An Asian American Responds to “Why Can’t Blacks be More Like ‘The Asians’”


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Mar 11, 2015

An Asian American Responds to “Why Can’t Blacks be More Like ‘The Asians’”

Khoi B.

“The point I was raising was why the Asians who were oppressed did so well and are integrating so well, and the blacks are not doing as well,”

Let me answer that for you Professor. It’s because Asians didn’t have the same complex and elaborate system of racism that was built to oppress Blacks. Asians came onto the scene in the mid 1800s long after the system of slavery had been established to oppress Blacks. We Asians definitely were (and are) discriminated against. Lynch mobs, housing discrimination, internment camps, immigration quotas, but the system that oppressed Blacks had been here longer, was enforced more brutally, and has remained to this day. Slavery, black codes, segregation, redlining, ghettos, police brutality, prison systems. And let’s remember that stereotypes cast Asians as smart and workaholics, while Blacks are portrayed as lazy, dangerous, and dumb. These stereotypes can cost jobs, opportunities, and even lives.

The struggles that Asians and Blacks went through were completely different. One group came over mostly as willing economic migrants or as refugees fleeing war. The other group was forcefully taken from their homelands to work as slaves.

This statement also assumes that Asian Americans don’t have serious issues to deal with either. Americans of South Asian descent are often victims of hate crimes that stem from islamophobia. Southeast Asian Americans have some of the highest poverty and high school drop-out rates in the country, but because of the ‘model minority’ stereotype that all Asian Americans are thriving in America, these issues often are ignored.

It's time to shut up another white racist lie.
Yes, I know you hate every race other than your own, and I am starting to suspect that you don't like that one all that much either.
Look at the dumb young men and women the black community produces. Now look at the young Asian men and women.

Asian moms are known for being tough. I also don’t think Asian kids have a fatherlessness problem. That might make a difference.

An Asian American Responds to “Why Can’t Blacks be More Like ‘The Asians’”

Khoi B.

“The point I was raising was why the Asians who were oppressed did so well and are integrating so well, and the blacks are not doing as well,”

Let me answer that for you Professor. It’s because Asians didn’t have the same complex and elaborate system of racism that was built to oppress Blacks. Asians came onto the scene in the mid 1800s long after the system of slavery had been established to oppress Blacks. We Asians definitely were (and are) discriminated against. Lynch mobs, housing discrimination, internment camps, immigration quotas, but the system that oppressed Blacks had been here longer, was enforced more brutally, and has remained to this day. Slavery, black codes, segregation, redlining, ghettos, police brutality, prison systems. And let’s remember that stereotypes cast Asians as smart and workaholics, while Blacks are portrayed as lazy, dangerous, and dumb. These stereotypes can cost jobs, opportunities, and even lives.

The struggles that Asians and Blacks went through were completely different. One group came over mostly as willing economic migrants or as refugees fleeing war. The other group was forcefully taken from their homelands to work as slaves.

This statement also assumes that Asian Americans don’t have serious issues to deal with either. Americans of South Asian descent are often victims of hate crimes that stem from islamophobia. Southeast Asian Americans have some of the highest poverty and high school drop-out rates in the country, but because of the ‘model minority’ stereotype that all Asian Americans are thriving in America, these issues often are ignored.

It's time to shut up another white racist lie.

You’re right, negroes will never be able to be successful in the US. They should all just move back to Africa where there is no systemic racism. Y’all could live like kangz there.

I mean really, even if you manage to be “successful” here, it would be working for a systemically racist company. Or even if you built your own business, you’d be paying taxes to a systemically racist government. The only way you can truly be free of so much racism is to move to a black majority nation.
You’re right, negroes will never be able to be successful in the US. They should all just move back to Africa where there is no systemic racism. Y’all could live like kangz there.

I mean really, even if you manage to be “successful” here, it would be working for a systemically racist company. Or even if you built your own business, you’d be paying taxes to a systemically racist government. The only way you can truly be free of so much racism is to move to a black majority nation.
About 30 points of iq separate the two groups
-Blacks can't compete in STEM
-Blacks can't compete in Computers
-Blacks can't compete in the business world
-Blacks are 5-10 times more likely to murder, rape and act out violent
-Blacks just can't compete within our society while asians can.
All things that separate blacks from asians.
You know why its called racist.

I really, really don't.

Would it be racist to say that Ashkenazi Jews, as a group - not individually, perform better that the norm according to certain criteria?

Even if it's demonstrably true?
Look at the dumb young men and women the black community produces. Now look at the young Asian men and women.

Asian moms are known for being tough. I also don’t think Asian kids have a fatherlessness problem. That might make a difference.

I don’t know what’s more disgusting. That you believe the racist trash you post, Or that you would post such offensive garbage in public even under a pseudonym.

You have no manners. You have no morals. And you have no shame
I can't stand sealy, but he has a point this time.

One never hears or sees or is reported of an asian child with no father figure in the picture.
All children have a grow up in the ghetto or to get out by any means necessary and make something of themselves. They are not born dumb unless mentally challenged at birth...and that goes for poor whites too. They learn from the parents...or parent. Then choose which path to take. Stay with ma and have lots of kids and suck the system or work hard, study and be successful.

Asians tend to do the latter.
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I don’t know what’s more disgusting. That you believe the racist trash you post, Or that you would post such offensive garbage in public even under a pseudonym.

You have no manners. You have no morals. And you have no shame
Says the idiot from Canada, that has a mere 3.5% black population. Your white liberal ass wouldn’t be caught dead in an all black neighborhood.
As long as we see race as the determining factor of success, or failure, for any group we will never make any progress towards addressing the actual issues that cause the disparities.

Human success is a spectrum and any member of any race can fall anywhere along that spectrum. It is demonstrably untrue that belonging to a certain race guarantees either failure or success. Where someone lands on that spectrum is determined for each individual based on many discrete factors.

A White on the middle or lower ends of the spectrum cannot claim that Blacks, as a group, are inferior to him when he is living proof of the falsity of his statement.

Consequently, an Asian (or insert the ethnicity of your choice) on the upper end of the spectrum cannot claim group superiority, for his group, when many within his group demonstrably exist on the lower ends of the spectrum.

Ethnicity clearly isn't the deciding factor so our preoccupation with it is stupidity in the extreme. Like checking your tire pressure as your car plunges over a cliff.
As long as we see race as the determining factor of success, or failure, for any group we will never make any progress towards addressing the actual issues that cause the disparities.

Human success is a spectrum and any member of any race can fall anywhere along that spectrum. It is demonstrably untrue that belonging to a certain race guarantees either failure or success. Where someone lands on that spectrum is determined for each individual based on many discrete factors.

A White on the middle or lower ends of the spectrum cannot claim that Blacks, as a group, are inferior to him when he is living proof of the falsity of his statement.

Consequently, an Asian (or insert the ethnicity of your choice) on the upper end of the spectrum cannot claim group superiority, for his group, when many within his group demonstrably exist on the lower ends of the spectrum.

Ethnicity clearly isn't the deciding factor so our preoccupation with it is stupidity in the extreme. Like checking your tire pressure as your car plunges over a cliff.
I agree with all of this.

But I would add that there are extremely strong cultural differences between most ethnic groups.

And cultural factors can, and do, play a major role in how we approach every aspect of life. Including how we value education, how we approach work and life's obstacles, what things we value in life, and what things are most worth striving for.

Some cultures support and encourage a strong education and work ethic. Some cultures are more accepting of a thug lifestyle. The outcomes are often predictable.
About 30 points of iq separate the two groups
-Blacks can't compete in STEM
-Blacks can't compete in Computers
-Blacks can't compete in the business world
-Blacks are 5-10 times more likely to murder, rape and act out violent
-Blacks just can't compete within our society while asians can.
All things that separate blacks from asians.
Several black members here work in STEM.

At least one owns a business.

Another one was in corporate management.

I spent 26 years as either an Executive Director or Development Director.

So you're full of shit, racist.
As long as we see race as the determining factor of success, or failure, for any group we will never make any progress towards addressing the actual issues that cause the disparities.

Human success is a spectrum and any member of any race can fall anywhere along that spectrum. It is demonstrably untrue that belonging to a certain race guarantees either failure or success. Where someone lands on that spectrum is determined for each individual based on many discrete factors.

A White on the middle or lower ends of the spectrum cannot claim that Blacks, as a group, are inferior to him when he is living proof of the falsity of his statement.

Consequently, an Asian (or insert the ethnicity of your choice) on the upper end of the spectrum cannot claim group superiority, for his group, when many within his group demonstrably exist on the lower ends of the spectrum.

Ethnicity clearly isn't the deciding factor so our preoccupation with it is stupidity in the extreme. Like checking your tire pressure as your car plunges over a cliff.
Spare us the psychosis. Whites made race the deteermining factor and still do it.
I agree with all of this.

But I would add that there are extremely strong cultural differences between most ethnic groups.

And cultural factors can, and do, play a major role in how we approach every aspect of life. Including how we value education, how we approach work and life's obstacles, what things we value in life, and what things are most worth striving for.

Some cultures support and encourage a strong education and work ethic. Some cultures are more accepting of a thug lifestyle. The outcomes are often predictable.
If we look at American history we see that whites have been the thugs. So this is about AMERICAN CULTURE.
And cultural factors can, and do, play a major role in how we approach every aspect of life.

Absolutely, however .... culture can vary significantly within ethnic groups. I would venture to say where a particular person sits on the socioeconomic scale will be of a much greater impact than any shared culture.

For example, Chinese culture for a thousand years or more, has prized education very highly. So much so that for several centuries, the path to success in Chinese society was studying for and being admitted into the bureaucratic class. The study of art, literature, and even science and mathematics was the key to societal advancement. Yet, China itself exhibited suffered great poverty and lagged far behind The West in development of technology ... despite a significant head start in that area.
Spare us the psychosis. Whites made race the deteermining factor and still do it.

All whites? Some whites? Some of any other ethnicity you care to name as well?

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