And you want to know why I support Israel?

keep dehumanizing them. i'm sure it makes it easier to support the slaughter of hundreds of civilians. because it doesn't matter that israel killed 1800+ innocent people, 5 people were killed in a synagogue, so it's justified.

Oh, they're human all right, and they demonstrate the depths of depravity that humanity is capable of.
for valuing life they sure kill a hell of a lot of innocent people.
And the Palestinians who have no value for life, and volunteer their kids as suicide bombers? Scum of the earth.
depends on your point of view. some might see them as ideological freedom fighters willing to go up against incredible odds in pursuit of their ideals, even to the point of willingly taking on suicide missions.

doesn't matter how you view them. reality is both sides commit terrible crimes against the other.

They are both not equally guilty in this conflict. Palestinians are a depraved culture of perpetual hate and violence. Israelis are guilty of being a liberal and progressive exhibiting "tolerance" and trying to "look good" while fighting Islamic animals. You know, the same shit that most Western nations in including the US suffer from.
keep dehumanizing them. i'm sure it makes it easier to support the slaughter of hundreds of civilians. because it doesn't matter that israel killed 1800+ innocent people, 5 people were killed in a synagogue, so it's justified.

You want to see "dehumanize" you should see what some Palestinians and Muslims say about Jews and Christians, asshole.

1800 "innocents" my ass!
so they weren't innocent civilians?
Their conviction is no different than the non-whites conviction in Apartheid South Africa, no different at all. Were you a supporter of Apartheid in South Africa?

The arguments of terrorist supporters are weak and appeal to emotion. Logic never enters into the equation.
This guy's on comparing Israel to South Africa like a broken record. The closest comparison to "apartheid" is Muslim treatment of non Muslims in Islamic- Shariah abiding countries. But the morons are too blind, deaf and dumb to realize it.
And the Palestinians who have no value for life, and volunteer their kids as suicide bombers? Scum of the earth.
depends on your point of view. some might see them as ideological freedom fighters willing to go up against incredible odds in pursuit of their ideals, even to the point of willingly taking on suicide missions.

doesn't matter how you view them. reality is both sides commit terrible crimes against the other.

They are both not equally guilty in this conflict. Palestinians are a depraved culture of perpetual hate and violence. Israelis are guilty of being a liberal and progressive exhibiting "tolerance" and trying to "look good" while fighting Islamic animals. You know, the same shit that most Western nations in including the US suffer from.
keep dehumanizing them. i'm sure it makes it easier to support the slaughter of hundreds of civilians. because it doesn't matter that israel killed 1800+ innocent people, 5 people were killed in a synagogue, so it's justified.

You want to see "dehumanize" you should see what some Palestinians and Muslims say about Jews and Christians, asshole.

1800 "innocents" my ass!
so they weren't innocent civilians?

All 1800 weren't, asshole. Shove your Islamic propaganda up your Mecca.

We can debate whether you support terrorism - but not the irrefutable fact that you are here supporting terrorists,

but i will point out that who is and who is not a terrorist depends largely upon your own point of view and biases.

You believe that the unprovoked murder of civilians is not terrorism if done in the name of the Muzzie Beast god Allah?

We can debate whether you support terrorism - but not the irrefutable fact that you are here supporting terrorists,

but i will point out that who is and who is not a terrorist depends largely upon your own point of view and biases.

You believe that the unprovoked murder of civilians is not terrorism if done in the name of the Muzzie Beast god Allah?
depends. is the wholesale slaughter of civilians terrorism if it's done by a uniformed army in the name of 'defense'?
depends on your point of view. some might see them as ideological freedom fighters willing to go up against incredible odds in pursuit of their ideals, even to the point of willingly taking on suicide missions.

doesn't matter how you view them. reality is both sides commit terrible crimes against the other.

They are both not equally guilty in this conflict. Palestinians are a depraved culture of perpetual hate and violence. Israelis are guilty of being a liberal and progressive exhibiting "tolerance" and trying to "look good" while fighting Islamic animals. You know, the same shit that most Western nations in including the US suffer from.
keep dehumanizing them. i'm sure it makes it easier to support the slaughter of hundreds of civilians. because it doesn't matter that israel killed 1800+ innocent people, 5 people were killed in a synagogue, so it's justified.

You want to see "dehumanize" you should see what some Palestinians and Muslims say about Jews and Christians, asshole.

1800 "innocents" my ass!
so they weren't innocent civilians?

All 1800 weren't, asshole. Shove your Islamic propaganda up your Mecca.
no, you're probably right. all 1800 likely weren't.
do you think it was more or less than 5?

We can debate whether you support terrorism - but not the irrefutable fact that you are here supporting terrorists,

but i will point out that who is and who is not a terrorist depends largely upon your own point of view and biases.

You believe that the unprovoked murder of civilians is not terrorism if done in the name of the Muzzie Beast god Allah?

Occupation and oppression is a provocation. With your logic, the violent (and deadly) actions of the French Resistance in WW2, the ANC in South Africa, the Irish Republican Army prior to the establishment of Ireland, (as well as other liberation activities) would have been considered "unprovoked".
Here's my stance, I don't have "terrorist allies"...

You fly a terrorist flag in your posts. You promote the cause of terrorism in your posts.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you have terrorist allies rather than that you are a terrorist.

I do not support, and never have supported terrorism in any way, shape or form...

You fly a terrorist flag in you posts.

And once the oppression and occupation ends and there is a 'safe' solution for the State of Palestine there can THEN be some consideration for peace...

When the Ottomans sought to expand their empire through the force of arms, and lost, the lands of their empire fell to those whom they failed to conquer.

The Ottomans had a region called Palestine, which included all of Lebanon, all of Israel, all of Jordan, and most of Syria. The Arabs were given 90% of Palestine, in the countries of Jordan and Syria. The Christians were given Lebanon, but through murder and terror, the Muzzie Beasts stole Lebanon from the Christians. The Jews were granted a tiny amount of land in Israel, with the Arabs granted a larger share - but the Muzzie Beasts could not abide with a "single grain of sand" under the rule of Kafirum, so they abandoned Israel and joined with the other Arabs in the region to make war on the Jews and slaughter them in a complete genocide.

The only flaw in the plan of the Muzzie Beasts was that the Jews were better fighters than they.

Since that day, you have never stopped trying to effect your genocide.

As soon as the oppression and occupation stops, an agreed State of Palestine is formed then I become neutral once again... Incredible eh!

Should Hamas fire one rocket into Israel then I would support Israel in any considered response... Although I would much prefer an international response as this would ease the 'pressure' on Israel.

You will never stop, you were given Gaza and the Golan Heights, which you use to launch your terror attacks from. You fire rockets into Israel and then beg the Jews to feed you.

Hamas is the lowest expression of the depravity of humanity.

Oh dear, another one who blindly spouts crap...

So, show me a post that I have made where I "promote the cause of terrorism". Many have tried and failed. You will also fail.

The flag of Palestine is not a terrorist flag. Provide a link that backs your statement up.

Showing my support for the Palestinian people does NOT show my support for Hamas or any other terrorist organisation!

As for the usual blah blah about the Ottomans... Well, to be quite frank, I'm not interested in ancient history, I'm far more interested in finding a peaceful solution to what is happening in the present and for the future!
Well, to be quite frank, I'm not interested in ancient history

You should be. Ignoring history makes you sound myopic and shortsighted. You have to understand the historical evidence to understand why it is what it is in the present.


Wanting peace now and in the future is myopic is it?

You do know that dinosaurs once ruled the earth don't you!

Give Israel back to the dinosaurs!
They are both not equally guilty in this conflict. Palestinians are a depraved culture of perpetual hate and violence. Israelis are guilty of being a liberal and progressive exhibiting "tolerance" and trying to "look good" while fighting Islamic animals. You know, the same shit that most Western nations in including the US suffer from.
keep dehumanizing them. i'm sure it makes it easier to support the slaughter of hundreds of civilians. because it doesn't matter that israel killed 1800+ innocent people, 5 people were killed in a synagogue, so it's justified.

You want to see "dehumanize" you should see what some Palestinians and Muslims say about Jews and Christians, asshole.

1800 "innocents" my ass!
so they weren't innocent civilians?

All 1800 weren't, asshole. Shove your Islamic propaganda up your Mecca.
no, you're probably right. all 1800 likely weren't.
do you think it was more or less than 5?

Do you think this is funny? Please by all means continue telling your sick jokes.

From where I sit, I see you dehumanizing these 5 victims who had never committed an offense against Palestine or to anyone else. Yet, you wail and bemoan the "1800 innocents" who were killed in Gaza.
Well, to be quite frank, I'm not interested in ancient history

You should be. Ignoring history makes you sound myopic and shortsighted. You have to understand the historical evidence to understand why it is what it is in the present.

Whilst on the subject, want to show me the "historical evidence", I mean REAL evidence, that god gave the land to the Jews.

I don't want some biblical sermon, I want factual evidence!
You really are not SO stupid to believe that there is no oppression and occupation.... Are you?

Unless you can prove otherwise, yes. Speaking of which, I have yet to see you prove such an assertion.

"Oppression" this, "occupation" that. Funny thing to me is that nobody can come up with any concrete evidence to support it.

Spare me.
keep dehumanizing them. i'm sure it makes it easier to support the slaughter of hundreds of civilians. because it doesn't matter that israel killed 1800+ innocent people, 5 people were killed in a synagogue, so it's justified.

You want to see "dehumanize" you should see what some Palestinians and Muslims say about Jews and Christians, asshole.

1800 "innocents" my ass!
so they weren't innocent civilians?

All 1800 weren't, asshole. Shove your Islamic propaganda up your Mecca.
no, you're probably right. all 1800 likely weren't.
do you think it was more or less than 5?

Do you think this is funny? Please by all means continue telling your sick jokes.

From where I sit, I see you dehumanizing these 5 victims who had never committed an offense against Palestine or to anyone else. Yet, you wail and bemoan the "1800 innocents" who were killed in Gaza.
not a joke. the next time there is an israeli assault on palestinians people like yourself will point to the synagogue murders and say that's why it's justified. and then israel will kill hundreds, and the palestinians will be labeled as 'bloodthirsty'

i mean that was the point of this thread, right? how you're going to use this event to justify israel's actions in the future?
Oh dear, another one who blindly spouts crap...

So, show me a post that I have made where I "promote the cause of terrorism". Many have tried and failed. You will also fail.

Every post you offer here is in the service of terrorism.

Do you think you are fooling anyone?

The flag of Palestine is not a terrorist flag. Provide a link that backs your statement up.

The terrorist flag you fly was adopted in 1964 to rally Arabs in the goal of genocide of the Jews.

Showing my support for the Palestinian people does NOT show my support for Hamas or any other terrorist organisation!

There are no "Palestinian People," and never have been. The Arabs you support were given 90% of the region of Palestine, and seized by force another 3% in Lebanon.

But you are not satisfied with 93% of the landmass - you demand every last grain of sand be under Muslims domination. You seek to murder every last Jew and Christian until they bow to rule of Islam

You are a Muslim Supremacist - no different than a Klansman attempting to justify his vile beliefs.

As for the usual blah blah about the Ottomans... Well, to be quite frank, I'm not interested in ancient history, I'm far more interested in finding a peaceful solution to what is happening in the present and for the future!

Yes, fact has no place with you, force is the only language you know, and terrorism the sentence structure you employ.
Oh dear, another one who blindly spouts crap...

So, show me a post that I have made where I "promote the cause of terrorism". Many have tried and failed. You will also fail.

Every post you offer here is in the service of terrorism.

Do you think you are fooling anyone?

The flag of Palestine is not a terrorist flag. Provide a link that backs your statement up.

The terrorist flag you fly was adopted in 1964 to rally Arabs in the goal of genocide of the Jews.

Showing my support for the Palestinian people does NOT show my support for Hamas or any other terrorist organisation!

There are no "Palestinian People," and never have been. The Arabs you support were given 90% of the region of Palestine, and seized by force another 3% in Lebanon.

But you are not satisfied with 93% of the landmass - you demand every last grain of sand be under Muslims domination. You seek to murder every last Jew and Christian until they bow to rule of Islam

You are a Muslim Supremacist - no different than a Klansman attempting to justify his vile beliefs.

As for the usual blah blah about the Ottomans... Well, to be quite frank, I'm not interested in ancient history, I'm far more interested in finding a peaceful solution to what is happening in the present and for the future!

Yes, fact has no place with you, force is the only language you know, and terrorism the sentence structure you employ.

HAHAHA... You are more of a dumbass that I took you for....


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