Green New Deal will Make America Great Again


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]
Its great to see some vision.
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]
Its great to see some vision.

A great step forward for America
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]
Its great to see some vision.

A great step forward for America
No air travel, No moving for you, your trapped like the little slaves we want... FUCK OFF SOCIALIST SCUM BAGS! Your going to learn damn fast what will cause a shooting war...
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]
Its great to see some vision.

Indeed. You are correct. It's great to have a clear vision of the Slave State AOC is promoting.
On January 17, 2019, prospective presidential candidate Jay Inslee called for Green New Deal goals of "net-zero carbon pollution by midcentury" and creating "good-paying jobs building a future run on clean energy" in a Washington Post op-ed. However, he framed these efforts in terms of national mobilization, saying "Confronting climate change will require a full-scale mobilization — a national mission that must be led from the White House."[92]
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]


I've been saying it for years, now they're proving it.

Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]
Its great to see some vision.

A great step forward for America
No air travel, No moving for you, your trapped like the little slaves we want... FUCK OFF SOCIALIST SCUM BAGS! Your going to learn damn fast what will cause a shooting war...
It doesn’t say ban air travel

It encourages investment in High Speed Rail to decrease reliance on air travel. China has done it, why can’t we?
On January 17, 2019, prospective presidential candidate Jay Inslee called for Green New Deal goals of "net-zero carbon pollution by midcentury" and creating "good-paying jobs building a future run on clean energy" in a Washington Post op-ed. However, he framed these efforts in terms of national mobilization, saying "Confronting climate change will require a full-scale mobilization — a national mission that must be led from the White House."[92]
You want Venezuela.. MOVE THERE!

You idiots don't have a dame clue what kind of reaction you will get until the blow back hits you.. And its coming fast...
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]


I've been saying it for years, now they're proving it.

Go away bed wetter

Provide relevant content
On January 17, 2019, prospective presidential candidate Jay Inslee called for Green New Deal goals of "net-zero carbon pollution by midcentury" and creating "good-paying jobs building a future run on clean energy" in a Washington Post op-ed. However, he framed these efforts in terms of national mobilization, saying "Confronting climate change will require a full-scale mobilization — a national mission that must be led from the White House."[92]
With absolutely zero details on how that's supposed to happen, when simultaneously throwing millions out of work.

In summation: "It'll work because.....reasons!"
On January 17, 2019, prospective presidential candidate Jay Inslee called for Green New Deal goals of "net-zero carbon pollution by midcentury" and creating "good-paying jobs building a future run on clean energy" in a Washington Post op-ed. However, he framed these efforts in terms of national mobilization, saying "Confronting climate change will require a full-scale mobilization — a national mission that must be led from the White House."[92]
You want Venezuela.. MOVE THERE!

You idiots don't have a dame clue what kind of reaction you will get until the blow back hits you.. And its coming fast...
Venezuela is anything but green

Is “Venezuela” now the standard comeback from the right whether it applies or not?

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