Antisemitic Talkback in the US


May 4, 2009
Here we go again! excepts from an article in Ynet. this applies to this board as well!

The Jews are to blame
“Two weeks ago, Henry Kissinger published an article in the Washington Post about America and Iran. The item revealed nothing new: Kissinger has not been revealing anything new for many years now….”

“It wasn’t the article that was of interest, but rather, the talkbacks that the newspaper’s website posted below the item. It’s been a while since I’ve seen such overabundance of Jew hatred. The respondents, all of them using nicknames, charged the Jewish people with conspiring to entangle the United States in a military operation in Iran in order to make profits and promote the State of Israel’s dark interests.

The Jews control the American administration, lamented the respondents in one talkback after another. They control Congress and the media. The Jews are America’s real enemy.

There were always anti-Semites in American. The surprise is that this anti-Semitic garbage is being published by one of the world’s most respected newspapers. The second surprise is that it didn’t prompt much reaction.

The Jewish community in the US has a powerful and effective organization tasked with fighting any anti-Semitic display. It’s called the Anti-Defamation League. The League’s National Director, Abe Foxman, was in Israel last week. I told him about the talkbacks I read and he shook his head sadly. The League employs seven people in monitoring anti-Semitic statements on the Internet. Yet they can’t handle the onslaught.

When group members turn to a website and ask to remove a delusional statement, they sometimes get a reply. Other times they are asked to send in a response, and at times they are rejected, on the grounds that the Internet should not be censored. One way or another, the venom has already settled in Google and it shall remain there for eternity…”

“This phenomenon has far-reaching implications on the public discourse. In this regrettable case, it means that racist and anti-Semitic doctrines shift from the crazy margins to the center of the spectrum. Everything is legitimate; everything is worthy of being published.

Foxman told me about a case he was involved in recently. It was about a Jewish professor from Santa Barbara, California, who compared the IDF’s conduct in Gaza to the conduct of the Germans at the Warsaw ghetto, no less. Foxman sent the professor a letter and demanded that he issue an apology.

Instead of apologizing, the professor disseminated Foxman’s letter via e-mail. My freedom of expression is being undermined, he claimed. The first amendment to the constitution is being violated. What we have here is a thought police that harasses anyone who thinks differently.

The media in California was all over the story: Mud-wrestling between Jews is almost as sexy as mud-wrestling between women. And now, Foxman is debating on his next move: Should he continue to fight for the honor of the IDF and of the Warsaw ghetto, or just give up.”
The internet makes anyone a publisher with world wide reach.

Why are any of us surprised that anti-Semetism is found in abundance among the chatter?

Jews have always been convenient scapegoats to explain away all the problems in the Western World.

Of course that's absurd because we all know it's really the Masons/Illuminati/Trilateral commission/crypto-socialists, insert your favorite whipping boys here who are responsible.

Lord knows it couldn't POSSIBLY be the people who we have in charge who are fouling our nests, could it?

No, it must be some secret cabal.

NOt that I don't think there are conspiracies aplenty, it's just that there's enough evidence of what our own congress has done, evidence that is irrefuateable, I might add, which can explain why our nation is going down the economic toilet.

But apparently few of us are satisfied with those dry facts which explain things.

They lack the mystery of say, an Illunimati-type explaination, so we reject what is apparent and seek more odious explanations to explain the root of all our troubles.

WE are in trouble because WE worship the mythos of the rugged individual to a degree that is patently absurd, folks.

We are in trouble because WE don't feel like WE, anymore.

WE feel like WE are beset by problems from all those other Americans who are THEM.

Those people are the cuase of our problems because they are not REAL WE are.
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I always forget to check the number of posts ... LOL ...

Editec is right though ... it's not surprising.

lol.. it's an easy thing to miss.... 16 posts.

although I should have mentioned that in the future, he/she should pm a mod and ask for assistance in linking.

and no...not surprising... particularly when the economy is having trouble. then it's always about the darn jews.
Oh are we posting racist posts from JPOST zionists next?


funny how that works.

You people need to think deeply about why your victim card is about as farcical is the modern American Race Card.

The need of the most powerful to turn themselves into victims

One of the most common, harmful and downright pitiful dynamics in our political culture is the bottomless need of those who wield the most power to constantly parade around as oppressed, persecuted victims:

The need of the most powerful to turn themselves into victims - Glenn Greenwald -
Jews have always been convenient scapegoats to explain away all the problems in the Western World.

The complaint that Jews are "scapegoats" for any particular problem neatly avoids the possibility-yea-reality that they are in FACT to blame for CERTAIN problems.

When it comes to our entanglements in the Middle East, their activism on behalf of Israel has indeed brought the United States quite unnecessarily for its own security into conflict with the entire Muslim world.

You don't have to be David Duke to believe this, though. Read Walt and Mearsheimer's "The Israel Lobby" for an airtight case.

Re: angry comments on the Washington Post website: sorry, Jews. Your stranglehold on the flow of information and opinion in America died when the Internet was born. Not everybody loves you or supports your goals. In fact, people generally hate your guts. You'll continue with the easy reassurance that this hatred is illogical or borne of jealousy, and in some instances, it can be. But for the most part, it's based on pretty cut-and-dried ethnic conflicts of interest in the modern world. Welcome to it.

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