Anyone Been Contacted by a Deceased Loved One?

I probably should mention that I'm bouncing in and out of the ANGER stage of grief lately. If I seem kind of mean, that's probably why. Not an excuse, just an explanation.

I'm trying to decide how to carry on (or not) with my life. It's become kind of like a nightmare. I wake up and remember I'm living in a nightmare. I used to be someone who would get all joyous because a sunbeam came through the window while I was working in the kitchen, that sort of thing. I could get all giddy over silly little things. No more.

I had read a book called "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. It suggested keeping a list of one thousand "gifts" in your life, one thousand things you are thankful for. This could be something as small as the sunbeam coming through your kitchen window. I was up to #316. I got that list out the other day to look at it. The number one thing I had put on my list, the FIRST thing I thought of when thinking about what I was thankful for...was my dog Greta.

And now she's gone. The other 300-something items don't really mean that much anymore. I'm just trying to figure things out.
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Dear Koosh: What one of my mentors told me, and all the teachers at the school where she trained and hired us to tutor exceptional, gifted and special needs students,
was that after death she would be moving to a different part of the same house.

She would be able to hear us, even if we couldn't see or hear her.

And she would be working on some other spiritual level or plane to help souls in other ways. So her work with us was over, she was not needed here any more but will have finished her part of the plan, and moved on where her energy and guidance was needed.

so some souls may act as angels and help us on this plane, either on earth or in heaven.

And some souls may move elsewhere and help other people instead.

I would think about it as having a family member serving overseas, and helping other regions out of severe crisis. And it is a sacrifice not to have them with you instead.

if they are needed elsewhere even more, that is where they will focus and go.

if you need them more, then you will have that help or it will come from someone else.

part of the lessons we learn in life is to be at peace and trust the process. not try to dictate how it should go when we can't see the whole plan.

in a classroom, we can't always have the teacher's attention or help 100% of the time.
we have to learn how to work and get things done on our own, and know when and where to get help when we need it, but it may come from other classmates or tutors and not from the teacher or parent or person we thought or wanted to help us. maybe they are too busy helping someone else that nobody else can help but them. so we learn as we go.

I'm reviving this thread because ever since the death of my doberman, Greta, on January 4, 2014, I've been searching for answers. Now, I lost my mother in 1986 and that was horrible, but I dealt with it by getting drunk for 10 years. I lost my Dad in August of 2009, but although I loved him very much, we hadn't spent much time together over the years. So my grief was manageable.

But my dog...well, she is a very, very special being to me. I don't know what to believe, but if there are soulmates, I believe she was my soulmate, come to earth to spend the past 10 years with me, and they were probably the best 10 years of my life. But now...she's gone. So I am seeking. I've cried bitterly every day for 71 days now since she died. I've never cried for anyone like this before. I iwant her back.

So, I'm reading a book which is about the exact topic of this thread. Loved ones contacting us from beyond. The book is called "Hello from Heaven: A New Field of Research - After-Death-Communication - Confirms that Life and Love are Eternal" by Bill Guggenheim and Judy Guggenheim (ex-spouses)

I'm only a short way into the book which is a series of accounts by people of contacts they've had with the dearly departed. Some are just "feelings," some are audible, some are physical, such as feeling a hand on your shoulder, and some are acutal two-way communications. Some of the communication is telepathic (just in you mind), some is audible, through the ears, some is visual, some is audible and visual, etc.

Anyway, I don't find myself being comforted and I'm actually getting angry. I don't like bullshit. And the question that keeps coming to mind is...why just some people? Why doesn't everyone get to experience the joy of hearing from loved ones they have lost? Hmmm?

I've known people who swear they've experienced this or that paranormal event, and you look at the people and think...yeah, YOU would. They're often uneducated, naive, gullible. Or downright dishonest and like attention, even attention they garner by making up stories.

People will say...oh, no wonder you don't receive any communication, you're shutting it out with your skepticism.

Not so. All my life I've been open to the paranormal, or afterlife, etc. When my mother died in 1986 I shut myself in my bedroom for three days and nights, crying and begging her to communicate with me. Nothing. So that's why I proceeded to get drunk for 10 years.

And now, my beloved Greta. I am so open to a communication or sign from the afterlife, that she is there, that she is okay...that we will meet again. Nothing.

So someone explain to me WHY some people are contacted and others aren't? I'm a decent person, I have a good heart, I rescue animals, I act tough on the outside but am kind-hearted in reality. So why not ME?

I'm wondering if the book I'm reading will address this, because to me, it's the elephant in the room. If this is a natural phenomenon, why some and not others? I need an answer to this, because otherwise, the only answer I have is the one I've concluded on my own...that the accounts of contact with departed loved ones are bogus.

I don't want that to be true. I want there to be an afterlife and I want to see my loved ones again and for everything to be...all right.

Books like the one I am reading seem to be desperate attempts to justify our existence. There MUST be more than this, right? But I'm afraid this may be all there is. This earthly life and nothing beyond.

Depressing, huh? But if anyone is game for more discussion about this, I'd like to talk about it.

P.S. whenever you get negative thoughts about these things, try to focus on forgiveness or sorrow.
When you feel sorrow then open yourself to receive compassion.
When you feel forgiveness then you open yourself to receive healing.

This is the channel that will allow you to connect "unconditionally" with all other souls,
on earth or in heaven. Whatever you can forgive removes any barriers or blockage between us,
so that love transcends death, and overcomes or casts out all fear in the way.

This is the eternal love that not even death can separate.
Keep forgiving, and asking help to remove the negatives,
and you will open your mind, heart and soul to receive more and more fulfillment and unbroken connections spiritually.
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K -- have you given any more thought to getting another dog? If so, do you still feel it's too soon or that perhaps a new dog would help you heal some?
My sister in law invited a Medium over. In my private session with the Medium there was no denying that she was relying specific information that was only know by members of my immediate family and things that were dear to my father when he was on this side of Infinity.
I want some of what you've been smoking...

You had to be there. There's no way for her to possibly have researched it or Googled it. She would have had to have bugged our house in the Bronx 30 years ago for her to relay what she did.
I want some of what you've been smoking...

You had to be there. There's no way for her to possibly have researched it or Googled it. She would have had to have bugged our house in the Bronx 30 years ago for her to relay what she did.

I have had similarly evidential messages. One where a medium came to the local church from out of town. I had never seen her before, but she told me she had a message from my dead brother. She even gave me his name. I denyed this and she looked crest fallen, and said well hold on to it and ask your family. So I went home and asked my mother, and she admitted she had a baby of the same name that died in the war. My mother was not a spiritualist, and she had never been to the church. I have also had other evidential messages from my grandmother and grandfather, in the years I went to a spiritualist church.
I want some of what you've been smoking...

You had to be there. There's no way for her to possibly have researched it or Googled it. She would have had to have bugged our house in the Bronx 30 years ago for her to relay what she did.

I have had similarly evidential messages. One where a medium came to the local church from out of town. I had never seen her before, but she told me she had a message from my dead brother. She even gave me his name. I denyed this and she looked crest fallen, and said well hold on to it and ask your family. So I went home and asked my mother, and she admitted she had a baby of the same name that died in the war. My mother was not a spiritualist, and she had never been to the church. I have also had other evidential messages from my grandmother and grandfather, in the years I went to a spiritualist church.

Similar experience for me. My dad had a daughter from a previous marriage and the daughter was with him, she had just passed away 6 weeks before and none of us knew that she passed. That's was the message for me.
If contact with dead loved ones is possible, it doesn't require a go-between. The very notion is absurd. Mediums are con artists knowledgeable in psychology and manipulating ignorant people much like lawyers who know the law do those that don't. If consciousness endures beyond death, and contact between states is possible, having a 3rd party isn't going to help or hinder that act. It's like saying you need to have a scientist around to make sure gravity doesn't stop working and you float away.
If contact with dead loved ones is possible, it doesn't require a go-between. The very notion is absurd. Mediums are con artists knowledgeable in psychology and manipulating ignorant people much like lawyers who know the law do those that don't. If consciousness endures beyond death, and contact between states is possible, having a 3rd party isn't going to help or hinder that act. It's like saying you need to have a scientist around to make sure gravity doesn't stop working and you float away.

Back in the 60's a good friend of mine was killed in an auto accident, he came back and said something to me.....not his image but his voice did and it wasn't in my head, but an external voice. No medium, no con on my behalf, nothing but the real deal.
PS what he said changed my life and my beliefs forever. true story....
If contact with dead loved ones is possible, it doesn't require a go-between. The very notion is absurd. Mediums are con artists knowledgeable in psychology and manipulating ignorant people much like lawyers who know the law do those that don't. If consciousness endures beyond death, and contact between states is possible, having a 3rd party isn't going to help or hinder that act. It's like saying you need to have a scientist around to make sure gravity doesn't stop working and you float away.

Mediums are people that are able to open themselves to higher worlds. Most people cannot do it because their auras are like a strong shell that keeps out psychic forces for their own benefit ,as psychic energy can be disturbing. believe me I know as I was open to psychic energy, and my etheric body was loose. I could feel psychic atmospheres.

Anyone could try to open their aura and open their chakras, and lots of people could sense something if they tried. But since most people, like yourself, have never tried, how would they know?
I'm 66 years old, and I've been having imaginings or fantasies recently of being visited by a cat that I had as a pet when I was very young and whom I assume is long deceased. Cats who are house pets sometimes don't die on ones' property, they just wander off and don't come back. This cat's reappearance in my fantasies is of some concern to me, as it might be an omen suggesting the time is near for me to just "disappear" or to die.
If contact with dead loved ones is possible, it doesn't require a go-between. The very notion is absurd. Mediums are con artists knowledgeable in psychology and manipulating ignorant people much like lawyers who know the law do those that don't. If consciousness endures beyond death, and contact between states is possible, having a 3rd party isn't going to help or hinder that act. It's like saying you need to have a scientist around to make sure gravity doesn't stop working and you float away.

And you're an expert on this . . . how?
If contact with dead loved ones is possible, it doesn't require a go-between. The very notion is absurd. Mediums are con artists knowledgeable in psychology and manipulating ignorant people much like lawyers who know the law do those that don't. If consciousness endures beyond death, and contact between states is possible, having a 3rd party isn't going to help or hinder that act. It's like saying you need to have a scientist around to make sure gravity doesn't stop working and you float away.

And you're an expert on this . . . how?

Actually, he makes a good point. The book I am reading (Hello from Heaven) is a study done of people's experiences with being contacted by deceased loved ones. They purposely did not include any contacts facilitated by a psychic simply because they were not necessary and psychic-facilitated contacts muddied the water of the study. They had ample cases without psychics being involved.
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One thing this book, "Hello from Heaven" some cases many years go by before the deceased makes contact with their living loved one. In one of the instances I just read, it was 16 years from the time the person died before they made contact. Supposedly their loved one was going through something very difficult and really needed them, that's why they showed up after all that time.
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Still reading my book, "Hello From Heaven," which is a study of ADCs (After Death Communications). Apparently BELIEVING or BEING RECEPTIVE is not a requirement.

A number of interviews we conducted began with a statement similar to Debohrah's "I was a card-carrying skeptic before I had this experience..." Our research revealed that prior belief in ADCs is not a requirement for having communication with a deceased loved one, as Deborah's special encounter with her brother clearly indicates.

Well, so much for that.

And back to my question...WHY do SOME people get the reassurance of these encounters and some just have to do without? Still searching for that answer,

Because if my beloved Greta would walk through the room and tap me with her nose just one more time it would change my life forever. As it is, my life is changed forever by her death and it's not for the better, not at all.

What makes the difference? Is it just luck? Or is it based on your worthiness, somehow? Or what?

Or is it just bullshit.

They say that the people in the study came from all walks of life and socioeconomic backgrounds and were males and females of all ages. I am curious if anyone looked for a common thread between all these people.

I know, I know, I know...I am talking about mysteries and questions that Mankind has been asking ever since Mankind has existed. And inventing religions and all sorts of things to assuage their fears. So, it's kind of silly to be demanding answers on this forum.

But I keep hoping that someone will give me something to cling to.
Oh, wait, the stupid book contradicts itself!

Vincent's wife and two daughters may have wondered why he appeared only to Hal. Unfortunately, there can be hurt feelings when one family member is contacted but the others are not. Since some people are more recpetive to having ADCs than others, the one who died probably contacts the person who is most open and mostl likely to deliver a personal message to the whole family.

Well, I AM receptive. Please let me see Greta one more time, just for a few seconds. Then I'll KNOW. And I won't care what anyone else thinks. I'll KNOW she's okay and waiting for me on the other side.
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Oh, wait, the stupid book contradicts itself!

Kooshdakhaa, if you are interested here is a book that claims to be an account of the afterlife. I would be pleased if you would read some of it and tell me what you think.


Thank you for the recommended reading! I have purchased the book from Amazon and downloaded it to my Kindle. I will let you know what I think. Hopefully I'll be able to read some of it this weekend.

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