Anyone else get shadowbanned, silenced on Twitter?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I am new there, less than three months. I had a couple of auto bans for which I had to contact them, I dealt with it by contacting them, and was reinstated.

However, I am noticing an advanced form of shadowbanning of sorts, and because I am a pain in the ass to the Canadian government as I continue to rat them out and expose, I'm concerned they have contacted Twitter.

I have thousands of followers now and used to get many retweets and likes, usually in a short period of time. Now I sometimes tweet and receive nothing. No comments, likes, retweets. I am starting to worry that they outright mute you and you don't know.

There is a site to check if you are autobanned, but because I post to others, I'm not sure if it will identify a specific muting of sorts, say, to ones followers and/or only a tweet from your "wall" or whatever they call it and not a response to another persons tweets, if you understand what I mean. I'm suggesting people may see my tweets when I respond to someone, but not a tweet I create and which originates primarily from me.

Anyone else suffer from this sort of suspected muting? It's worse if you are conservative or a Trump supporter without question, but this is a higher level altogether.
I've been banned from the commentary boards at CNS "News". Goes back to a tiem when they had run some bogus rightwing bullshit story, I wrote a comment that busted the story, it disappeared, so not having any explanation for said disappearance I reposted it, disappeared again, and they banned me from the site.


Not a "shadowban" but a full one. CNS don't want nobody calling out its fake news.

That said, this sentence sums up why I don't do Tweeter:

I have thousands of followers now

That's some scary shit.
I've been banned from the commentary boards at CNS "News". Goes back to a tiem when they had run some bogus rightwing bullshit story, I wrote a comment that busted the story, it disappeared, so not having any explanation for said disappearance I reposted it, disappeared again, and they banned me from the site.


Not a "shadowban" but a full one. CNS don't want nobody calling out its fake news.

That said, this sentence sums up why I don't do Tweeter:

I have thousands of followers now

That's some scary shit.

it's not right, regardless of who does it as far as I am concerned. I will debate anyone if they are reasonable, I never block or shut opinions I don't agree with.

A sad world we are living in. I think Twitter will change when they realize there is a growing conservative movement out there, they cannot stop it, nor will they be legitimate long term without it being healthy.

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