All these Muslims must be in big trouble

Well, again... Islam is founded on the teachings of the Pedophile... Mohammad. So, while this story may have been taken out of context, it certainly doesn't change the fact, that the Muslim culture is a sick and detestable culture.

Now you'll notice that the same idiots that came crashing in to defend the OP event... will not be found doing the same for Allie's post... because as SHO'gun often likes to point out, "some cultures are ALL ABOUT the homosexuality which rests in pedophilia...' which works out the same for the pervs who like to abuse kids of the opposite gender; such as is the case in Iran; a Muslim nation governed through Sharia Law.

Not to worry tho'... Nature has a cure for such and she seems to be setting that into play; so it'll work itself out.
Well, again... Islam is founded on the teachings of the Pedophile... Mohammad. So, while this story may have been taken out of context, it certainly doesn't change the fact, that the Muslim culture is a sick and detestable culture.
In other words, Jen succeeded in what she was attempting to do. Doesn't matter if the thread was based upon a lie.
if marrying childbrides is against Islam.

It's so odd, though, they don't look scared.


Mass Muslim Marriage
450 Grooms Wed GIRLS Under Ten In Gaza

by Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

Hamas sponsored a mass wedding for four hundred and fifty couples. Most of the grooms were in their mid to late twenties; most of brides were under ten.

Muslim dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar, a leader of Hamas, were on hand to congratulate the couples who took part in the carefully staged celebration.

“We are saying to the world and to America that you cannot deny us joy and happiness,” Zahar told the grooms, all of whom were dressed in identical black suits and hailed from the nearby Jabalia refugee camp.

Each groom received a gift of 500 dollars from Hamas.

The pre-pubescent girls, dressed in white gowns and adorned with garish make-up, received bridal bouquets.

“We are presenting this wedding as a gift to our people who stood firm in the face of the siege and the war,” local Hamas strongman Ibrahim Salaf said in a speech.

Hamas is enforcing sharia trying to create a proper Islamic state.

This kind of sounds like charles manson conducting orgies (pervert).
Well, again... Islam is founded on the teachings of the Pedophile... Mohammad. So, while this story may have been taken out of context, it certainly doesn't change the fact, that the Muslim culture is a sick and detestable culture.
In other words, Jen succeeded in what she was attempting to do. Doesn't matter if the thread was based upon a lie.

Okay now WHO is making false accusations here?

I'm not totally convinced it wasn't child brides after I saw that one video from Al-Jazeera after the camera kept focusing on that little girl dressed up as a bride and I THINK it said in the beginning of that video something about how young they were (without saying the age, true) The only real evidence that it wasn't true was WND's quotes of a Hamas official. What did you think he was going to say? So even though I'm leaning toward it being not true (I do think by now they would have reported it if it was) it's still not absolute.

So to your accusation that I was attempting to do something, all I did was post what was in the news. (btw, it IS a message forum, people do that) I believe I said on the first page that I didn't know if it was true or not. So all your accusations of motives is only showing you are attempting what you accuse me of.
Arranged Marriages are not unique to Islam.

Also, for a Religion not even 500 years removed from much of the same behavior that you look down upon Islam for you shouldn't be talking. Last I checked, the Salem Witch Trials, the Inquisition, and many other incidents similar to that weren't conducted by Muslims.

Islam is currently at the point where Christianity use to be. The problem for Islam they have no true one leader to tell them what exactly to do. Should they follow old age traditions? Should they make their own new traditions based on what they were taught? A mix of the two? Things similar to that.

Christianity soon realized that hey, killing people who say the Earth is round and that the Earth revolves around the Sun is a bad idea among other things. Why? Probably figured they should practice what they preach.
Arranged Marriages are not unique to Islam.

Also, for a Religion not even 500 years removed from much of the same behavior that you look down upon Islam for you shouldn't be talking. Last I checked, the Salem Witch Trials, the Inquisition, and many other incidents similar to that weren't conducted by Muslims.

Islam is currently at the point where Christianity use to be. The problem for Islam they have no true one leader to tell them what exactly to do. Should they follow old age traditions? Should they make their own new traditions based on what they were taught? A mix of the two? Things similar to that.

Christianity soon realized that hey, killing people who say the Earth is round and that the Earth revolves around the Sun is a bad idea among other things. Why? Probably figured they should practice what they preach.

What was done in the name of Christ did not represent Christ. Christ told Christians to pick up the cross and follow Him, something many of us FAIL at, myself just about an hour ago in a different thread. Nevertheless, in Christianity, if one follow Christ, none of those accusations you posted would have happened.

Whereas in Islam, the Quran says to follow Muhammad, and what did Muhammad do? Oh, nothing much, just behead 600 to 900 people because they rejected allah.

You ask if Muslims should follow age-old traditions? I hope not. You ask, "should they follow age old traditions?" What is Islam except following Muhammad?
What was done in the name of Christ did not represent Christ. Christ told Christians to pick up the cross and follow Him, something many of us FAIL at, myself just about an hour ago in a different thread. Nevertheless, in Christianity, if one follow Christ, none of those accusations you posted would have happened.

Whereas in Islam, the Quran says to follow Muhammad, and what did Muhammad do? Oh, nothing much, just behead 600 to 900 people because they rejected allah.

You ask if Muslims should follow age-old traditions? I hope not. You ask, "should they follow age old traditions?" What is Islam except following Muhammad?

I really do have to ask you the following: You do realize that not every Muslim is a terrorist who wants to convert you or your children to Islam at the threat of death correct? I know several peaceful Muslims in my own life just to begin with.
JenT puts the viability back into feeding lions with christian bites.
What was done in the name of Christ did not represent Christ. Christ told Christians to pick up the cross and follow Him, something many of us FAIL at, myself just about an hour ago in a different thread. Nevertheless, in Christianity, if one follow Christ, none of those accusations you posted would have happened.

Whereas in Islam, the Quran says to follow Muhammad, and what did Muhammad do? Oh, nothing much, just behead 600 to 900 people because they rejected allah.

You ask if Muslims should follow age-old traditions? I hope not. You ask, "should they follow age old traditions?" What is Islam except following Muhammad?

I really do have to ask you the following: You do realize that not every Muslim is a terrorist who wants to convert you or your children to Islam at the threat of death correct? I know several peaceful Muslims in my own life just to begin with.

I have already posted this but this response keeps coming up. I agree, and I haven't met any terrorist-leaning Muslims since I wrote this, but by joining they are supporting a way of life that is fully realized in Middle East countries.

Few see a threat that that lifestyle will come here but look at what is happening in Europe.

The Plight of Moderate Muslims
a people without a religion

by Jen Shroder
Muhammad got in my car, grinning from ear to ear, one of the nicest kids we know. Then there is Abbas, the son of an Iranian Shah who gave me an exquisite tapestry case just because he is generous. I smile whenever I think of Sharif and how we would almost fall over laughing as we bantered back and forth. I remember parties at Omar’s in Ashland and I’m always happy to see my Muslim neighbors.

I have liked every Muslim I have ever met.

America is embracing a religion that is said to promote peace as many moderate Muslims happily practice it. But as Yale professor and military historian Mary Habeck points out, this "peace" is only the first phase of Islam. The "method of Muhammad" largely known by Middle East Islamists is to spread Islam peacefully at first but always including covert groups of "true followers" who will use violence against those who will not accept. This method is verified in Islam’s holy book, the Sira, and the pattern has been repeated throughout history.

When scholars point at the Koran and the terrorist verses recited over acts of violence and beheadings, Muslims claim those verses are out of context, and they feel out of context to those who have accepted Islam’s first phase. But "peace" is not the last phase of Islam.

Muhammad, reverenced as Jesus Christ is to Christians, is the role model. Muslims believe if they want to experience his success, they must follow his footsteps exactly, and Muhammad slaughtered 600 to 900 Jews that rejected his "peaceful" Islam, then sold their wives and children into slavery as he continued to quote Allah, adding terrorism, beheadings and carnage.

Bin Laden believes he is following Muhammad’s footsteps. He did not hijack a religion, he just took it seriously.

The answer is not to claim moderate Muslim beliefs are true Islam. The answer is not to ask our children to get on their hands and knees and pray to Allah in public school, to "become Muslim," fast for Ramadan, and "assume you are a Muslim soldier" as our textbooks direct. Once the governing majority is Muslim, "true Islam" and the totalitarian oppressive Sharia laws come into effect. Our freedoms will be slowly choked from us as they are being choked from France today.

President Bush probably doubts we can "win the war on terror" because that would require the eradication of Islam completely, something America would never endeavor. Religious freedom is fundamental to us, it is part of what makes us great. We will not outlaw Islam, we will not hunt down and kill every Muslim in an effort to win the Jihad pronounced by sheiks. President Bush is absolutely right, we can’t "win" the war, we can only fight to maintain our stature and freedom while we hunt down a never-ending supply of Islamic terrorists.

Thus we have already "won" every day we stand as a shining light, (though dimming if our nation continues to oppose God).

But the plight of the moderate Muslim is grave. As America slowly admits the enemy is true Islam, every effort must be made to embrace the moderate Muslim, not persecute them. The answer is not to blind our eyes and try to convince ourselves that moderate Muslims represent true Islam. They don’t. Islam is defined by its holy books, and the holy books proclaim death to all who oppose it, even moderate Muslims. The answer is to live in reality, recognize the violence of true Islam as it rears its head, and ask moderate Muslims to reconsider. True Islam pronounces moderate Muslims as apostate, they are the "near enemies" in the Sira and without true conversion, they will be slaughtered right along with Christians and Jews. American Muslims need to take a hard look at what their Koran, in its entirety and true context, demands. They can no more denounce the method of Muhammad than Christians can denounce the sacrifice and love of God. I know, because as I battle with public educators for my children’s religious freedom, I get angry, and God continually rebukes me for my anger. He reminds me of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for them as well, and I am constantly humbled.

Muhammad slaughtered unbelievers. Jesus Christ gave Himself to be slaughtered. Muhammad took life, Jesus laid down His own life. I am to love these educators that would ask my sons to practice abominations to God, but I am not to give my sons over to them. We are to LOVE American Muslims, but we ought not give over our nation. We need to admit what true Islam is... or we can invest in prayer carpets, head baskets and burkas.

So as America wakes up to our enemy’s identity, pray for protection of moderate Muslims. They bought a belief without substance, a way of life without a Savior. Embrace them, love them and share His holy light with them.

But at the same time, do not allow public schools to lead your sons and daughters to their plight. plight.htm
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only a stupid twat would use her own work to justify her own work.


And only a powermongering WEAK man would neg rep twice in one week for opinion.

That's an OPINION piece, del, there is nothing wrong with posting what I've already written when repeatedly asked the same question.

OPINIONS don't need justification, they are OPINIONS.

Neg repping because someone has never met a mean Muslim is just looking for an excuse to neg rep.

And is cowardly.

I thought you said you would be open about that.
...and.. who really gives a shit about the dim opinions of JenT anyway?
only a stupid twat would use her own work to justify her own work.


And only a powermongering WEAK man would neg rep twice in one week for opinion.

That's an OPINION piece, del, there is nothing wrong with posting what I've already written when repeatedly asked the same question.

OPINIONS don't need justification, they are OPINIONS.

Neg repping because someone has never met a mean Muslim is just looking for an excuse to neg rep.

And is cowardly.

I thought you said you would be open about that.

hint: i called you a stupid twat in the rep. seems pretty open to me.
if there's still any doubt as to my feelings and my willingness to admit to them, let's try this

jent is a stupid twat-

let me know if you have questions. :thup:
only a stupid twat would use her own work to justify her own work.

I dont know why you would neg that , it is a fair and accurate statement of the current state of affairs .It answers the question posed to her in her own words .
I wouldn't say he absolutely did not.

What he SAID (if quoted accurately) was, "Perhaps I was making up the fact that the brides were elsewhere. It's possible."

He wouldn't KNOW if he had a source for that claim? ??

Once a guy admits that "maybe" he was "making up" any alleged "fact," that's generally a damn good clue that he WAS making it up.
He was pointing out how fucking ridiculous these people are in their lies. Sorry that went completely over your head.

He "was" doing that because you crawled inside his head and can verify what he MEANT?

Sorry, shnookums, but you don't have that kind of ability or credibility.

MAYBE he was just being sarcastic. I can and do concede that possibility. Alternatively (a prospect you lack the integrity to admit) he may have merely been conceding in a ball-less way that he had no way to support a claim he had made.

Reality tends to glide right over your head.

Those of us with a standard amount of reading comprehension understood exactly what he meant. You're not doing yourself any favors at this point.
only a stupid twat would use her own work to justify her own work.


And only a powermongering WEAK man would neg rep twice in one week for opinion.

That's an OPINION piece, del, there is nothing wrong with posting what I've already written when repeatedly asked the same question.

OPINIONS don't need justification, they are OPINIONS.

Neg repping because someone has never met a mean Muslim is just looking for an excuse to neg rep.

And is cowardly.

I thought you said you would be open about that.

hint: i called you a stupid twat in the rep. seems pretty open to me.
if there's still any doubt as to my feelings and my willingness to admit to them, let's try this

jent is a stupid twat-

let me know if you have questions. :thup:

Del, THREE neg reps ago you finally owned up to them and I thought that was great, now after two more silent hits in 3 days, I just think it's cowardly. Especially if its about an opinion. Didn't realize neg reps were to be used for frustrated people to say "I don't like you" every time you're so inept to answer a post you don't like that you got nothing else.

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