Anyone need a mint? Trump 41%-Hillary 39%

That' right. The latest polling shows Trump ahead of Hillary.
It also shows
Trump more than twice as popular with DEMs as Hillary is with REPs.
The FBI better hurry up before Trump is 30 points ahead of Hillary in another
couple of months!
Those better be some 'big-ass' rocks the Clinton's are going to need to hide under after Trump humiliates Hillary should there be any debates.
Trump 41%, Clinton 39% - Rasmussen Reports™
you do realize that rasussan isn't a credible source don't you???

Never heard of em.....
That' right. The latest polling shows Trump ahead of Hillary.
It also shows
Trump more than twice as popular with DEMs as Hillary is with REPs.
The FBI better hurry up before Trump is 30 points ahead of Hillary in another
couple of months!
Those better be some 'big-ass' rocks the Clinton's are going to need to hide under after Trump humiliates Hillary should there be any debates.
Trump 41%, Clinton 39% - Rasmussen Reports™

Thats great news and its happening when the rep party has spent 1 billion dollars against Trump and ran 56,000 neg ads against him. Its Amazing he is leading under those circumstances. When Ayatollah Cruz drops out Trump will win easily
According to the people that do this shit for a living (Silver, Wang, Raamussen, Zogby, Gallup, et. al.) general election "match up" polls taken prior to the convention, or before the nominees are known, are notoriously unreliable and have large margins of error.

Now that hiLIARy and Trump are the presumptive nominees, polls from this point forward will be much more predictive of what will happen in November. The closer we get to the actual election the more reliable the polls become.
It is going to be amusing to watch the politically correct folks here drool at the mouth like Bernie as Crooked Hillary gets schlonged even more in the polls by The Donald once he is officially the republican candidate!
Hey kids...did you all know about the Electoral College?

Crystal Ball 2016 Electoral College Ratings

It's a given that Hillary takes all the Obama states, plus NC.

Will she also get Georiga and Arizona?

Missouri and Indiana?

Will she hit 400 EV?

It all depends on just how badly Trump melts down, as the big sissyboy always does when challenged.
are now saying a neck and neck between Donald and Hillary right now, Donald wins.
Time to hide all those gay-pride flags, faggots.
Better register for Trump's Draft Act as well - beat the rush to your first tour of duty in Afghanistan.
LOL assholes.
Fuckkng rich!
are now saying a neck and neck between Donald and Hillary right now, Donald wins.
Time to hide all those gay-pride flags, faggots.
Better register for Trump's Draft Act as well - beat the rush to your first tour of duty in Afghanistan.
LOL assholes.
Fuckkng rich!

Time to burn those bras, dresses and stilettos, chief.
are now saying a neck and neck between Donald and Hillary right now, Donald wins.
Time to hide all those gay-pride flags, faggots.
Better register for Trump's Draft Act as well - beat the rush to your first tour of duty in Afghanistan.
LOL assholes.
Fuckkng rich!
You are a fool and aren't paying attention to what Trump is saying if you think Trump will halt any LGBT agenda action. He JUST said he's cool with transgenders using any restroom they want
LOL, Rasmussen was WAAAAY off (5 points) in 2012 nationally and their state polling was a joke.
are now saying a neck and neck between Donald and Hillary right now, Donald wins.
Time to hide all those gay-pride flags, faggots.
Better register for Trump's Draft Act as well - beat the rush to your first tour of duty in Afghanistan.
LOL assholes.
Fuckkng rich!

Rasmussen had Romney winning this week in 2012.

Rasmussen had McCain winning in early May 2008.
LOL, Rasmussen was WAAAAY off (5 points) in 2012 nationally and their state polling was a joke.

You may be correct, shitbreath, but they're pretty dead-on accurate overall. They predicted that incompetent fool Obama's victory - not once, but TWICE. I'd start getting ready to serve your country, for once, asshole - and don't worry about polls.

Trump '16
All the pollsters go both of Obama's victories right - unless you're counting the "unskewed" ones.

Rasmussen is an outlier, as it often is:

Rasmussen Reports 4/27 - 4/28 1000 LV 3.0 39 41 Drumpf +2
IBD/TIPP 4/22 - 4/28 814 RV 3.5 47 40 Clinton +7
USA Today/Suffolk 4/20 - 4/24 1000 LV 3.0 50 39 Clinton +11
GWU/Battleground 4/17 - 4/20 1000 LV 3.1 46 43 Clinton +3
FOX News 4/11 - 4/13 1021 RV 3.0 48 41 Clinton +7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 4/10 - 4/14 1000 RV 3.1 50 39 Clinton +11
CBS News 4/8 - 4/12 1098 RV 3.0 50 40 Clinton +10

RCP average has Clinton +6.7
You are a fool and aren't paying attention to what Trump is saying if you think Trump will halt any LGBT agenda action. He JUST said he's cool with transgenders using any restroom they want

Only idiots, Obama and you seem to support cross-dressing queers. Sorry asshole, the majority of normal men, don't. That whole taking it in the ass by another man - which you're OK with. Do you use condoms or do we have to fund your AIDs infected ass in your final days?
All the pollsters go both of Obama's victories right - unless you're counting the "unskewed" ones.

Rasmussen is an outlier, as it often is:

Rasmussen Reports 4/27 - 4/28 1000 LV 3.0 39 41 Drumpf +2
IBD/TIPP 4/22 - 4/28 814 RV 3.5 47 40 Clinton +7
USA Today/Suffolk 4/20 - 4/24 1000 LV 3.0 50 39 Clinton +11
GWU/Battleground 4/17 - 4/20 1000 LV 3.1 46 43 Clinton +3
FOX News 4/11 - 4/13 1021 RV 3.0 48 41 Clinton +7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 4/10 - 4/14 1000 RV 3.1 50 39 Clinton +11
CBS News 4/8 - 4/12 1098 RV 3.0 50 40 Clinton +10

RCP average has Clinton +6.7

Who in their right mind would vote for a candidate, under investigation, who's married to a fucking pedophile?
Tell me you're not that idiotic.

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