American kids are the dumbest in the world yet liberals support the status quo..????

To a liberal its better to watch people die than admit to failure.QUOTE]

Specific examples? Who are these "liberals" you speak of? I love how the radical right cannot even name a single specific "liberal" they are opposed to. The word "liberal" today means anyone who disagrees with the radical right in any way, shape, or form.

You also think America has the dumbest kids in the world. I'm an ESL teacher in South Korea, and you should see the kids in my school.
The voucher system only improves upon a bad system. It's a compromise I guess though. We need to get government out of education.

I'd rather have our elected government running it than the children's marketing dept. of McDonalds... Don't you see, that's where privately sponsored schools are heading??? Corporations are even printing textbooks. Check out "Fast Food Nation".

Yeah, that's a good book.
Education, intellectual curiosity, creativity and a lust for learning... none of these are at all valued in this country. Materialism, celebrity and vapid, mindless entertainment are the only things most Americans seem to pay attention to - just look at our disposeable society, pop music and fast food - all garbage. That is why our kids are the way they are.

Mr. Peepers, you have it nailed.
To a liberal its better to watch people die than admit to failure.QUOTE]

Specific examples? Who are these "liberals" you speak of? I love how the radical right cannot even name a single specific "liberal" they are opposed to.

too stupid but perfectly liberal !! Anyone can look up the names of the liberal union thugs who have made our kids the dumbest in the civilized world!! Randy Weingartner is the most obvious example.
I'd rather have our elected government running it than the children's marketing dept. of McDonalds...

just like we said!! Liberals like the status quo for themselves even when our kids are the dumbest in the civilized world!!

What does that tell us about the liberal IQ and character????
American kids are the dumbest in the world, yet Repubkicans want to defund education
because it is so embarrassing to admit their government programs have failed. It would be like Castro admitting his government programs had failed. To a liberal its better to watch people die than admit to failure.

A voucher system would obviously produce constant capitalistic pressure toward improvement.

Watching you impugn anyone's intelligence is delicious irony.
The American system of education, as it presently stands, is not educating but insuring that kids become even dumber than they already are.
The American system of education, as it presently stands, is not educating but insuring that kids become even dumber than they already are.

As the comedian says, "You can't fix stupid," and it is true for some posting on this thread.

Genes make people stupid and attending a good or bad school won't change that.

How about using the word ignorant?

And again, substituting ignorant for stupid may not help much. To be helped you must reconize your ignorance in certain subjects and be willing to change that.

Read the bumper stickers. Teenagers know everything. They will deny their own ignorance until the cows come home leaving little chance of improvement.

Also to add, in all my years, I've seen teachers handing out information to lessen the level of ignorance and I've seen thousands of students fight those teachers to continue living in ignorance.

Unlike the crap you hear and read, students aren't begging teachers for knowledge while the teachers are ignoring their requests.

Society can punish and bad-mouth the teaching profession all it wants, but until we can convince the ignorant that they are indeed ignorant and only paying attention and learning will correct this, nothing academically will change.
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Obviously we aren't bortn with the ability to spell calculus either. What students learn is no longer an issue. It's keeping them in school that's the big issue and for that, standards have to be lowered and lowered every year.
Teachers Unions.. The buck starts and stops with them. Public Unions are no good anymore......
They are contributing to destroying us financially and socially.
Teachers Unions.. The buck starts and stops with them. Public Unions are no good anymore......
They are contributing to destroying us financially and socially.

Also causing cancer, eroding the ozone, and allowing more asteroids to threaten the earth...

Try the disintegration of the family as a supporting unit for raising children.

Your quote proves you haven't been in a classroom for quite a while...
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The Liberal voter base, Blacks, Hispanics, Single mothers, Public Union members and some other idiots thrown into the mix.. the followers.

Big IQ's in that mix.....
Teachers unions have nothing to do with america being dumb. parents need only to look into the mirror for the problem.
Teachers unions protect bad teachers even when the parents really want to do something.

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