
William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
A website advertised on USMB promoting interracial dating (I think there's another one, too).

What's funny is, a website that focuses on that is deemed "good." A website that focuses on dating for blacks, Jews, Asians, or Hispanics is "good."

But a website for white dating would be WHITE SUPREMACIST!
All of a sudden, there seems to be a big push for WHITE MEN to date/marry/etc. BLACK WOMEN. The afro-romance ad features this illustration, and an ad I just saw on TV had that. I hate the word "conspiracy," but man, what propaganda. The message to white men is to stop making white babies. That's kinda genocidal, if you think about it. Who wants fewer whites, but the enemies of whites?

If someone wanted fewer Jews, what would the reaction be?
I see this kind of stuff all the time. It's like how it's ok to criticize or satirize certain groups but not others. I always wonder where the PC police are when it's happening.
But a website for white dating would be WHITE SUPREMACIST!

Yeah it would be by definition.
But a website for white dating would be WHITE SUPREMACIST!

Yeah it would be by definition.

You know this is one you can't win. It's OK to have "all black," "all Jewish" (JDate) and "all Hispanic" (Mi Raza) date sites, but not one for whites?

There's just no good explanation for that, other than a ridiculous double standard against whites.

"by definition", that's funny. Whites as a group are "by definition" bad. White people, do you see this? Do you get it?
A website advertised on USMB promoting interracial dating (I think there's another one, too).

What's funny is, a website that focuses on that is deemed "good." A website that focuses on dating for blacks, Jews, Asians, or Hispanics is "good."

But a website for white dating would be WHITE SUPREMACIST!

Hmmm, I, and many others I'm sure, have no problem with different ethnic groups having their own dating sites.

Why don't you and your 'buddies' start your own dating site.

It could be called, "Whites Only"

I'm sure if you get on ebay you can find a lot of old signs from the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's that say that. Save you some money for your start up costs.
"by definition", that's funny. Whites as a group are "by definition" bad. White people, do you see this? Do you get it?
I get it and though I didn't notice until a few years ago, it's has me seeing red as it does quite a few of my friends.
yes yes.. we will never have a "white caucus" like blacks have a black caucus. Sure, but i'd have made the argument over something that actually means something like the CAUCAS... rather than dating websites. You will never have a white version of Ebony and Jet either.. but who gives a fuck?
yes yes.. we will never have a "white caucus" like blacks have a black caucus. Sure, but i'd have made the argument over something that actually means something like the CAUCAS... rather than dating websites. You will never have a white version of Ebony and Jet either.. but who gives a fuck?

I do, because I don't like what's happening to my race. Dating sites are one issue, Congress is another, and they go on and on. Whites are being sharply shoved from all quarters of American life, and NOT in a happy-faced, kumbaya kind of way. It's raw anti-white racism. Diversity doesn't mean "everyone together", it means "whites, go home."
I whish Whites would only date whites, and stay away from our Black Women from our hoods!.Who
needs white men stealing our women.There are stealing almost everything else!.We are not going to allow our women to be taken by these white boys.
I don't think White men would be "taking" anything. With Black women leading the nation in heterosexual contraction of STD and HIV, I'd be leaving Black men alone too.
Not to mention the number of Black women having babies out of wedlock. As much as I think the fault is a woman's for the most part, a GOOD portion of the blame lies with the men who can't seem to follow up on the parenthood part once they dump their seed. As a Black man with a 27 year old successful college educated sister who laments the dating pool of eligible Black men, I have recommended she seek a mate outside the race several times.

I did.
I learned early in life that if you marry a black woman, you get a lot more government handouts.

what kind of backwards statement is that? im a black woman and i don't receive any government handouts. nor growing up did my parents receive government handouts. that is such a stereotype.

and you act like white people don't receive welfare checks.
A website advertised on USMB promoting interracial dating (I think there's another one, too).

What's funny is, a website that focuses on that is deemed "good." A website that focuses on dating for blacks, Jews, Asians, or Hispanics is "good."

But a website for white dating would be WHITE SUPREMACIST!

They're all good, man.

Why not start a Whites- only dating website?

Or...if you think there's a large enough market for it, why not start a White Supremacists-ONLY dating site?
All of a sudden, there seems to be a big push for WHITE MEN to date/marry/etc. BLACK WOMEN. The afro-romance ad features this illustration, and an ad I just saw on TV had that. I hate the word "conspiracy," but man, what propaganda. The message to white men is to stop making white babies. That's kinda genocidal, if you think about it. Who wants fewer whites, but the enemies of whites?

If someone wanted fewer Jews, what would the reaction be?

Please! I get the Christian singles ads sent to me all the time! I met my wife in college and got married shortly after college, so I have never been on any of those sites. However, I imagine you could specific people who they match you with by race, ethnicity and religion.

Also the white race is not being exterminated in America. When 200 mil of the 300 mil are considered non-Hispanic white and another what 12 million are hispanic white, I think you are safe! For non-hispanic white sot fall under 50%, the US population will have to be pushed to 400+ mil also without whites increasing in numbers via babies and immigration.

When the US population gets to 400+ mil I will be more worried about over-population in general, rather what percentage is white vs hispanic vs asian vs black!
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