Are Sanctuary cities constitutional?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
I live in a sanctuary city. Creating a sanctuary city and ignoring federal immigration laws, I would think 99% of us expect our local government was following our local ideals and OUR wishes. That is NOT TRUE here, in fact, creating so called "sanctuary cities" where NEVER by popular fiat of popular demand. In fact, I can't find out exactly HOW they happen, but its not done openly with wide public knowledge. Let alone voter approval. That has to be unconstitutional. States/cities or municipalities cannot create sanctuaries to anyone or anything without local foreknowledge and our approval. And they did just THAT.
Which city is it? I bet 10 minutes on Google and I can find your answer.
I live in a sanctuary city. Creating a sanctuary city and ignoring federal immigration laws, I would think 99% of us expect our local government was following our local ideals and OUR wishes. That is NOT TRUE here, in fact, creating so called "sanctuary cities" where NEVER by popular fiat of popular demand. In fact, I can't find out exactly HOW they happen, but its not done openly with wide public knowledge. Let alone voter approval. That has to be unconstitutional. States/cities or municipalities cannot create sanctuaries to anyone or anything without local foreknowledge and our approval. And they did just THAT.
Google it and discover that the police can be instructed to not investigate someone's citizen status.
I live in a sanctuary city. Creating a sanctuary city and ignoring federal immigration laws, I would think 99% of us expect our local government was following our local ideals and OUR wishes. That is NOT TRUE here, in fact, creating so called "sanctuary cities" where NEVER by popular fiat of popular demand. In fact, I can't find out exactly HOW they happen, but its not done openly with wide public knowledge. Let alone voter approval. That has to be unconstitutional. States/cities or municipalities cannot create sanctuaries to anyone or anything without local foreknowledge and our approval. And they did just THAT.

Unconstitutional and illegal according to federal law. Just like those scofflaws smoking pot in Colorado, California, Washington, and Oregon.
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Google it and discover that the police can be instructed to not investigate someone's citizen status.
True. And why? This goes back to the early 90's. I was so outraged at seeing illegal aliens rampaging , murder each other and the skyrocketing crime rates, Americans losing jobs, JUST everything , I bashed through the doors at the local INS office and DEMANDED to be heard. And what happened? Two white INS guys that reminded me of agent smith excused illegals because: (reminded me of agent Smith from the Matrix) :

No actually, they blamed Ronald Regan and gave me the bums rush. Wouldn't want to bother agent Smith not doing his job, because STUFF.
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True. And why? This goes back to the early 90's. I was so outraged at seeing illegal aliens rampaging , murder each other and the skyrocketing crime rates, Americans losing jobs, JUST everything , I bashed through the doors at the local INS office and DEMANDED to be heard. And what happened? Two white guys ecused illegals because: (reminded me of agent Smith from the Matrix) :

It is ironic that in the 90s Blacks resented trespassers.
The Ds kept the Blacks out of Wall Street and Blacks eventually accepted trespassers as equals.
I live in a sanctuary city. Creating a sanctuary city and ignoring federal immigration laws, I would think 99% of us expect our local government was following our local ideals and OUR wishes. That is NOT TRUE here, in fact, creating so called "sanctuary cities" where NEVER by popular fiat of popular demand. In fact, I can't find out exactly HOW they happen, but its not done openly with wide public knowledge. Let alone voter approval. That has to be unconstitutional. States/cities or municipalities cannot create sanctuaries to anyone or anything without local foreknowledge and our approval. And they did just THAT.
Based on the fact that it is constitutionally prohibited for a State to make a treaty with another country, I'd say no: Not Constitutional. I'm sure some asshole will say "but, but, but people are not a country!". Whatever. Harboring citizens from another country has the intent of creating a treaty with that country and/or it's people.

Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution prohibits states from entering into treaties with foreign countries. It reads:

“No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of nobility. No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it’s [sic] inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress. State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.
I live in a sanctuary city. Creating a sanctuary city and ignoring federal immigration laws, I would think 99% of us expect our local government was following our local ideals and OUR wishes. That is NOT TRUE here, in fact, creating so called "sanctuary cities" where NEVER by popular fiat of popular demand. In fact, I can't find out exactly HOW they happen, but its not done openly with wide public knowledge. Let alone voter approval. That has to be unconstitutional. States/cities or municipalities cannot create sanctuaries to anyone or anything without local foreknowledge and our approval. And they did just THAT.
They are 100% illegal, but Democrats think nothing of violating the law. When Trump was president, he should have arrested every governor and mayor with a sanctuary law on their books.

The Federal government has jurisdiction over immigration, and state & local governments have no power to regulate in any way. While the Feds cannot demand that S&L governments actively enforce Federal law, the S&L governments may not overtly reject Federal immigration law.

Democrats are evil. They WANT illegals in the country...the more the better. Because they believe as a matter of faith that one day Leftist politicians will be able to implement what they euphemistically refer to as "immigration reform," by which it is meant that all of the tens of millions of ILLEGALS will be given a "path to citizenship, whence they will be come reliable Democrat voters.

Democrats are evil.

Donald Trump was the ONLY NATIONAL FIGURE who actually took American immigration law seriously, and he was endlessly and viciously castigated for it.

Democrats are evil.
The Federal government has jurisdiction over immigration, and state & local governments have no power to regulate in any way. While the Feds cannot demand that S&L governments actively enforce Federal law, the S&L governments may not overtly reject Federal immigration law.

Democrats are evil. They WANT illegals in the country...the more the better. Because they believe as a matter of faith that one day Leftist politicians will be able to implement what they euphemistically refer to as "immigration reform," by which it is meant that all of the tens of millions of ILLEGALS will be given a "path to citizenship, whence they will be come reliable Democrat voters.

Democrats are evil.

Donald Trump was the ONLY NATIONAL FIGURE who actually took American immigration law seriously, and he was endlessly and viciously castigated for it.

Democrats are evil.
These people want asylum and we have traditional immigration again...after 4years of racist bs... These people are coming from Cuba Nicaragua and Venezuela, all countries we have ruined with sanctions. Great job! And of course the GOP war on drugs and the climate...
When Elitist democrats that live in those gated little sanctuaries FIGHT against illegal aliens living in their gated communities... the same ones that fight for sanctuary cities and open borders as long as they aren't affected...and create sanctuaries despite the fact a huge majority NEVER asked, wanted or needed it. Nope. So much for "representative" democracy.
governments have the ability to decide which laws they want to enforce. It's a states right local law kind of thing which you are only in favor of when they agree with you lol
US law is enforced by the US Dept of Justice, not by local governments. When Trump was president, he could have thrown every one of these sanctuary thugs in a federal prison. The law is strict. It ranges from 20 years to the death penalty, depending on circumstances. Read the statute. I posted it twice.
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These people want asylum and we have traditional immigration again...after 4years of racist bs... These people are coming from Cuba Nicaragua and Venezuela, all countries we have ruined with sanctions. Great job! And of course the GOP war on drugs and the climate...
No, what you have is ILLEGAL criminal activity of the Biden thugs.

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