Ann Coulter Congratulates ‘President Schumer’ on Spending Bill, Tells Trump ‘You’ll Be Impeached’


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Trump deserves to be impeached if he signs another spending bill that doesn't include funding for the wall.

Ann Coulter Congratulates 'President Schumer' on Spending Bill, Tells Trump 'You'll Be Impeached'

New York Times best-selling author and populist conservative columnist Ann Coulter congratulated Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) after President Trump signed off on the Republicans’ omnibus spending bill that does not include a single provision from his 70-point list of pro-American immigration reforms.

In a series of online posts, Coulter told Trump he will “be impeached” after signing the spending bill ahead of the 2018 midterm elections where Republican voters are increasingly disappointed with anti-border wall, pro-immigration party leaders like House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Coulter wrote:


Ann Coulter

MASSIVE DEFENSE SPENDING to induct transgenders & build BIG BEAUTIFUL walls ... in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia.

Ann Coulter

IT'S 3-D CHESS! (There's never going to be a wall.)

Ann Coulter

“ I will never sign another bill like this again”

Yeah, because you’ll be impeached.

Democrats have already committed to their efforts to impeach Trump should they take the House and Senate in the midterm elections.

After Trump signed the omnibus, Democrats and their staffers cheered the move as a victory:

“Democrats won explicit language restricting border construction to the same see-through fencing that was already authorized under current law." - Nancy Pelosi

Chuck Schumer

This new federal funding bill is a major win for New York!

Despite a reduction overall immigration being one of the most important issues for Republican voters, Congressional Republicans and the Trump administration have set aside border controls, wage-increasing immigration reductions, and increased interior enforcement of immigration by signing off on the spending bill.

The omnibus bans Trump from funding a new border wall, increases the Catch and Release program for illegal aliens, and does not fund the 1,000 new deportation agents he had previously requested.
Interesting. When I made similar comments the right jumped all over me. But now that some talking heads are starting to say the same thing....
Hey Ann, Putin annexed part of Ukraine, China is expanding through international waters, and Europe is falling over themselves in a contest on who can be friendliest to Muslims who hate them. You think you might want our planes able to fly, and our ships fit for battle?
Hey Ann, Putin annexed part of Ukraine, China is expanding through international waters, and Europe is falling over themselves in a contest on who can be friendliest to Muslims who hate them. You think you might want our planes able to fly, and our ships fit for battle?

Stopping the flood crossing our Southern border is more important.
Just a day before signing this pos he told Biden he would be crying before he hit the floor
And he couldn't even stand up to a piece of paper. my my.
Hey Ann, Putin annexed part of Ukraine, China is expanding through international waters, and Europe is falling over themselves in a contest on who can be friendliest to Muslims who hate them. You think you might want our planes able to fly, and our ships fit for battle?
Yes...because if we dont have a $700B military we will all be speaking Mandarin tomorrow. This attitude is what has driven us to and precipitated much of our current 'problems'. matter how you plate's ultimately unsupportable.
So you are just fine with dictators you hate showing sings of expansionism? I know, let's give them money and they will be nice. America has been asleep for years, and the usual suspects are coming out to play. Who is going to slow them down, Merkel? If you don't want your 700B military, the world will deteriorate to the point where even you can feel it.
So you are just fine with dictators you hate showing sings of expansionism? I know, let's give them money and they will be nice. America has been asleep for years, and the usual suspects are coming out to play. Who is going to slow them down, Merkel? If you don't want your 700B military, the world will deteriorate to the point where even you can feel it.
Let China's neighbors prevent it from expanding. We have to worry about Mexico expanding.

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