Anonymous sets date to release emails and 6 videos

November 1st.

You have got to be the most gullible hack ever. And on this forum, that is saying a LOT!

STFU.......if you think that the Clintons are not beyond this kind of shit? You are the gullible one. I put nothing past these pieces of shit....gotta problem with that, puss bag???
Oops. I spoke too soon. I forgot YOU are the most gullible hack ever.

Sorry about that. I did not intend to take away your title, believe me.

I lose more brain cells from knocking back a few beers at a sports bar watching a football game (that I can more than afford to lose) than you even possess. Kicking your ass is one of the guilty pleasures I have on this board.

Seriously, I would slit my throat (and be grateful for the ability to do so ) if the realization ever came to me that I was as utterly stupid as you are.

There is a part of me that grieves for what is coming on this country and the innocents that will suffer needlessly....then there are those like you that make me wish I could watch you sitting on the curb....with your little head in your hands looking down both sides of the street hoping that "gubermint" is coming to save you....that would be fucking classic to watch. I am prepped and I am looking out for me and mine. The rest like you are simply shit out of luck...

Stay away from sharp objects, kid.

That's the thing about you creepy little doomers. You look forward to the imaginary day when you are sitting on some untouchable perch while you watch others suffer. You actually look forward to it. It's the common theme to all of you end of the worlders. Whether it's the Second Coming, or Planet X, or some kind of plague, you sick little worms can't WAIT for it to happen.

You know why that is? Because your life is miserable and pathetic. It never got off the ground. You hate how much it sucks. You need something to feel powerful, something to dream about to get your revenge on a world which has pissed all over you.

You are seriously sick in the head, loser. Seek help.

Life has been very good to me and I have passed it on and paid forward. I have accomplished every personal goal I ever set for my life. I have played music in front of thousands of people, I have had my music recorded and heard it played on the radio. I have never gone without and given away what I had access of. I could die tonight with no regrets and would rather come down with terminal cancer than I would hitting the lottery. I don't want to stay around here any longer than is required..and that is a fact.

But I have to admit...there is a small, gold plated son-of-a bitch in me that wants to see stupid fucks like you panic and run around like chickens with their heads cut off when the shit hits the fan...and it is going to happen...just as sure as God made little green apples. The C.O.G program that you know nothing about has been preparing because America has been used as a hammer and other countries have been used as the nail that had resources that these globalists coveted and retribution is coming. Spare me a thought when it happens. Spare me a thought when the ultimate betrayal occurs and your beloved "gubermint" flees to their 139 plus underground bunkers that your sweat equity helped to pay for. There will be no solace for you and yours as you die a slow and painful death of starvation, disease and nuclear fall out. You cannot say that you were not warned.
When Assange or anyone else simply gets information and releases it because they want to get the truth out you root for them. Doesn't matter who it hits, if it is truth it is what it is. But holding information for the specific purpose of manipulating or controlling a US Presidential Election is a hostile act towards the country and the people of America. And that is what Assange is doing, he isn't just saying "hey I've got this information here it is", he's saying "I've got this information and I, Julianne Assange, get to decide the outcome of US elections by manipulating this information". This would go for anyone else that would do something like this.

Snowden hasn't done this. He just releases the information to say 'look what the NSA is doing behind closed doors, now you know and you needed to know'. Thank you, it's an ugly business but we DO need to know. He isn't trying to manipulate anything for one person or one party over another. He is acting in what he believes is the best interest of the American people as a whole.

The fact that Russia is up to their armpits in hacking US Government computers and hacking voting computers in various states, and Trump is rooting for THEM, and Assange is helping Trump points to a setup. This fucked up act of treason by Trump was planned before he decided to run, with the Russian's help. His first campaign manager had to resign because his money ties to Russia came to light. What a coincidence.

Forget the conspiracy derps on a message board and weed through what has and is actually taking place. And who is doing what.

CONSPIRACY!!!! Says Issac!!!! IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!!!!

A) She's not a criminal
B) She is dependable. I predicted she would kick your messiah's ass 500 days ago. BOO_YAH! She's doing so.
C) Don't cry little man...

Yeah, she's a real ass-kicker....when she isn't having seizures.

A) She's not a criminal
B) She is dependable. I predicted she would kick your messiah's ass 500 days ago. BOO_YAH! She's doing so.
C) Don't cry little man...

Yeah, she's a real ass-kicker....when she isn't having seizures.


he he he...

We'll see whose ass is kicked on 11/8.

Care to make a wager since you think your boy trump is going to win?
Is Trump still able to walk? All that sniffing, people are quite worried he's got some serious health problem and as he is 70 years old he's very feeble. Some wonder if he can even make it to the election standing up.

Let's hope his doctors pay close attention to his rampant sniffing. You sniff once or twice and it's an allergy. He sniffs constantly and it's clear it is a medical issue.
Is Trump still able to walk? All that sniffing, people are quite worried he's got some serious health problem and as he is 70 years old he's very feeble. Some wonder if he can even make it to the election standing up.

Let's hope his doctors pay close attention to his rampant sniffing. You sniff once or twice and it's an allergy. He sniffs constantly and it's clear it is a medical issue.

He's doing 3 rallies a day, loser. Hillary is on a 5 day break hiding from the press under an avalanche of withering wikileaks. sniff sniff.
The truly remarkable thing is that Hillary Clinton is THE most scandalous, the most corrupt politician to run for President in US history, that new scandalous information has come out almost every single day for the last several months, there is now news that even MORE is going to come out, and yet she has not been forced from the race.

The single biggest fact here is that were the tables turned and this was happening to a Republican he/she would have already been forced from the race. (While Trump has his fair share of scandals he still pales in comparison to the 'Queen of Corruption and scandal', Hillary Clinton!)

We currently have the 'Most Criminal Presidential Administration in US history' and the 'Most Criminal / Corrupt Presidential Candidate' in US History, BOTH from the SAME PARTY!
Anonymous will release the video prior to the election. Hellary Clinton knew her husband raped little girls and covered it up, threatened people.
Hacker Anonymous Annouces Bill Clinton Underage Sex Tape To Be Released | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |
Anonymous doesn't make idle threats.. The video will surface, the timing will be devastating. It's coming.
"You can run but you can't hide." The Clinton Crime Family is going down.
Doesn't matter if he raped someone, Trump said mean words.

I have listened to this video and there is nothing that I disagree with and it's not refutable, Fran...but please, by all means...try to do so. I would love to kick your ass again....bring it, bitch.
Maybe the tape is coming out and thats why g5000 and the Progressives are giving us special reports every 5 minutes on the whereabouts of Trump’s dick these past 25 years
I hope when you retards realize you have been punked (by a KID, no less), you will go back and see the obvious clues this is a hoax.

But, dollars to donuts says you will just get back in line to be lied to again. Just like you ALWAYS do.
The truly remarkable thing is that Hillary Clinton is THE most scandalous, the most corrupt politician to run for President in US history, that new scandalous information has come out almost every single day for the last several months, there is now news that even MORE is going to come out, and yet she has not been forced from the race.

The single biggest fact here is that were the tables turned and this was happening to a Republican he/she would have already been forced from the race. (While Trump has his fair share of scandals he still pales in comparison to the 'Queen of Corruption and scandal', Hillary Clinton!)

We currently have the 'Most Criminal Presidential Administration in US history' and the 'Most Criminal / Corrupt Presidential Candidate' in US History, BOTH from the SAME PARTY!

If she had been a Repub she'd have been out when she had her spastic 9/11 seizure.
Anonymous will release the video prior to the election. Hellary Clinton knew her husband raped little girls and covered it up, threatened people.
Hacker Anonymous Annouces Bill Clinton Underage Sex Tape To Be Released | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |
Anonymous doesn't make idle threats.. The video will surface, the timing will be devastating. It's coming.
"You can run but you can't hide." The Clinton Crime Family is going down.
Doesn't matter if he raped someone, Trump said mean words.

I have listened to this video and there is nothing that I disagree with and it's not refutable, Fran...but please, by all means...try to do so. I would love to kick your ass again....bring it, bitch.
Maybe the tape is coming out and thats why g5000 and the Progressives are giving us special reports every 5 minutes on the whereabouts of Trump’s dick these past 25 years
I hope when you retards realize you have been punked (by a KID, no less), you will go back and see the obvious clues this is a hoax.

But, dollars to donuts says you will just get back in line to be lied to again. Just like you ALWAYS do.
So was I right? Have you all gotten back in line to be hoaxed again?

One thing is for sure. None of you have gone back and looked for the obvious clues you were being punked.
Anonymous will release the video prior to the election. Hellary Clinton knew her husband raped little girls and covered it up, threatened people.
Hacker Anonymous Annouces Bill Clinton Underage Sex Tape To Be Released | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |
Anonymous doesn't make idle threats.. The video will surface, the timing will be devastating. It's coming.
"You can run but you can't hide." The Clinton Crime Family is going down.
Doesn't matter if he raped someone, Trump said mean words.

I have listened to this video and there is nothing that I disagree with and it's not refutable, Fran...but please, by all means...try to do so. I would love to kick your ass again....bring it, bitch.
Maybe the tape is coming out and thats why g5000 and the Progressives are giving us special reports every 5 minutes on the whereabouts of Trump’s dick these past 25 years
I hope when you retards realize you have been punked (by a KID, no less), you will go back and see the obvious clues this is a hoax.

But, dollars to donuts says you will just get back in line to be lied to again. Just like you ALWAYS do.
So was I right? Have you all gotten back in line to be hoaxed again?

One thing is for sure. None of you have gone back and looked for the obvious clues you were being punked.

Nope, I KNOW that there are all kinds of videos that have been made of politicians and powerful people doing disgusting things to children and I have NO doubt whatsoever that Bill "drop trou" is involved just like the Hildebeast.
Anonymous will release the video prior to the election. Hellary Clinton knew her husband raped little girls and covered it up, threatened people.
Hacker Anonymous Annouces Bill Clinton Underage Sex Tape To Be Released | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |
Anonymous doesn't make idle threats.. The video will surface, the timing will be devastating. It's coming.
"You can run but you can't hide." The Clinton Crime Family is going down.
Doesn't matter if he raped someone, Trump said mean words.

I have listened to this video and there is nothing that I disagree with and it's not refutable, Fran...but please, by all means...try to do so. I would love to kick your ass again....bring it, bitch.
Maybe the tape is coming out and thats why g5000 and the Progressives are giving us special reports every 5 minutes on the whereabouts of Trump’s dick these past 25 years
I hope when you retards realize you have been punked (by a KID, no less), you will go back and see the obvious clues this is a hoax.

But, dollars to donuts says you will just get back in line to be lied to again. Just like you ALWAYS do.
So was I right? Have you all gotten back in line to be hoaxed again?

One thing is for sure. None of you have gone back and looked for the obvious clues you were being punked.

Nope, I KNOW that there are all kinds of videos that have been made of politicians and powerful people doing disgusting things to children and I have NO doubt whatsoever that Bill "drop trou" is involved just like the Hildebeast.
You IMAGINE there are all kinds of videos.

You WISH there are all kinds of videos.

You HOPE there are all kinds of videos.

In no way, shape, or form do you KNOW jack shit.

You've been punked, kid. Deal with it. Accept reality. Don't dig yourself deeper into your delusions.
Anonymous will release the video prior to the election. Hellary Clinton knew her husband raped little girls and covered it up, threatened people.
Hacker Anonymous Annouces Bill Clinton Underage Sex Tape To Be Released | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |
Anonymous doesn't make idle threats.. The video will surface, the timing will be devastating. It's coming.
"You can run but you can't hide." The Clinton Crime Family is going down.
Doesn't matter if he raped someone, Trump said mean words.

I have listened to this video and there is nothing that I disagree with and it's not refutable, Fran...but please, by all means...try to do so. I would love to kick your ass again....bring it, bitch.
Maybe the tape is coming out and thats why g5000 and the Progressives are giving us special reports every 5 minutes on the whereabouts of Trump’s dick these past 25 years
I hope when you retards realize you have been punked (by a KID, no less), you will go back and see the obvious clues this is a hoax.

But, dollars to donuts says you will just get back in line to be lied to again. Just like you ALWAYS do.
So was I right? Have you all gotten back in line to be hoaxed again?

One thing is for sure. None of you have gone back and looked for the obvious clues you were being punked.

Nope, I KNOW that there are all kinds of videos that have been made of politicians and powerful people doing disgusting things to children and I have NO doubt whatsoever that Bill "drop trou" is involved just like the Hildebeast.
You IMAGINE there are all kinds of videos.

You WISH there are all kinds of videos.

You HOPE there are all kinds of videos.

In no way, shape, or form do you KNOW jack shit.

You've been punked, kid. Deal with it. Accept reality. Don't dig yourself deeper into your delusions.

Google "Rusty Nelson", learn, grow, evolve.......

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