Another Islamist in the West Kills His Own Child - You BASTARD!

You're no Bernard Lewis, fuck-knuckle. :rofl:

I've already spent enough time addressing your fallacy-filled posts. If anybody's still stupid enough to believe that you're a credible source of information on Islam, another post of mine isn't going to help them. Goodbye. :rofl:

Respect for humanity in general, Kalem you do not practise what the Qur'an preaches.

Fallacy filled posts yet kalem thinks Communist Russia was the western world and not the "Eastern Bloc". To not understand the difference between the east and west shows who is actually stupid.

If Kalem thinks Kalem is credible after Kalem shows complete ignorance to the Eastern Bloc countries and the Western world than Kalem is a fool, and according to the old Arab proverb, "a man who is born a fool, remains a fool", well, Kalem proves that there is wisdom in this old arab proverb.
You are one silly person mdn2000

The Middle East is full of universities and schools of higher education.

In fact, muslims basically invented the university educational system.

Which Europe centurys later copied and spread to America.

"The University of Al Karaouine in Fez, Morocco is thus recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest degree-granting university in the world with its founding in 859 by Fatima al-Fihri. Also in the 9th century, Bimaristan medical schools were founded in the medieval Islamic world, where medical degrees and diplomas were issued to students of Islamic medicine who were qualified to be a practicing Doctor of Medicine. Al-Azhar University, founded in Cairo, Egypt in 975, was a Jami'ah university which offered a variety of post-graduate degrees and had individual faculties for a theological seminary, Islamic law and jurisprudence, Arabic grammar, Islamic astronomy, early Islamic philosophy, and logic in Islamic philosophy".

University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunni, are you claiming that under the Moslem-Turkish rule of the Ottoman empire education did not significantly decline? Do you wish to make that claim in regards to Iraq and the period I specify?

Muslims invented the university system, lets make one thing clear, wikipedia is not a source nor is google

I made a very specific point citing a very specific fact, so do you care to reconsider your words Sunniman?
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Kalem, what do you know, you know enough to completely ignore what this topic is about and for good reason, again you speak of "disbeleivers" when this topic is about APOSTASY.

I cite the Qur'an, and you claim that it isn't the most important text in Islam. I cite ahadith, and you claim that I haven't. I cite the works that define Islam, and you claim that one can only understand Islam through worthless travel books that were written some 1200 years after the foundation of the religion. How oh how did we Muslims exist for 1200 years without brilliant "scholars of Islam" such as yourself and Doughty to explain our own religion to us? You're dismissed, fool.

You cite the Koran and than lie about my claims, I never made the claim it was not the most important text, so why must a Moslem lie, simple, the truth is not on this moslems side, further according to the koran, its okay for a moslem to lie to the infidels.

I thought I would let you have the last word on this but you prove to be to big of an idioit.

Coloring books, gee, you dismiss all western works as coloring books. This shows Kalem as being completely biased.

How can one debate or discuss with a person who's position is all western books are coloring books, you cannot, its this kind of bigotry that was exhibited by the man that ran over his daughter.

As far as everything Kalem posts in response to my posts, it is very clear that Kalem knows nothing of muslem culture.

Kalem has resorted to attacking the messenger, nice tactic of the liberal/marxist, attack and demean the messenger while misquoting and telling complete lies.

Kalem is actually the sound I make when I clear my throat and hack up a green piece of phlem.

So there is nothing to address in Kalem's response to my post, what one should note is kalem is biased, has only studied the koran, has cherry picked the koran in order to avoid the relevant text in other moslem words such as the Hadith.

Had Kalem not dismissed all western works as biased coloring books kalem would of been educated on the moslem culture and recognized this murder as being an Islamic moslem murder based on the religion of Islam, based on the culture of Islam, based on the traditions of moslem people. Being so narrow minded and concentrated only on a passage in the Koran blinded kalem to the truth.

Or of course, the more sinister explanation is Kalem knows the truth and and wishes to hide the truth.

This is the problem with some Moslems, Kalem will defend Islam and be completely ignorant to the harm kalem does to Islam. My perception is there are religous zealots, religous extremists in the Islamic religion, Kalem is Moslem extremist.

Kalem is the problem with Islam

Kalem you did not mention the Hadith until I brought up how kalem is ignoring the hadith, Kalem allowed posts to stand citing the quran when kalem supposedly knew the hadith contained the relevant facts.

Kalem you put word in my mouth and twisted my word into things I never said nor implied.

Kalem shows how according to the quran and mohammed its okay to lie and deceive.

That is our next bit topic, in Islam it is okay, it is condoned, its perfectly okay to lie and cheat an Infidel. The Hadiths and Quran speak of this, of course Kalem is not familiar with the culture of Islam so he dont know this.

In closing, I will quote another book or as KALEM likes to call them, biased-western-coloring books.

The termination of the Iraq Mandate in 1932, which was so significant a landmark in the political development of that country, unfortunately marked the beginning of the a decline in the flow of documentary material and books on the development of this new State.
From the Oxford University Press

You see, western sources are the best non-biased source for facts on Moslems. You can dismiss one or two books as "coloring books" as Kalem has, but you cannot dismiss all the books. What Kalem does not know or chooses to ignore is that very few moslems per captia compared to the wertern world were educated, that is why the west is the best source. Only the very elite in the Moslem world became educated. That may of changed I do not know. What is true is the best Moslem scholars, if there are any, all became educated in western schools.

Thats right, Moslems had no chance of a university level educatation in the moslem world, that is why the western world is the best source.

The Oxford University Press cannot be argued with, they state there was a decline in printed works after the moslems took over, that is the fact. The reason being so few moslems had the education to write.


What's your excuse for lying then?
Fallacy filled posts yet kalem thinks Communist Russia was the western world and not the "Eastern Bloc". To not understand the difference between the east and west shows who is actually stupid.

That is the most bizzare and illogical mish mash of ideas there.

Eastern Bloc is not the same as East and West in terms of culture. :cuckoo:

Noor Almaleki remains hospitalized in serious condition after undergoing spinal surgery. The other woman, Amal Khalaf, is in serious but stable condition, according to family members.

Police said the Almalekis moved to Peoria from Iraq in the mid-1990s.

Family members said Noor Almaleki had been living with her boyfriend and Khalaf, and Faleh Almaleki was upset that his daughter had become too "Westernized," had failed to live by traditional Muslim values and had disrespected the family.

After the incident, authorities said Almaleki went to Mexico. He eventually flew to London, but United Kingdom Port of Entry authorities denied him entry into the country.

Arizona Jails Iraqi Driver Accused of Running Down Daughter With His Car - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
Why is so much left out of these stories, this man was a Sunni, the ft. hood killer is a sunni, these moslems are not Iranian Shia, they are Sunni. We ally ourselves with Sunni Saudi Arabia and we get attacked on 9/11 by Sunni's from Saudi Arabia.

So why is the media not reporting on what is a Sunni terrorist problem. I dont blame Iran for seeking nukes, they must see Sunni's as a danger, they must see the USA giving weapons to the Sunni Saudi's.

Shia or Sunni, look at every single terror attack and its all Sunni, its Sunni who are killing christian women and children in Kosovo, Israel, Spain, the USA.

The media says Islam is a peaceful religion yet they do not identify that these cowardly murderers are all Sunni. We must identify the problem before a solution can be proposed and acted apon.
You lost it .
What's your excuse for lying then

I am not great at english, do you mean "than or then".

My excuse for lying is I cannot sleep while sitting or standing.

I dont see what that has to do with the topic.

Now if Coyote cares to be specific or serious I will gladly oblige.

Ahhhhh.....another spelling Nazi....:eusa_angel:

Then could be then or than - both would fit eh?

Are you that was a serious post I was responding to?
Why is so much left out of these stories, this man was a Sunni, the ft. hood killer is a sunni, these moslems are not Iranian Shia, they are Sunni. We ally ourselves with Sunni Saudi Arabia and we get attacked on 9/11 by Sunni's from Saudi Arabia.

So why is the media not reporting on what is a Sunni terrorist problem. I dont blame Iran for seeking nukes, they must see Sunni's as a danger, they must see the USA giving weapons to the Sunni Saudi's.

Shia or Sunni, look at every single terror attack and its all Sunni, its Sunni who are killing christian women and children in Kosovo, Israel, Spain, the USA.

The media says Islam is a peaceful religion yet they do not identify that these cowardly murderers are all Sunni. We must identify the problem before a solution can be proposed and acted apon.

it is true, but mainly because the Shia use suicide bombing as a military tactic. Every Shia terrorist had to get permission directly from Iran. They're far more centralized and organized, whilst the Sunni tend to be individuals interpreting the Koran for their own agenda.

The main reason Shia terrorism is not prevalent is not so much religious, as it is the fact that shia societies are very much organized and run like western militaries.
This crap has nothing to do with Islam. Honor killing is some cultural bull crap that was happening in Arab cultures way back in the day before Islam even came about. The face that ignorant fools believe 1.3 billion(world Muslim population) people think honor killings is OK is just wrong.

Murder is wrong whether it's done in the name of Islam, Christianity, Spaghetti monster, who the fudge ever it's wrong.

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