Are Sanctuary cities constitutional?

So Trump said that GW opened our borders wide and millions lost their careers, job, homes, families, and you accepted that as a fact? That's all you got? You make these outlandish statements without a link or any supporting information and expect to be taken seriously?

I am a fairly hardcore conservative that has never been nor want to be a member of the GOP. I will vote for them though, cuz the alternative is the Democratic Party and their bat-shit crazy agenda. The moderates have left or are leaving that party in droves for several years now, and Far Left is running that party into the ground. And I'll be honest with you, I don't like Trump one bit, but I do think many of his policies are good ones. And his personality is not what I'd call presidential, but then neither is Biden.
We didn't hire trump to be an altar boy. His accomplishments surpass that of any previous president, most of whom mostly coasted through office. Trump got a lot done.
These refugees are from Cuba Nicaragua and Venezuela. Wake up and smell the coffee lol
So ?
Nicaragua got $710 Million in remittances from the US in 2017.
Venezuela got $104 Million.
Cuba's remittances are unknown, but it's believed that they total more than twice these 2 countries combined. That's because of the large number of ex-Cubans living in Florida.

Wanna mention some more Latin American countries ? How about Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Dominican Republic , & Honduras ?

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And cheap college and training and healthcare and daycare and infrastructure and great vacations, super duper dupe. And taxing the rich so we can have a mental health system available and be a modern country for crying out loud. We are the richest country in the world and the only modern country that doesn't have all those things because you people are stupid whoops brainwashed functionally stupid change the channel.
You forgot that Ds want minorities to have inter-generational welfare.
So Trump said that GW opened our borders wide and millions lost their careers, job, homes, families, and you accepted that as a fact? That's all you got? You make these outlandish statements without a link or any supporting information and expect to be taken seriously?

I am a fairly hardcore conservative that has never been nor want to be a member of the GOP. I will vote for them though, cuz the alternative is the Democratic Party and their bat-shit crazy agenda. The moderates have left or are leaving that party in droves for several years now, and Far Left is running that party into the ground. And I'll be honest with you, I don't like Trump one bit, but I do think many of his policies are good ones. And his personality is not what I'd call presidential, but then neither is Biden.
Are you insane?
GW Opened the border, invited in 3 million business visas and sent 25,000 factories to China.
If you don't know this, you have your head up your ass.
No we want them to have good schools and cheap college and training like every other modern country, racist POS idiot. Oops brainwashed etcetera
You are full of shit .
I have posted that exact platform 1,000 times and every time you mocked my post.


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