research, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act passed, no discrimination for pre-existing conditions and the ability to provide HC to children to age 26...just to name a few. WAY better.
We'll see how the 40,000,000+ unemployed who's homes have depreciated 40%+ and are now paying $4+ a gallon for gas feel about the Obama economic boom....
Remember the dark days of start the Bush Depression?
Remember how people were worried they were gonna lose EVERYTHING?
There was talk of bank closings. Panic on Wall Street.
700,000 jobs lost in the month prior to Obama taking office.
People were freaking the hell out!

Look at today.
Complaints that the markets haven't recovered FAST enough yet.

I'd say, considering where BushCo left us, we're not doing so bad.
God knows, if "the fundamentals of our economy are sound" old man McCain would have gotten in there, who KNOWS where we'd be today. Probably waiting in a bread line.

Your nom de plume suits your posts well. Those who thought the Bush years bad, crashed in the past 3+, thank you very much.

Not only has it not improved, in all likelihood we are on the cusp of an even worse downtrend. Have you seen the 'worst level of durable goods for 3+ years' released today? Gives substance to the accusation of numbers being played in real estate sales. Those aren't the only numbers being played.
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Definitely better...out if Iraq, getting out of Afghanistan, bin Laden dead, DADT repealed, stock market double what it was, 22 straight months of job gains, stem cell research, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act passed, no discrimination for pre-existing conditions and the ability to provide HC to children to age 26...just to name a few. WAY better.

Hey, goofball.. the SM is below 2004 levels and 40,000,000+ are still unemployed, gas is 2x what it was when Boy King took over, inflation is high, the USD is declining, 1/6 of Americans are now on public assistance, home values have declined 40% - 50%, the debt has risen by $5,000,000,000,000 and counting, massive deficits for years to come, the Dems haven't passed a budget in 3 years, the middle east is unraveling as we speak, etc., etc. And when did a 26 yo become a child?

You're delusional, you really are.
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We'll see how the 40,000,000+ unemployed who's homes have depreciated 40%+ and are now paying $4+ a gallon for gas feel about the Obama economic boom....

Paltry compared to the end of DADT! People are going to look deep into their own lives and say "Since DADT was repealed I'm sure better off!"

That's what democrats are going to be facing in November.
Gas hit 4 bucks on the nose today for the cheap stuff. Its like trowing a 5 spot out the window every few minuets going down the road ,fuel costs are starting to be a real problem. Not everyone can drive a hybrid and do business at the same time.
Gas hit 4 bucks on the nose today for the cheap stuff. Its like trowing a 5 spot out the window every few minuets going down the road ,fuel costs are starting to be a real problem. Not everyone can drive a hybrid and do business at the same time.

Sure you can, Obama and the Sierra Club have commanded it!!!!!
Credit downgrade? You betcha!

Annual trillion dollar deficits are now a yawn? You betcha!

Record debt, deficits, poverty, foreclosures and unemployment (which ironically enough stimulates the economy - go figure) You betcha!

Obama historic Fuck up? You betcha!


Nobody would fail if they got bailed out every time they, Ahem, FAIL! They are successful now? No Shit! They were successful before they failed too. This auto bailout was started under Bush and it's bullshit. Now there is a conflict of interest in the auto industry and it couldn't be worse for America.
Gas hit 4 bucks on the nose today for the cheap stuff. Its like trowing a 5 spot out the window every few minuets going down the road ,fuel costs are starting to be a real problem. Not everyone can drive a hybrid and do business at the same time.

Isn't it more important to you that gays can now serve openly in the military?
All of that was under Bush, you fucking moron.

Uhhh.. no.. not all of that was under Bush... it has continued under Obamalama

Thanks for crystalizing what needed to be said.

It was OK under Bush. But things are different since Bush and CONZ tanked the economy so now it's NOT OK under Obama.
But of course, NARY A CON was warning about our deficits back then. In fact, who was it who said, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter"???
Oh, the Republican Vice President, Dick Cheney.

Bush's budget deficits were less than half as much as Obama's. Obama will increase the national debt as much or more in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years. Bush was bad, Obama is much worse.
Unemployment way too high.
Housing values in the toilet.
More people on food stamps then ever.
The debt is off the charts.
The interest on the debt is crippling.

I fear that we are about to go off the cliff.

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