Anyone Been Contacted by a Deceased Loved One?

When I was five or six years old I stayed at my grandparent's house a lot. This was circa 1975. In the summer of that year at about 0300 I was awakened by the Jack Russel Terrier. It was barking at something I couldn't see so I crawled out of bed and and wandered into the kitchen. Before me stood a black mass in the form of a man. Scared, I ran back to the room with the dog barking. I put my covers over my eyes and this thing just peered down and disappeared. These things are usually considered demonic and I've been having that flashback ever since. Never saw it again.

It's what is commonly known as a shadow person, usually demonic. I don't know what it was but I saw it. There is no rational explanation for it.
My mom passed July 10, 2006. Sometimes when I dream, it will be here in current time and whatever is going on whether it's with my family or something else, my mom is in the dream as if she never passed at all.

Now, I don't think it was her contacting me, I just believe it was just a dream expressing how much I miss her and wish she was still a part of my everyday life.
After my little brother died, I was sitting on my bed in my room, alone, crying. I felt someone pat my shoulder as if they were sitting beside me and trying to comfort me. No one else was in the room. I even turned around to look. Probably just my imagination, but it sure felt real.
Yes, I've been contacted by dead relatives.

Care to elaborate some?

I've lost a lot of family in the last 10 years.

As a skeptic back in 2006 I was invited to a gathering of people with a psychic medium. The intent was to talk to deceased relatives. What I was told to do was to simply think of 2 deceased relatives all day and bring those thoughts to the meeting. The meeting was in a basement with the all light completely blocked off like a cave. When the lights went out it began.

I'd been thinking of my uncle and my Grandfather. My uncle had a particularly uncommon name of "Orven".

As this progressed the medium sensed she was getting something from someone named Orven. So I said yes, that is the name I was thinking of, but before she could receive his message in full, it was occluded by a stronger message from Robert, the first name of my grandfather, the 2nd name I was thinking of, and then it unfolded. What follows was mind blowing.

She said that Robert was joking and saying he'd never be to a raising of the dead before which fits his joking personality. He continued to prove his existence to me by telling the medium that I used to build tree houses all over his land. At this point, my jaw dropped. Then he went on to specifically describe the biggest tree house I ever constructed as a boy in the mid 80's. A 12 by 12 blue platform 20 feet between 4 trees. To a tee.

I'd never me this medium before in my life or disclosed any names or to anyone else. There is no possibility that the psychic could have known this information.

I've had other paranormal experiences but this one was the most mind blowing and personal.

IMO, while you were spending all day "thinking" about the deceased, that medium was researching your past. You were, after all, invited, they knew you were coming. I had a "reading" once where the psychic was extremely accurate. Found out later it was a set up. Another time I had a reading and the woman told me that I would eventually "find my man". I'd been married for 30 years, I don't wear a wedding ring though and that's what she looked for, not finding it, she "assumed" I wasn't married. I don't know, I think like most people I want to believe but I want my belief to be based on facts and not desire.
I have never experienced anything paranormal, but people in my family have.

My mother told me about something that happened to her about ten years ago. I had been recently married and moved out, but my younger sister was still living with her. She worked nights so my mom was home alone. In the middle of the night she heard the front door open downstairs and someone walk in. At first she assumed it was my sister but she was in bed facing the window and didn't see my sister's car outside. Whoever (or whatever) was in the house had an odd walk. She would hear a step and then a foot drag behind it, then a step and a foot drag behind it. The steps then made their way up the stairs. My mother said she was so terrified she couldn't move out of bed. She just grabbed her rosary and started praying. Eventually, the footsteps made their way into her bedroom. She was facing away from the door so she never actually saw who or what it was, but it came all the way up to the bed, breathed on the back of her neck and then it was just gone. She stayed frozen in her bed until she saw my sister pull up some time later, no idea how long it was.

What makes this story more bizarre is that she told me the exact same thing happened to my grandmother when my mom was a kid back in the 1950s. My grandmother was in bed and heard someone come in through the front door, thinking it was my grandfather getting home from work ( he worked second shift at a factory that made airplane parts), but she heard the same foot steps, a step and then a foot drag behind it. Same scenario, it came up the steps. Her bedroom door was closed, though, so she heard the steps stop outside the door and then the handle started jiggling, but the door never opened. It suddenly just stopped.
Sounds like the house is haunted.

I've never had anyone try to contact me from beyond but hey. Nothing says they can't or won't.
Just curious if anyone has ever been contacted by a deceased loved one. Did you do anything to facilitate the occurrence?

When my husband got cancer, died and left me to raise those two children alone, we weren't exactly on speaking terms after his death. Until I moved away, I did have episodes of awakening in the nigh thinking someone was in the room. My first nursing job was on an oncology unit with 75% of the patients on experimental protocols. They were all doomed. That happened again the first time I had a patient die. My husband was a really good person, and he worked to give me everything I wanted. But I don't have good dreams about him. He is either doing nothing to help, OR he is actively trying to take something away - one night it was the T-Bird I owned at the time. Not sure why I dream in that manner, perhaps I'm still pissed at him for dying.
I've had very vivid dreams of loved ones that have passed, to the point of waking up and wishing the dreams weren't dreams. When I wake from them, it's as though as I hadn't even slept - you could say my energy is drained, and I just want to go to sleep.
I attended spiritualist churches from the 1960s and throughout the 1970s. I had many evidential messages from my grandparents. I went to different churches up and down the country and got messages from mediums I had never seen before. They use to say things like " I have got your grandmother here, she says she has been through to you many times before" Then they proceeded to give me some advice from beyond the grave.

The most evidential message I ever had was from a dead brother that I did not know I had. Evidently he died in the second world was as a baby, and the medium told me the circumstances of his death, and even his name. I said no to everything the medium said because I did not know anything about it, so the medium looked crestfallen and said "well keep hold of it and ask your mother". So I went home and asked my mother, " did you have a baby that died in the war" and she said "yes", and confirmed all the details the medium had said.

My mother was stunned because she was not a spiritualist and she did not approve of me going to the church. She had never been to the church and the medium was a stranger visiting from out of town, and I had never seen her before.
'On one of the worst nights of my life, I'd been called by my father who said my mother was in the hospital with a burst aneurism and was not expected to live, hurry. I took the night flight home and was filled with a mixture of anger and sorrow, because she was so young (47) and her birthday was just a month away. I've never been a nervous type, but that night I learned what "a bundle of nerves" meant, and it wasn't pretty.

When things didn't seem they could be possibly any worse, suddenly the cabin was filled with a yellowish white bright light, and a sense of peace came to me. I didn't hear words, but I felt them, like a knowing. At that time I knew she would be in a better place, and that she wasn't coming back. When I visited her in the hospital, she was attached to 3 or 4 huge machines keeping her alive. I asked the nurse if she might come to, and she said she didn't know. I asked her if she had a flashlight. She did. She put the flashlight to her eyes, and there was an absence of response--not a blink, not a flinch, not a quiver. That confirmed my experience in the plane. She was gone. They kept the pumps going for 2 days after I got home, and the next morning when we went to visit, her room was vacant. They'd moved her to a viewing room to let us see she was gone. The nurse gathered us together and told her the cause of death and had my father sign some papers.

On the plane, I felt I had been in the presence of an angel. The experience carried me through the upcoming saddest week I ever had in my life, my young mother's funeral. I felt a strength I'd never had before. I know she was the best friend and person I had ever known. This year on August 24, she will have been gone for 40 years. A week has never passed I hadn't thought of her.

I lived in Wyoming, and when I'd call mom, she'd ask what I was making for supper. I'd say "spaghetti." She was making some too. She'd call me and say she was waiting for chocolate chip cookies to come out of the oven and thought she'd kill a few minutes talking to me, and asked what I was doing. "Just took my chocolate chip cookies out of the oven, mom, but they're still too hot to sample." I swear, we were connected even if we lived 1300 miles apart from her home in Texas to mine in Wyoming.

It's true. Love never dies.
Some of your experiences are amazing. Imagine having a gift that you can communicate with those gone and be able to share/comfort others because of it? Or becki, having such a strong connection with your mom ... and your angel? experience ... I would have been so grateful to have that. Don't Taz Me ... :eek: I'd have been totally freaked out by that and I'd have turned around to see what was there.

I've experienced absolutely nothing .. not a sign, not a weird coincidence (except for the yatzee game thing which I didn't see), not even a dream. TT, I wish I had been awake when my parents died. Both my dad and mom died around the same time ... in the early hours of a new day --- 2am-4am. We were all asleep when they passed.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, I love hearing this stuff. I still look and listen for some kind of sign .. of course, half the time I keeping thinking it's my mom when the phone rings or I go to call to tell them something. What a long summer this is.
I told all of mine to try, and bring me the lottery numbers if they come back!

Being a Christian, I am perplexed: I don't know if your spirit sleeps until you are risen, or if you are cognizant, and can travel / visit. I do know when my Dad died, something sat on the edge of my bed, and my yongest brother's - I was too afraid to look. When my brother looked, he saw nothing, but the corner of the bed severly depressed?

When my oldest sister was killed, my mom claimed that her face appeared in front of her several times in the airport.
I told all of mine to try, and bring me the lottery numbers if they come back!

Being a Christian, I am perplexed: I don't know if your spirit sleeps until you are risen, or if you are cognizant, and can travel / visit. I do know when my Dad died, something sat on the edge of my bed, and my yongest brother's - I was too afraid to look. When my brother looked, he saw nothing, but the corner of the bed severly depressed?

When my oldest sister was killed, my mom claimed that her face appeared in front of her several times in the airport.

I used to think that only those spirits that weren't at rest would make themselves known. But after reading and hearing about others experiences I don't believe this anymore.

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