AOC Wants To End Air Travel And Cattle Farts


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is the face of Socialism....promising the world and delivering nothing but starvation and death. Even Charles Manson had avid fans, BTW.

Ocasio-Cortez: Fixing Global Warming Requires ‘Massive Government Intervention’


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she has no qualms about acknowledging a so-called “Green New Deal” will mean unprecedented governmental intrusion into the private sector. Appearing on NPR, she was asked if she’s prepared to tell Americans outright that her plans involve “massive government intervention.”

“As you know, congresswoman, one reason that people are politically conservative are skeptical of efforts to combat climate change is that it sounds to them like it requires massive government intervention, which they just don’t like,” Steve Inskeep asked. “Are you prepared to put on that table that, ‘Yes actually they’re right, what this requires is massive government intervention’?”

“It does, it does, yeah, I have no problem saying that,” Ocasio-Cortez quickly replied. “Why? Because we have tried their approach for 40 years. For 40 years we have tried to let the private sector take care of this. They said, ‘We got this, we can do this, the forces of the market are going to force us to innovate.’”

“Except,” she continued, “for the fact that there’s a little thing in economics called externalities. And what that means is that a corporation can dump pollution in the river and they don’t have to pay, but taxpayers have to pay.”

Despite her Green New Deal including plans to remake “every” building in the United States, impose Medicare-for-All, as well as a universal basic income, Ocasio-Cortez said her proposals are small compared to the crisis the world faces. [Her office posted an updated outline of the plan today.]

"Even the solutions that we have considered big and bold are nowhere near the scale of the actual problem that climate change presents to us," she told NPR.

Ocasio-Cortez also suggested there are ways to pay for her plans besides taxes, although she did not specify what.

“It is just certainly a lot of money,” Inskeep said. “You don’t specify where it’s going to come from other than saying it will all pay for itself.”

“Yeah, I think the first move we need to do is kind of break the mistaken idea that taxes pay for 100 percent of government expenditure,” Ocasio-Cortez answered. “It’s just not how government expenditure works. We can recoup costs, but oftentimes you look at, for example, the GOP tax cut which I think was an irresponsible use of government expenditure, but government projects are often financed by a combination of taxes, deficit spending and other kinds of investments, you know, bonds and so on.”

“Well, I get that, but deficit spending is borrowing money that has to be paid back eventually through taxes,” Inskeep reminded the freshman lawmaker.

“Yeah, and I think — I think that is always the crux of it,” she said. “So when we decide to go into the realm of deficit spending, we have to do so responsibly. We ask is this an investment or is this actually going to pay for itself?”

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That's pretty much going to kill the International Tourist Business
She’s young and petulant who wasn’t at one time in their life before the weight of the world crushes the spirit.
Yep, and if you're unwilling to work... you get paid.. Oh, and revamp your house..... get with it. Oh, retirement pay for all..... Oh, you need to take the train to Hawaii.....

Man ole man.... WTF?

The US is #2 C02 polluter in the world. China is #1 and they are already doing stuff to curb fossil fuel use. Are we supposed to stand around with our thumbs up our ass and do nothing? No emerging technologies are perfect. We have to try. It would be awesome, wouldn't it, to be able to get half our power from renewable resources? Deniers are standing in the way of something that would be great for our grandkids and their grandkids.
That's pretty much going to kill the International Tourist Business
To say nothing of McDonalds.

Not necessarily.

Mickey D's has a major presence in India with a beef-less menu, as the dish offends the natives of the Subcontinent.

As you may know, cows are considered to be almighty gods to the Indian people and roam the streets at will, crapping where they will with impunity.
The US is #2 C02 polluter in the world. China is #1 and they are already doing stuff to curb fossil fuel use. Are we supposed to stand around with our thumbs up our ass and do nothing? No emerging technologies are perfect. We have to try. It would be awesome, wouldn't it, to be able to get half our power from renewable resources? Deniers are standing in the way of something that would be great for our grandkids and their grandkids.

Yet Obama signed a deal that would let China continue to increase their pollution levels for decades before they were obligated to reduce them while we would reduce ours immediately. It would be "awesome" to get half our power from renewable resources but it would also be really expensive so if you're going to do that then be honest with people about what their utility bills are going to be!
The US is #2 C02 polluter in the world. China is #1 and they are already doing stuff to curb fossil fuel use. Are we supposed to stand around with our thumbs up our ass and do nothing? No emerging technologies are perfect. We have to try. It would be awesome, wouldn't it, to be able to get half our power from renewable resources? Deniers are standing in the way of something that would be great for our grandkids and their grandkids.
Pfft... we are NOT number 2 polluter in the world. Get your facts straight.
The US is #2 C02 polluter in the world. China is #1 and they are already doing stuff to curb fossil fuel use. Are we supposed to stand around with our thumbs up our ass and do nothing? No emerging technologies are perfect. We have to try. It would be awesome, wouldn't it, to be able to get half our power from renewable resources? Deniers are standing in the way of something that would be great for our grandkids and their grandkids.

Yet Obama signed a deal that would let China continue to increase their pollution levels for decades before they were obligated to reduce them while we would reduce ours immediately. It would be "awesome" to get half our power from renewable resources but it would also be really expensive so if you're going to do that then be honest with people about what their utility bills are going to be!
We need to look forward. Honesty is fine. It will quickly become less expensive, as it is mass produced and refined.
The US is #2 C02 polluter in the world. China is #1 and they are already doing stuff to curb fossil fuel use. Are we supposed to stand around with our thumbs up our ass and do nothing? No emerging technologies are perfect. We have to try. It would be awesome, wouldn't it, to be able to get half our power from renewable resources? Deniers are standing in the way of something that would be great for our grandkids and their grandkids.
Pfft... we are NOT number 2 polluter in the world. Get your facts straight.
The US is #2 C02 polluter in the world. China is #1 and they are already doing stuff to curb fossil fuel use. Are we supposed to stand around with our thumbs up our ass and do nothing? No emerging technologies are perfect. We have to try. It would be awesome, wouldn't it, to be able to get half our power from renewable resources? Deniers are standing in the way of something that would be great for our grandkids and their grandkids.
Why do you assume we are doing nothing? .

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