Anderson Cooper: "I don't believe in inheritance"


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
CNN talking head Anderson Cooper's mom is Gloria Vanderbilt, and as such worth millions, but it's not going to him.

"My mom's made clear to me that there's no trust fund. There's none of that," he told Howard Stern. "[And] I don't believe in inheriting money."

Cooper, 46, said that inherited money is an "initiative sucker" and a "curse." Because of that, he's grateful that his mother always gave him an incentive to work.

"Who's inherited a lot of money that has gone on to do things in their own life?" he asked. "From the time I was growing up, if I felt that there was some pot of gold waiting for me, I don't know that I would've been so motivated."​

How pragmatic of him. His mother made it clear that he would not inherit her moolah, so he eschews the idea of inheriting said millions. Convenient, to say the least. Seems to me that momma recognized that her money would be ill-spent and decided on a better course of action.
I would tend to agree with him.

But an inheritance is something to be proud of, to protect, and to grow. Enough so that you can pass it along to the next generation.
I must say, these are not the reactions I expected. :dunno:
(edit: not counting Gracie)
The Vanderbilt wealth has been a mixed blessing. Quite a few heirs died young.

Gloria herself was a little girl lost.

She loves that Anderson is gay. She has Kathy Griffin over for sleepovers fergoshsakes

Cooper has worked hard. And at $6 million a year salary, he don't need no stinkin' Vanderbilt money.

Regards from Rosie
He's right. If that money were sitting there waiting on him, he would be doing absolutely nothing. He is wealthy in his own right and doesn't need her dough...which SHE inherited herself. Mom done good. So did he.
I wonder what AC would be saying now if he was a bar keeper in a gay bar? And 'mommy dearest' had made it clear that he would inherit millions when she died?
"I don't want the millions mommy"? Ya right.
He only got the gig at CNN b/c 'Jane' and 'Gloria' are/were board members for the same charities and have been friends for decades.
"What's your boy Anderson doing Gloria?" "Not much". Tell him to call Bill Wienstien at the network. Tell him to tell Bill to give him a job".
CNN talking head Anderson Cooper's mom is Gloria Vanderbilt, and as such worth millions, but it's not going to him.

"My mom's made clear to me that there's no trust fund. There's none of that," he told Howard Stern. "[And] I don't believe in inheriting money."

Cooper, 46, said that inherited money is an "initiative sucker" and a "curse." Because of that, he's grateful that his mother always gave him an incentive to work.

"Who's inherited a lot of money that has gone on to do things in their own life?" he asked. "From the time I was growing up, if I felt that there was some pot of gold waiting for me, I don't know that I would've been so motivated."​

Pretty convenient to support something you have no choice in anyway. Who is Anderson to judge people on what they do in life? Inheritance is how people ensure their children are taken care of long after they are gone. If my child works less than I did and enjoys life a little more than I did I'm totally fine with that.
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I wonder what AC would be saying now if he was a bar keeper in a gay bar? And 'mommy dearest' had made it clear that he would inherit millions when she died?
"I don't want the millions mommy"? Ya right.
He only got the gig at CNN b/c 'Jane' and 'Gloria' are/were board members for the same charities and have been friends for decades.
"What's your boy Anderson doing Gloria?" "Not much". Tell him to call Bill Wienstien at the network. Tell him to tell Bill to give him a job".

That's correct. He doesn't believe in inheritance now, but he had no problem being coddled and subsidized all through his years of "self discovery." What paid his tuition at an exclusive pre-school? Inheritance. What paid for his Yale degree? Inheritance. What paid for his years abroad in Africa, Burma, and Vietnam? Inheritance. How did he get his luxurious lifestyle? Inheritance.

I think these comments are taken out of context. From what I know of him (very little but I've met him in casual environments twice), he's very candid about being wealthy and how lucky he is to have been given all this. He certainly doesn't put himself out there as a self-made man.
CNN talking head Anderson Cooper's mom is Gloria Vanderbilt, and as such worth millions, but it's not going to him.

"My mom's made clear to me that there's no trust fund. There's none of that," he told Howard Stern. "[And] I don't believe in inheriting money."

Cooper, 46, said that inherited money is an "initiative sucker" and a "curse." Because of that, he's grateful that his mother always gave him an incentive to work.

"Who's inherited a lot of money that has gone on to do things in their own life?" he asked. "From the time I was growing up, if I felt that there was some pot of gold waiting for me, I don't know that I would've been so motivated."​

I don't believe in leaving inheritances either. Maybe under 10k to each child. Gloria Vanderbilt and her fourth husband should be very proud of their son. :thup:
I'll bet he'd be singing a different tune if it was the family farm as inheritance and he knew as soon as mom died he's be forced to sell the farm to cover the inheritance taxes.

I wonder how many people advocating inheritance confiscation would be fine if we extended that to copyrights for things like movies and music. Dad writes a hit record and kicks the bucket and the state comes in and just takes the copyright or declares it as public domain.
CNN talking head Anderson Cooper's mom is Gloria Vanderbilt, and as such worth millions, but it's not going to him.

"My mom's made clear to me that there's no trust fund. There's none of that," he told Howard Stern. "[And] I don't believe in inheriting money."

Cooper, 46, said that inherited money is an "initiative sucker" and a "curse." Because of that, he's grateful that his mother always gave him an incentive to work.

"Who's inherited a lot of money that has gone on to do things in their own life?" he asked. "From the time I was growing up, if I felt that there was some pot of gold waiting for me, I don't know that I would've been so motivated."​

Why do leftists applaud this mindset on inheritance, but can't apply the same mindset to government handouts? There's absolutely no difference, money not earned is money not earned.
He's right. If that money were sitting there waiting on him, he would be doing absolutely nothing. He is wealthy in his own right and doesn't need her dough...which SHE inherited herself. Mom done good. So did he.

But not when it's government handouts, somehow it's different then?

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