An actual investigation into obama's selling guns to drug cartels? Fast and Furious?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep.....someone may actually take a look at obama selling guns to drug cartels in order to push the left wing gun control agenda...

Report: Congressional Review Of Obama’s “Fast And Furious” | Extrano's Alley

Townhall’s Katie Pavlich reports the Obama regime’s “operation Fast and Furious,” gun s “walking” scheme will be investigated by the Oversight Committee.

One of the first acts of the Obama regime was to implement a suggestion that American gun dealers be ordered to sell “Assault Weapons” to straw purchasers buying for Mexican cartels.

The stated purpose ws to track the guns to “the big shots,” swoop in, and make arrests. Unfortunately, the batteries in the tracking transmitters died before the guns got to the border.

So the Department of Justice ordered dealers to sell guns anyway, without the tracking transmitters, and without any attempt to follow them to the border in an operation called “Fast and Furious,” one of eight or nine such “Operations.”

Thousands of guns were taken to Mexico, no one was arrested, but those rifles began turning up as a cartel calling card on the bodies of Police Officers, Chiefs, Mayors, prosecutors, and others the cartels considered enemies.

And within months the Obama regime started pushing a ban on Assault Weapons and severe limitations on gun sales in border States, claiming almost all the guns used in Mexico’s crimes were legally purchased in the United States.
The story by Katie Pavlich......gun fighter....

Oversight Committee to Revisit Operation Fast and Furious

On Wednesday the House Oversight Committee, chaired by outgoing Congressman Jason Chaffetz, will hold a hearing re-examining Operation Fast and Furious and the Obama administration's handling of the scandal.

The goals of the hearing are to "identify what the new officials at the Department of Justice can learn from the mistakes made by their predecessors in responding to Congress's inquiry" and "to understand the effect of the Justice Department's obstruction on these witnesses."

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