are any of the birthers gonna man up and admit to being wrong?

Like I said.........because someone called McStupid's birth into question (Panama), the 'tards in charge of the GOP have decided to do the same thing to Obama.

Only thing is, because Obama won, their movement won't die.

Anyone who believes Obama is a foreign citizen is a fucking 'tard. Remember assholes (speaking to the birthers), Obama was a US Senator, and one of the things that I think would have been done is that he would have been checked out THEN.

You fucking birthers are just looking for an excuse to be stupid.

If either candidate wasn't born here, they shouldn't be president. far as I know, both of them were born here.

That's NOT TRUE...children born overseas to any american citizen, is a citizen AT BIRTH according to our laws and a citizen at birth IS A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN...

This may not have been the law at the time of Obama's birth, but it is the law NOW so you are wrong elvis, disregarding obama...but future presidents ....after some time in the late 60's or early 70's I believe, they are natural born citizens if born overseas to one American citizen.

actually it goes back and forth since our constitution was created on the criteria that also has to be met, but the first law by our founding fathers in 1790 stated that Natural born citizens were citizens born on our soil or born on foreign soil to an American citizen.

Our founding fathers DID NOT state thae we have to be NATIVE BORN, but NATURAL BORN.....native born would be only those born on our soil...the constitution CLEARLY STATES Natural Born, not Native born....

But this issue has no bearing, because even if obama was born in Kenya as his grandmother said, his mother was too young at the time of his birth to confer her citizenship to him, and you can add to that, that obama's father was a subject of Britian, which would have given him dual citizenship, once again disqualifying him from eligibility to be President, or senator for that matter. There's also the matter of his step dad adopting him when he was three, and his name was Barry Soetoro. He attended school in Indonesia. In 1961 American citizens were NOT allowed to live there, so he would have had to have been something other than just an American citizen, possibly he was given citizenship of another country by his step father, which again would have given him DUAL citizenship, and again disqualifying him to be eligible.

What amazes me the most about this subject is why NONE of you liberals want to see his REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE. You argue from dusk 'til dawn grasping at straws, inventing things, and ridiculing and insulting those of us who simply want to see the real birth certificate.

Why don't YOU think he should show his real birth certificate? Don't you think that would clear this whole thing up like REAL FAST? Why DOESN'T he if he has nothing to hide?
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Why don't YOU think he should show his real birth certificate? Don't you think that would clear this whole thing up like REAL FAST? Why DOESN'T he if has nothing to hide?

Because that is a standard that has never before been applied in determining presidential elgibility.

Obama has met all the requirements. It's a moot point to all, but the kook birthers.

Again, sympathies over another birther case getting tossed out today.

You guys should find a better lawyer than Taitz and Berg.
Nope, there's something fishy here. First, she makes no mention of the hospital, she makes no mention of the attending physician, the makes no mention of witnesses
That is protected information and none of our business to boot. The ONLY thing we have a "right" to know (and the only thing applicable to his eligibility to serve) is date of birth and place of birth. Period.
Why don't YOU think he should show his real birth certificate? Don't you think that would clear this whole thing up like REAL FAST? Why DOESN'T he if has nothing to hide?

Because that is a standard that has never before been applied in determining presidential elgibility.

Bull shit. You have to prove you're a natural born citizen. Obama hasn't done that.... or did you miss that part?

My God man, wake up and smell the coffee. What do you think this whole issue is about?
But this issue has no bearing, because even if obama was born in Kenya as his grandmother said, his mother was too young at the time of his birth to confer her citizenship to him,

-his grandmom did not say he was born in kenya! she confirmed he was born in hawaii! :D

now that this is out of the way....

the law was, you had to live 60 months after the age of 14, she lived her entire life in the usa untill she was in her mid 20's and 57 months after the age of 14, when he was born....3 months shy of the cutoff because she delivered while on vacation overseas. I am uncertain if they made legal exceptions in those days for something like that?
and you can add to that, that obama's father was a subject of Britian, which would have given him dual citizenship, once again disqualifying him from eligibility to be President, or senator for that matter.
obama sr did not confer his british subject status to his son.

There's also the matter of his step dad adopting him when he was three, and his name was Barry Soetoro. He attended school in Indonesia. In 1961 American citizens were NOT allowed to live there, so he would have had to have been something other than just an American citizen, possibly he was given citizenship of another country by his step father, which again would have given him DUAL citizenship, and again disqualifying him to be eligible.

he could not have his American citizenship taken away, until the legal age of 18 where he then could relinquish it...he didn't. what happened when he was 6 yrs old being registered at school in indonesia is irrelevant from all that i have researched because he could not swear allegiance to this other country or choose this other country as a 6 year old, as a minor....nothing was binding if everything happened as you say, with his step father.

What amazes me the most about this subject is why NONE of you liberals want to see his REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE. You argue from dusk 'til dawn grasping at straws, inventing things, and ridiculing and insulting those of us who simply want to see the real birth certificate.

i believe we have seen his legal Certificate of Live Birth already. I believe that the only thing that matters is that the State of Hawaii certifies that he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii...I know the copy of the original birth certificate that the state of hawaii has on record, ALSO STATES Honolulu, Hawaii or the certification of live birth, the certified 'short form' would not state honolulu, Hawaii.... those that work for the dept of health and vital statistics have stated.

I need no more than that and you don't either, so I ask, why do you want to see the copy of the original? What will it tell you that the legal Short form did not that matters to the presidency qualification of being a natural born citizen...?

to me, it is HARASSMENT, what the birthers are doing...
Why don't YOU think he should show his real birth certificate? Don't you think that would clear this whole thing up like REAL FAST? Why DOESN'T he if he has nothing to hide?

He has shown his REAL(LEGAL) Birth Certificate for the state of Hawaii.

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Unlike Liberals, most conservatives actually think for themselves and do not need someone else to tell them what to think. But thanks for reminding us you are a mindless robot.

Because nobody watches Fox News, right?

[ame=]YouTube - Coulter Admits Fox 'News' Is Propaganda[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - MSNBC's Abrams Illustrates Fox 'News' Propaganda Technnique[/ame]

<chuckle> GREAT examples of "thinking for ourselves" there Echo....
And there's this:

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai'i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai'i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

Obama Hawaii born, insist Isle officials | | The Honolulu Advertiser

Are we done yet?

Fine. She's seen it? Fine. Now let's US see it. If everything is in order as this woman proclaims, let's see it.

Nope, there's something fishy here. First, she makes no mention of the hospital, she makes no mention of the attending physician, the makes no mention of witnesses, and finally, it isn't up to her to say. Whether she's seen it or not is meaningless. She is NOT one single thing to do with the vetting process. If obama was born in Hawaii, and this broad has seen his birth certificate and says he was, then the rest of the God damned country and CONGRESS needs to see it too. Her word carries ZERO weight according to the law. What needs to be seen is THE ACTUAL DOCUMENT. Without some sort of corroborating evidence, like the birth certificate, this woman's word isn't worth SPIT.

C'mon obama... what's the problem man? Why are you HIDING your BIRTH CERTIFICATE?

I like how you note that Director Fukino "has not one single thing to do with the vetting process" just a few sentences after you say: "Now, let's US see it," as if YOU have "one single thing to do with the vetting process." :lol:

The constitutional authorities, i.e., the Electoral College, the Congress, and the SCOTUS have long since been satisfied on this issue. The "vetting process" has been over since early January.

And I understand that YOU don't believe this woman, that YOU want to see the President's BC yourself, to hold it in your own hands, but YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET TO DO THAT.

Time to move on, Chief...
And I understand that YOU don't believe this woman, that YOU want to see the President's BC yourself, to hold it in your own hands, but YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET TO DO THAT.

That wouldn't satisfy them either. They could climb into the wayback machine with Mr. Peabody, travel to Hawaii, August 1961 and still come up with lamebrain theories why they believe Obama wasn't born in the US.

I should add Mr. Peabody to my list of co-conspirators :idea:

Just to be proactive, of course.
And I understand that YOU don't believe this woman, that YOU want to see the President's BC yourself, to hold it in your own hands, but YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET TO DO THAT.

That wouldn't satisfy them either. They could climb into the wayback machine with Mr. Peabody, travel to Hawaii, August 1961 and still come up with lamebrain theories why they believe Obama wasn't born in the US.

I should add Mr. Peabody to my list of co-conspirators :idea:

Just to be proactive, of course.

They'd say: "Sure that woman who just gave birth LOOKS like the woman in the photographs, but we HAVE NEVER SEEN OBAMA'S BABY PICTURES SO..." :lol:
And I understand that YOU don't believe this woman, that YOU want to see the President's BC yourself, to hold it in your own hands, but YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET TO DO THAT.

That wouldn't satisfy them either. They could climb into the wayback machine with Mr. Peabody, travel to Hawaii, August 1961 and still come up with lamebrain theories why they believe Obama wasn't born in the US.

I should add Mr. Peabody to my list of co-conspirators :idea:

Just to be proactive, of course.

They'd say: "Sure that woman who just gave birth LOOKS like the woman in the photographs, but we HAVE NEVER SEEN OBAMA'S BABY PICTURES SO..." :lol:

And then there they'd be, on Maury...
The constitutional authorities, i.e., the Electoral College, the Congress, and the SCOTUS have long since been satisfied on this issue. The "vetting process" has been over since early January.

And that is PRECISELY why this whole issue is being challenged. What obama showed as proof of citizenship does NOT establish WHERE he was born.

What part about that don't you understand?
I don't want them to admit it, I hope they keep this up straight through the 2012 elections.
I don't want them to admit it, I hope they keep this up straight through the 2012 elections.

Me too, because the number people wanting obama to release his BC is 47.8% of the nation and growing. It won't take much more and the noise will become deafening, and there will be a court that will ORDER obama to release the real BC. Then we'll know, what, if anything, he's been hiding.

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