AGU statement: "Co2 impact on climate is minor!"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
The AGU climate policy statement as redrafted by Monckton

Posted on August 7, 2013

essay by Christopher Monckton

The American Geophysical Union, after three previous attempts at a policy statement on climate change, has just published yet a fourth. Christopher Monckton of Brenchley redrafts it to say what it should have said if the AGU’s objective had been the honest scientific truth.

Our influence on the climate is minor but beneficial

Human activities are changing Earth’s climate, but – as the AGU must now concede – not by much. The atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased from 0.03% before the Industrial Revolution to 0.04% today. Much of this alteration of 1 part in 10,000 of the atmospheric composition may have been caused by burning fossil fuels.

Watts Up With That? | The world's most viewed site on global warming and climate change

more k00k losing........

Monckton is the culmination of centuries of inbreeding among the British nobility.

Those who fall for his scam also tend to have inbreeding issues, though of a more rustic nature.
Monkton is not a Lord, he has no credentials in any science, whatsoever. And has repeatedly been shown to be a liar. Anthony Watts was a TV weatherman. No scientific credentials at all. Against these proven frauds you have the entire scientific establishment of this planet. And who do the idiots choose to believe? That is why they are idiots.
Freeman Dyson disagrees with AGW. So does Edward Teller. If Dick Feynman was still around I'd bet he would disagree with it, but give a reason that would have all of us smacking our heads saying "why didn't I think of that".
And almost everybody that is doing science in the field of geology, where we see the effects on the glaciers, ice caps, and hydrology of this planet, realize the world is warming. The people who study the reasons, incoming solar energy, outgoing energy reflected and reradiated, the physicists, state that GHGs are the primary reason for the present warming.
When taken as a whole, global temperature variability has been nearly constant over the last 50 years, according to Chris Huntingford, lead author of the study and a climate modeler at the U.K. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, part of Britain’s government-funded Natural Environment Research Council.

Public Opinion: Scientists assert there is less weather variability, globally, than most people believe -- Monday, August 5, 2013 --

The warmist contingent has fallen prey to the promotion of this concept of temperature variability. They invariably lean to the extremes of the models......and the promoters are part of the climate version of the Reality Manufacturing Company Booking a reservation for the movie called Reality « Jon Rappoport's Blog ......there is a segment of the population just more prone to being duped by statistics when what matters is what is statistically significant.:2up:

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