America, the Land of the Dumb?


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Is America becoming stupid, or does it just seem that way? Is conservative and corporate right wing media just throwing a lot of stupid ideas out there to confuse and distract? Is there a middle ground between America being stupid or Americans being hoodwinked? Today nothing is as it is. Obama is doing better than their hero Reagan, but still our new president, who inherited the worst mess since the republicans handed FDR the Great Depression, has done wonders. If you listen to clear channel wingnut radio, read the republican WSJ et al, or watch Fox republican media, you'd think the cup was empty. Socialism, what is that anyway? Do any Americans realize our system of government and commerce is miles away from socialism? If anything we are becoming a plutocracy with a whole bunch of conspiratorial whiners on the fringes following the pied pipers of wingnuttery.

Will the American Right succeed in making America the land of the dumb. The evidence is everywhere: anti-science, anti-medical research, anti-evolution, anti-global climate change, anti-immigration, anti-regulatory reform and pro simple slogans.

All sensible Americans who love democracy must do all they can to help America become great again in the good things we do - and not in simply going bonkers every time democracy works it magic and makes changes.

===== Two examples of the dumbing down of America. =====

'Why the "birther" myth refuses to die.' By Christopher Beam

"It's also good politics. A recent New York Times/CBS News poll found that only 58 percent of Americans believe Obama was born in the United States. Entertaining this notion without endorsing it thus works as a conservative dog whistle. It shows that politicians understand the concerns of the far right, even if they don't plan on joining it."

Why the "birther" myth refuses to die. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine

'Sarah Palin's ignorant imperialism.' By William Saletan

"Sarah Palin thinks Barack Obama is a wimp. She's been going around to Tea Party rallies, invoking the spirit of revolutionary Boston and castigating Obama for failing to exalt American power and punish our adversaries. She seems blissfully unaware that the imperial arrogance she's preaching isn't how the American founders behaved. It's how the British behaved, and why they lost. Palin represents everything the original Tea Party was against."

Sarah Palin's ignorant imperialism. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

[ame=]YouTube - Sean Hannity Calls Tea Party "Tim McVeigh Wannabe's"[/ame]

U.S. Political Extremes Are "Alarming" | David Remnick | Big Think
If you want to see dumb go to any NYC High School and ask them the following 2 questions:

1. Including John Adams, can you name 3 of Americas Founding Fathers?

2. When did the War of 1812 occur?
Is America becoming stupid, or does it just seem that way? Is conservative and corporate right wing media just throwing a lot of stupid ideas out there to confuse and distract? Is there a middle ground between America being stupid or Americans being hoodwinked? Today nothing is as it is. Obama is doing better than their hero Reagan, but still our new president, who inherited the worst mess since the republicans handed FDR the Great Depression, has done wonders. If you listen to clear channel wingnut radio, read the republican WSJ et al, or watch Fox republican media, you'd think the cup was empty. Socialism, what is that anyway? Do any Americans realize our system of government and commerce is miles away from socialism? If anything we are becoming a plutocracy with a whole bunch of conspiratorial whiners on the fringes following the pied pipers of wingnuttery.

Will the American Right succeed in making America the land of the dumb. The evidence is everywhere: anti-science, anti-medical research, anti-evolution, anti-global climate change, anti-immigration, anti-regulatory reform and pro simple slogans.

All sensible Americans who love democracy must do all they can to help America become great again in the good things we do - and not in simply going bonkers every time democracy works it magic and makes changes.

===== Two examples of the dumbing down of America. =====

'Why the "birther" myth refuses to die.' By Christopher Beam

"It's also good politics. A recent New York Times/CBS News poll found that only 58 percent of Americans believe Obama was born in the United States. Entertaining this notion without endorsing it thus works as a conservative dog whistle. It shows that politicians understand the concerns of the far right, even if they don't plan on joining it."

Why the "birther" myth refuses to die. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine

'Sarah Palin's ignorant imperialism.' By William Saletan

"Sarah Palin thinks Barack Obama is a wimp. She's been going around to Tea Party rallies, invoking the spirit of revolutionary Boston and castigating Obama for failing to exalt American power and punish our adversaries. She seems blissfully unaware that the imperial arrogance she's preaching isn't how the American founders behaved. It's how the British behaved, and why they lost. Palin represents everything the original Tea Party was against."

Sarah Palin's ignorant imperialism. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

YouTube - Sean Hannity Calls Tea Party "Tim McVeigh Wannabe's"

U.S. Political Extremes Are "Alarming" | David Remnick | Big Think

Is America becoming stupid, or does it just seem that way? Is conservative and corporate right wing media just throwing a lot of stupid ideas out there to confuse and distract? Is there a middle ground between America being stupid or Americans being hoodwinked? Today nothing is as it is. Obama is doing better than their hero Reagan, but still our new president, who inherited the worst mess since the republicans handed FDR the Great Depression, has done wonders. If you listen to clear channel wingnut radio, read the republican WSJ et al, or watch Fox republican media, you'd think the cup was empty. Socialism, what is that anyway? Do any Americans realize our system of government and commerce is miles away from socialism? If anything we are becoming a plutocracy with a whole bunch of conspiratorial whiners on the fringes following the pied pipers of wingnuttery.

Will the American Right succeed in making America the land of the dumb. The evidence is everywhere: anti-science, anti-medical research, anti-evolution, anti-global climate change, anti-immigration, anti-regulatory reform and pro simple slogans.

All sensible Americans who love democracy must do all they can to help America become great again in the good things we do - and not in simply going bonkers every time democracy works it magic and makes changes.

===== Two examples of the dumbing down of America. =====

'Why the "birther" myth refuses to die.' By Christopher Beam

"It's also good politics. A recent New York Times/CBS News poll found that only 58 percent of Americans believe Obama was born in the United States. Entertaining this notion without endorsing it thus works as a conservative dog whistle. It shows that politicians understand the concerns of the far right, even if they don't plan on joining it."

Why the "birther" myth refuses to die. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine

'Sarah Palin's ignorant imperialism.' By William Saletan

"Sarah Palin thinks Barack Obama is a wimp. She's been going around to Tea Party rallies, invoking the spirit of revolutionary Boston and castigating Obama for failing to exalt American power and punish our adversaries. She seems blissfully unaware that the imperial arrogance she's preaching isn't how the American founders behaved. It's how the British behaved, and why they lost. Palin represents everything the original Tea Party was against."

Sarah Palin's ignorant imperialism. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

YouTube - Sean Hannity Calls Tea Party "Tim McVeigh Wannabe's"

U.S. Political Extremes Are "Alarming" | David Remnick | Big Think

Good stuff. It's really interesting that Palin expects us to walk around the Earth acting like swinging dicks when that's the sure-fire way to get NO cooperation from anyone else.

The Monroe Doctrine of the good ol' US of A was the antithesis of that...if your colonialism fucks with democracy...we'll stop you. Bush has taken that to an unneeded extreme, but back in the day, they knew what they were doing.

If you want to see dumb go to any NYC High School and ask them the following 2 questions:

1. Including John Adams, can you name 3 of Americas Founding Fathers?

2. When did the War of 1812 occur?

Are you smarter than a 5th grader??
This pretty much sums it up.


  • $murkastan.gif
    74.6 KB · Views: 70
Some time ago, in the interest of objectivity and fairness, stupidity crept into the dialogue of the media makers. I once joked that even Satan would now be able to claim life in hell would be just peachy as fairness required his input. The following piece is dated but it presents well the modern predicament.

"When nonsense which can be empirically falsified is presented under a creationist guise as critical thinking, a controversy is created in our schools where none should exist. When the empirically falsifiable supposition that someone was not present at a murder when his DNA is found mixed with the blood of victims at the crime scene is not recognized as nonsense, murderers can go home free. Nonsense masquerading as truth has been with us as long as records can date.

But the increasingly blatant nature of the nonsense uttered with impunity in public discourse is chilling. Our democratic society is imperiled as much by this as any other single threat, regardless of whether the origins of the nonsense are religious fanaticism, simple ignorance or personal gain." In Defense of Nonsense

"Objectivity cannot be equated with mental blankness; rather, objectivity resides in recognizing your preferences and then subjecting them to especially harsh scrutiny." Stephen Jay Gould
Is America becoming stupid, or does it just seem that way?

America is being run by some truly intelligent but misguided sociopathes.

Now that they no longer relaly need the American people to stand between the communist and them standing in front of a firing squad, they're about the business of putting the rest of us in our place.

And that place they're leading us to is the same place serfs were in in pre revolutionary Russia.

Enjoy the steady slide down into serfdom, fans.

Your kids are not going to have the same opportunities you and I once had.

They ALREADY don't have those same opportunities and we're just now getting started on ending the American way of life for most of us.

Some (read a LOT) of us NEVER had it to begin with, I note.
If you want to see dumb go to any NYC High School and ask them the following 2 questions:

1. Including John Adams, can you name 3 of Americas Founding Fathers?

2. When did the War of 1812 occur?

Are you smarter than a 5th grader??

He's not

[ame=]YouTube - Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States[/ame]
You guys are doing all right, the sign of a healthy democracy is the opinion that every one else is an idiot destroying the democracy.
Education of the young, first and foremost, is the responsibility of their parents, not the public school system. American parents, too many of them at least, have refused accountability and discipline for their children's education. If our schools are failing, that is the result of the parents' failures.

Educated students know the differences in America and plan accordingly.
Education of the young, first and foremost, is the responsibility of their parents, not the public school system. American parents, too many of them at least, have refused accountability and discipline for their children's education. If our schools are failing, that is the result of the parents' failures.

Educated students know the differences in America and plan accordingly.

Alert the Mod, someone hacked Jakes account, I have to rep who ever posted that for him
Is America becoming stupid, or does it just seem that way? Is conservative and corporate right wing media just throwing a lot of stupid ideas out there to confuse and distract? Is there a middle ground between America being stupid or Americans being hoodwinked? Today nothing is as it is. Obama is doing better than their hero Reagan, but still our new president, who inherited the worst mess since the republicans handed FDR the Great Depression, has done wonders. If you listen to clear channel wingnut radio, read the republican WSJ et al, or watch Fox republican media, you'd think the cup was empty. Socialism, what is that anyway? Do any Americans realize our system of government and commerce is miles away from socialism? If anything we are becoming a plutocracy with a whole bunch of conspiratorial whiners on the fringes following the pied pipers of wingnuttery.

Will the American Right succeed in making America the land of the dumb. The evidence is everywhere: anti-science, anti-medical research, anti-evolution, anti-global climate change, anti-immigration, anti-regulatory reform and pro simple slogans.

All sensible Americans who love democracy must do all they can to help America become great again in the good things we do - and not in simply going bonkers every time democracy works it magic and makes changes.

===== Two examples of the dumbing down of America. =====

'Why the "birther" myth refuses to die.' By Christopher Beam

"It's also good politics. A recent New York Times/CBS News poll found that only 58 percent of Americans believe Obama was born in the United States. Entertaining this notion without endorsing it thus works as a conservative dog whistle. It shows that politicians understand the concerns of the far right, even if they don't plan on joining it."

Why the "birther" myth refuses to die. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine

'Sarah Palin's ignorant imperialism.' By William Saletan

"Sarah Palin thinks Barack Obama is a wimp. She's been going around to Tea Party rallies, invoking the spirit of revolutionary Boston and castigating Obama for failing to exalt American power and punish our adversaries. She seems blissfully unaware that the imperial arrogance she's preaching isn't how the American founders behaved. It's how the British behaved, and why they lost. Palin represents everything the original Tea Party was against."

Sarah Palin's ignorant imperialism. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

YouTube - Sean Hannity Calls Tea Party "Tim McVeigh Wannabe's"

U.S. Political Extremes Are "Alarming" | David Remnick | Big Think're a bit confused.

When I saw the title of this thread, how shocked was I that it was posted up by a k00k OCD internet lefty?:eek:

and ps......nobody cares anymore about the "inherited mess". Its 2010 last time I checked the calendar.............and by the way, now poll yesterday showed Ron Paul...........Ron Fcukking Paul in a dead heat with Obama.:disbelief: If the election were held today, it'd be a toss up s0n!!!

So where does t his "better than Reagan" crap come from???:eusa_think::eusa_think::eusa_think:
Is America becoming stupid, or does it just seem that way? Is conservative and corporate right wing media just throwing a lot of stupid ideas out there to confuse and distract? Is there a middle ground between America being stupid or Americans being hoodwinked? Today nothing is as it is. Obama is doing better than their hero Reagan, but still our new president, who inherited the worst mess since the republicans handed FDR the Great Depression, has done wonders. If you listen to clear channel wingnut radio, read the republican WSJ et al, or watch Fox republican media, you'd think the cup was empty. Socialism, what is that anyway? Do any Americans realize our system of government and commerce is miles away from socialism? If anything we are becoming a plutocracy with a whole bunch of conspiratorial whiners on the fringes following the pied pipers of wingnuttery.

Will the American Right succeed in making America the land of the dumb. The evidence is everywhere: anti-science, anti-medical research, anti-evolution, anti-global climate change, anti-immigration, anti-regulatory reform and pro simple slogans.

All sensible Americans who love democracy must do all they can to help America become great again in the good things we do - and not in simply going bonkers every time democracy works it magic and makes changes.

===== Two examples of the dumbing down of America. =====

'Why the "birther" myth refuses to die.' By Christopher Beam

"It's also good politics. A recent New York Times/CBS News poll found that only 58 percent of Americans believe Obama was born in the United States. Entertaining this notion without endorsing it thus works as a conservative dog whistle. It shows that politicians understand the concerns of the far right, even if they don't plan on joining it."

Why the "birther" myth refuses to die. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine

'Sarah Palin's ignorant imperialism.' By William Saletan

"Sarah Palin thinks Barack Obama is a wimp. She's been going around to Tea Party rallies, invoking the spirit of revolutionary Boston and castigating Obama for failing to exalt American power and punish our adversaries. She seems blissfully unaware that the imperial arrogance she's preaching isn't how the American founders behaved. It's how the British behaved, and why they lost. Palin represents everything the original Tea Party was against."

Sarah Palin's ignorant imperialism. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

YouTube - Sean Hannity Calls Tea Party "Tim McVeigh Wannabe's"

U.S. Political Extremes Are "Alarming" | David Remnick | Big Think

Why is it that the people complaining about stupid everyone else is always write the dumbest posts out there?

I dont think Americans are stupid. In fact, I think we are very intelligent. The problem is we know alot of things that aren't correct.

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