*And It Begins*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Here we go, islam wants holidays for thier crap.
2. Watch the powers that be fold like a deck of cards.
3. Good Bye America!
4. Link and sample:School system to get Muslim holiday - The Boston Globe

"As a Muslim and a high school senior at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, 17-year-old Dunia Kassay faces a tough choice every year on Islamic holy days: go to school or stay home to be with family and friends.

Tweet 24 people Tweeted thisYahoo! Buzz ShareThis If she stays home, Kassay says, she will be forced to play catch-up and make up her school assignments. But if she goes to school, she will be neglecting what she feels is her religious obligation on holidays such as Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting.

“It’s really conflicting,’’ Kassay said. “Instead of fasting for a month and enjoying this really big day, eating and going to family’s houses, it’s kind of like, ‘Oh, hey, guys, I’ve got to go do my homework.’ ’’

But beginning next year, Cambridge public schools will attempt to make it easier for Muslim students to honor their highest holy days.

In a move that school officials believe is the first of its kind in the state, Cambridge will close schools for one Muslim holiday each year beginning in the 2011-2012 school year."

5. Next these bastards will be demanding loud speakers, (Harrrrrennnennnneakkkkkkaaakkkaaaakkkabbaaaarrr,....) and a room to jump on a carpet.

Sorry about that,

While I don't agree with allowing "Muslim" days for schools,
I still think you're a moron.


I take it you also take offense to closing school on Christmas, and Thanksgiving, too, then.

Note: That wasn't a question.
Sorry bout that,

1. The problem with islam as a religion or whatever it is, is, where ever they settle, inevitablly that part of the world will have to break with thier way of life in order to apease islam, and its special days of this or that washing, foods and an asortment of other demands.
2. Then at the same time they get all thier demands met in these things, they try to get thier people into places of power, and start from within to change things to thier favor.
3. Then slowly start making demands on what they want from the people in those areas, lands, laws changed, special freedoms only appling to themselves.

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But Cambridge School Committee member Marc McGovern, who pushed for the Muslim holiday in city schools, said he thinks people need to take a step back from what he called hysteria and the stereotypes of all Muslims as terrorists.

“At a time when I think the Muslim population is being characterized with a broad brush in a negative way, I think it’s important for us to say we’re not going to do that here,’’ McGovern said.

Cambridge schools already close for some Christian and Jewish holidays, and McGovern said he believes Muslims should be treated equally.

“The issue that sort of came up was should we celebrate any religious holidays, but there was not the will to take away Good Friday or one of the Jewish holidays,’’ he said. “So I said, if that is the case, I think we have an obligation to celebrate one of the Muslim holidays, as well.’’

This. :thup:
But Cambridge School Committee member Marc McGovern, who pushed for the Muslim holiday in city schools, said he thinks people need to take a step back from what he called hysteria and the stereotypes of all Muslims as terrorists.

“At a time when I think the Muslim population is being characterized with a broad brush in a negative way, I think it’s important for us to say we’re not going to do that here,’’ McGovern said.

Cambridge schools already close for some Christian and Jewish holidays, and McGovern said he believes Muslims should be treated equally.

“The issue that sort of came up was should we celebrate any religious holidays, but there was not the will to take away Good Friday or one of the Jewish holidays,’’ he said. “So I said, if that is the case, I think we have an obligation to celebrate one of the Muslim holidays, as well.’’

This. :thup:

That would be a NEGATIVE.
Why not? If we celebrate Good Friday, Christmas, the Feast of Lights, and or Yom Kippur, then why not give a pass to Muslim students for Eid al-Fitr. The only people who could logically oppose this are the atheists and the agnostics, and why should they care: give them one day a year also. Or don't give anyone the days off.

Our government was the first in modern history to establish a secular government with a clearly separated church and state.

There is clearly no rationale for argument.
Sorry bout that,

Why not? If we celebrate Good Friday, Christmas, the Feast of Lights, and or Yom Kippur, then why not give a pass to Muslim students for Eid al-Fitr. The only people who could logically oppose this are the atheists and the agnostics, and why should they care: give them one day a year also. Or don't give anyone the days off.

Our government was the first in modern history to establish a secular government with a clearly separated church and state.

There is clearly no rationale for argument.

1. This post is something only a *Libturd* would say.

Fine call the school holiday in December....winter break and do what ever the hell you want to do with it. Same for spring break.

Public schools have no business dabbling in religious holidays.....ANYONE'S religious holidays.

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I think we ought to make Ramadan a public holiday for all Americans and take a month off from work.

It'd do a great deal for world peace.
Oh I see. You're trying to say that only Christian holidays should count. Remind me: why is that again?
Sorry bout that,

1. The problem with islam as a religion or whatever it is, is, where ever they settle, inevitablly that part of the world will have to break with thier way of life in order to apease islam, and its special days of this or that washing, foods and an asortment of other demands.
2. Then at the same time they get all thier demands met in these things, they try to get thier people into places of power, and start from within to change things to thier favor.
3. Then slowly start making demands on what they want from the people in those areas, lands, laws changed, special freedoms only appling to themselves.


In other words, it's no different than Christianity
But Cambridge School Committee member Marc McGovern, who pushed for the Muslim holiday in city schools, said he thinks people need to take a step back from what he called hysteria and the stereotypes of all Muslims as terrorists.

“At a time when I think the Muslim population is being characterized with a broad brush in a negative way, I think it’s important for us to say we’re not going to do that here,’’ McGovern said.

Cambridge schools already close for some Christian and Jewish holidays, and McGovern said he believes Muslims should be treated equally.

“The issue that sort of came up was should we celebrate any religious holidays, but there was not the will to take away Good Friday or one of the Jewish holidays,’’ he said. “So I said, if that is the case, I think we have an obligation to celebrate one of the Muslim holidays, as well.’’
This. :thup:

How 'bout we only close the school for federal 'holidays' like Independence Day and simply encourage schools to allow students to take up to 2 weeks off during the school year, which they can use on the religious or other special days of their choice?

'It's Kwanza/Christmas/My mom's birthday next Friday; could I pick up Friday's work on thursday?'
Why not? If we celebrate Good Friday, Christmas, the Feast of Lights, and or Yom Kippur, then why not give a pass to Muslim students for Eid al-Fitr. The only people who could logically oppose this are the atheists and the agnostics, and why should they care: give them one day a year also. Or don't give anyone the days off.

Our government was the first in modern history to establish a secular government with a clearly separated church and state.

There is clearly no rationale for argument.

I dunno. Look what is happening in Europe. It all started with a little bit of accommodation for Muslims. Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So what good could come of doing the same thing that Europe has done: appeasing Muslims?
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Sorry bout that,

1. The problem with islam as a religion or whatever it is, is, where ever they settle, inevitablly that part of the world will have to break with thier way of life in order to apease islam, and its special days of this or that washing, foods and an asortment of other demands.
2. Then at the same time they get all thier demands met in these things, they try to get thier people into places of power, and start from within to change things to thier favor.
3. Then slowly start making demands on what they want from the people in those areas, lands, laws changed, special freedoms only appling to themselves.


And this makes Islam different from Christianity in what way?
Sorry bout that,

1. The problem with islam as a religion or whatever it is, is, where ever they settle, inevitablly that part of the world will have to break with thier way of life in order to apease islam, and its special days of this or that washing, foods and an asortment of other demands.
2. Then at the same time they get all thier demands met in these things, they try to get thier people into places of power, and start from within to change things to thier favor.
3. Then slowly start making demands on what they want from the people in those areas, lands, laws changed, special freedoms only appling to themselves.


And this makes Islam different from Christianity in what way?

I don't recall Christianity (in the present day) condoning stonings, body maiming, repression of women, calls to jihad, demands for sharia law, or having calls to prayer sounded (to the annoyance of non-believers) for prayers 5 times a gay to a broken fragment of meteorite in Mecca. Besides all that, I suppose Christianity and Islam aren't all that different after all.
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