Andrew Klavan explains the truth to the silly litte man, jim acosta...they started it.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Andrew Klavan is a great observer of life and the left...... here he takes apart the media, in particular jim acosta, and explains how they created the lack of respect they get from the American people....

Hey Media, You Started It

Jim Acosta has the sadz. The untalented little man who rudely shouts unimportant questions at important people while in the employ of the ninth most trusted name in news out of ten, got heckled at a Trump rally in Tampa, Florida. Sad panda. The hecklers chanted "CNN sucks," which, okay, is true, but they were none too polite about it.

Acosta didn't like it. He reported, "Honestly, it felt like we weren’t in America anymore."

But, like virtually everything Acosta reports, this is just a reflection of his small-minded biases. The fact is, having a group of people scream at you and denigrate you is exactly what it feels like to be in America — if you don't happen to be a coastal elite. It has felt this way for the last twenty years at least. Every television show you watch, every movie, every woman's magazine, every comedian, and, yes, every news program tells you you suck. Your country sucks. Your culture sucks. Your religion and your morals suck. And you personally are one of those dumb-ass racists who clings to his Bible and talks funny.

If you believe your country should vet its immigrants, you're racist. If you voted for Donald Trump, you're racist. If you make a joke about Barack Obama on Facebook, you're racist twice. If you think motherhood is a woman's highest calling, you're sexist. If you take it ill when Islamists blow you up in the name of their nasty little god, you're Islamophobic. If you know that a man is a man even if he says he's a woman, you're transphobic. If you think it's fair to debate whether homosexual actions are moral or not, you're homophobic.

Every day. From every outlet. All the time. And now people are angry. Wonder why.

New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger says he told Trump his anti-press rhetoric could lead to violence.

But the media's anti-Trump rhetoric already has led to violence: public officials rat-packed and bullied, Trump supporters harassed, White House spokes-lady Sarah Sanders having to live under guard. And yet when Sanders pointed this out to Look-At-Me-I'm-Jim Acosta, Acosta stormed out of the room. Hell, if he doesn't want to hear the truth, he could just stay home and watch CNN.

Truly, I do not want to see journalists hurt. Truly — though I love the fact that Trump gives the press a hard time — I cringe when he calls journalists enemies of the people. That's not the rhetoric I think he should use. But after twenty years of insults, twenty years of bias, twenty years of hating people for being white or male or straight or loyal to constitutional principles — twenty years at least — the press — the media in general — have no claim to respect. They're going to have to earn that back one honest story at a time.

He addresses this issue in his podcast here at the 14:08 mark on the video...he also interviews comedian Owen Benjamin on the death of comedy near the end of the podcast...

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Now you are bashing a journalist, isn't that what dictator countries do, they even lock them up.
Now you are bashing a journalist, isn't that what dictator countries do, they even lock them up.

No.... actual socialists arrest and/or murder journalists. Telling the truth about journalists is simply holding them to account for crappy journalism......

Here, another truth teller...John Nolte...

Nolte: Establishment Media Normalize Racism and Hate

The establishment media are now on a crusade to normalize violence, racism, and hate against supporters of President Trump.

This all began with Jeff Zucker’s takeover of the far-left cable channel CNN. With Zucker in control, and with the use of straight-up lies to intentionally whip up hate and violence — violence and hate became CNN’s brand; and the results in Baltimore and Ferguson were beyond tragic, especially for the predominantly black, working class residents of those two burnt-out cities.

As Ferguson and Baltimore burned, so did the media’s hatred against police officers. CNN and others all but announced open season on the cops, and as the blue bodies piled up, CNN not only declared this violence “very courageous and brave,” CNN told us the cause was unstable military veterans becoming police officers.

Donald Trump’s political ascendency offered CNN a whole new target of hate. CNN regularly encouraged the idea Trump was a George Wallace (whose presidential aspirations were stopped with an assassination attempt) and argued that the unprecedented violence against Trump supporters was either legitimate or Trump’s fault.

After the election, CNN declared President Trump a unique danger, mentally unstable — or in the provocative words of Jake Tapper “unmoored, unhinged, and un-American.”

CNN gave a man who attempted to assault Trump the folk hero treatment, and even pointed what looked like a sniper scope directly at the Oval Office; and then broadcast that horrific image worldwide.

CNN personnel are fond of placing crosshairs over the president.

Not content to spread the gasoline of hate in black neighborhoods or at the feet of Trump and police officers, even as the ratings bottomed out, CNN turned its venom on everyday American voters…

And the ringleader of this circus of unhinged bigotry was Jake Tapper.

Back in February, Tapper stood in silent agreement as his anti-gun audience hooted and hollered, heckled and hated gun owners. Tapper stood in silent agreement as his anti-gun guests questioned the motherhood of his other “guest,” NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch.

Tapper stood in silent agreement as a Rubicon was crossed, as his frothing audience booed a rape victim who purchased a firearm to ensure she would never be raped again.

Tapper’s Roman Coliseum of Hate had done its job, shattered a longstanding norm that said the media focused only on the powerful.

And now the racist hate against everyday Trump supporters pioneered by CNN is fully normalized throughout all of the establishment media
Oh, the poor media pukes, especially those of the Created News Network, showing once again they can dish it out but whine like babies when others remind them their reputations are in the toilet.
Oh, the poor media pukes, especially those of the Created News Network, showing once again they can dish it out but whine like babies when others remind them their reputations are in the toilet.

If they at least tried to be fair, then they wouldn't have the problems they are having...but when they worshipped obama like a god and lie about Trump in every report......they can't expect people who have access to the truth to just take it....
Oh, the poor media pukes, especially those of the Created News Network, showing once again they can dish it out but whine like babies when others remind them their reputations are in the toilet.

If they at least tried to be fair, then they wouldn't have the problems they are having...but when they worshipped obama like a god and lie about Trump in every report......they can't expect people who have access to the truth to just take it....
And of course the bonus is they’ve yet to put two and two together and realize how much they’re aiding and abetting Trump’s popularity and support. They’re truly a special kind of terminally stupid.

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