Adam Kinzinger's Crazy Family


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
This is what happens when you combine ignorance with religion. Both are highly volatile, but when mixed together, as they often are, this compound becomes dangerously unstable and toxic. This is the letter that was signed by 11 of his family members. This is what Trumpism sounds like when written down.

Putting country, democracy, and the rule of law before your party is what triggered this response.

Oh my, what a disappointment you are to us and to God! We were once so proud of your accomplishments! Instead, you go against your Christian principals (sic) and join the "devil's army." (Democrats and the fake news media). How do you call yourself a Christian when you join the "devils army" believing in abortion! We thought you were "smart" enough to see how the left is brainwashing so many "so called good people" including yourself and many other GOP members. You have even fallen for their socialism ideals! So, so, sad!
President Trump is not perfect, but neither are you or any of us for that matter! It is not for us to judge or be judged! But he is a Christian! (If God can forgive and use King David in the Bible, He can do the same with President Trump.) Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, to just name a few, of many Pastors, who mentor President Trump, know that he is a believer! Obviously, you did not hear President Trump's "Christmas Message" to the American people (fake news media did not cover his message) where he actually gave the plan of salvation, instructing people how to repent and ask the Savior into their heart to be "Born Again"! (To believe in John 3:16). When was the last time you proclaimed your faith Adam? (Oh, we forgot you now belong to the "devils army."). You won't convince us otherwise with your horrible, rude accusations of President Trump! (To embrace a party that believes in abortion and socialism is the ultimate sin.) We should list even more grievances against you, but decided you ae (sic) not worth more of our time to list them. We have said enough!
You should be very proud that you have lost the respect of Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Greg Kelly, etc. and most importantly in our book, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh and us!
It is now most embarrassing to us that we are related to you. You have embarrassed the Kinzinger family name. We are not judging you. This letter is our opinion of you!
Oh, by the way, good luck in your fund raising (sic) endeavors. We are sure we know there are many others good GOP and Christian supporters, that feel the same way we do. Also very disappointed with the many other GOP have sided with the Democrats. (We should demand our money back!)
The following Kinzinger family members have asked that their names be added to this letter:
Signed [names redacted]
P.S. For your information, many more family members, feel the same as we do. They just didn't have the courage to sign our letter or write their own letter! Not us, we are throughly (sic) disgusted with you!! And, oh by the way, we are calling for your removal from office! I have received numerous calls concerning your actions and egregious behavior towards our President of the United States, Donald J. Trump!
CC: Many conservative Republicans.
*President Trump has done more for the American people in four years, than you, the Rino's (sic), and Democrates (sic) have done in years!!
This is what happens when you combine ignorance with religion. Both are highly volatile, but when mixed together, as they often are, this compound becomes dangerously unstable and toxic. This is the letter that was signed by 11 of his family members. This is what Trumpism sounds like when written down.

Putting country, democracy, and the rule of law before your party is what triggered this response.

Oh my, what a disappointment you are to us and to God! We were once so proud of your accomplishments! Instead, you go against your Christian principals (sic) and join the "devil's army." (Democrats and the fake news media). How do you call yourself a Christian when you join the "devils army" believing in abortion! We thought you were "smart" enough to see how the left is brainwashing so many "so called good people" including yourself and many other GOP members. You have even fallen for their socialism ideals! So, so, sad!
President Trump is not perfect, but neither are you or any of us for that matter! It is not for us to judge or be judged! But he is a Christian! (If God can forgive and use King David in the Bible, He can do the same with President Trump.) Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, to just name a few, of many Pastors, who mentor President Trump, know that he is a believer! Obviously, you did not hear President Trump's "Christmas Message" to the American people (fake news media did not cover his message) where he actually gave the plan of salvation, instructing people how to repent and ask the Savior into their heart to be "Born Again"! (To believe in John 3:16). When was the last time you proclaimed your faith Adam? (Oh, we forgot you now belong to the "devils army."). You won't convince us otherwise with your horrible, rude accusations of President Trump! (To embrace a party that believes in abortion and socialism is the ultimate sin.) We should list even more grievances against you, but decided you ae (sic) not worth more of our time to list them. We have said enough!
You should be very proud that you have lost the respect of Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Greg Kelly, etc. and most importantly in our book, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh and us!
It is now most embarrassing to us that we are related to you. You have embarrassed the Kinzinger family name. We are not judging you. This letter is our opinion of you!
Oh, by the way, good luck in your fund raising (sic) endeavors. We are sure we know there are many others good GOP and Christian supporters, that feel the same way we do. Also very disappointed with the many other GOP have sided with the Democrats. (We should demand our money back!)
The following Kinzinger family members have asked that their names be added to this letter:
Signed [names redacted]
P.S. For your information, many more family members, feel the same as we do. They just didn't have the courage to sign our letter or write their own letter! Not us, we are throughly (sic) disgusted with you!! And, oh by the way, we are calling for your removal from office! I have received numerous calls concerning your actions and egregious behavior towards our President of the United States, Donald J. Trump!
CC: Many conservative Republicans.
*President Trump has done more for the American people in four years, than you, the Rino's (sic), and Democrates (sic) have done in years!!
The theme of theis century so far is that when you allow a religion to become established through law and regulation (as with abortion laws, "faith-based initiatives," interest free loans to religious bodies, etc) that religion becomes the epitomy of evil. As with the Taliban. As with US states that have Evangelical Rightists in any positions of power.
This is what happens when you combine ignorance with religion. Both are highly volatile, but when mixed together, as they often are, this compound becomes dangerously unstable and toxic. This is the letter that was signed by 11 of his family members. This is what Trumpism sounds like when written down.

Putting country, democracy, and the rule of law before your party is what triggered this response.

Oh my, what a disappointment you are to us and to God! We were once so proud of your accomplishments! Instead, you go against your Christian principals (sic) and join the "devil's army." (Democrats and the fake news media). How do you call yourself a Christian when you join the "devils army" believing in abortion! We thought you were "smart" enough to see how the left is brainwashing so many "so called good people" including yourself and many other GOP members. You have even fallen for their socialism ideals! So, so, sad!
President Trump is not perfect, but neither are you or any of us for that matter! It is not for us to judge or be judged! But he is a Christian! (If God can forgive and use King David in the Bible, He can do the same with President Trump.) Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, to just name a few, of many Pastors, who mentor President Trump, know that he is a believer! Obviously, you did not hear President Trump's "Christmas Message" to the American people (fake news media did not cover his message) where he actually gave the plan of salvation, instructing people how to repent and ask the Savior into their heart to be "Born Again"! (To believe in John 3:16). When was the last time you proclaimed your faith Adam? (Oh, we forgot you now belong to the "devils army."). You won't convince us otherwise with your horrible, rude accusations of President Trump! (To embrace a party that believes in abortion and socialism is the ultimate sin.) We should list even more grievances against you, but decided you ae (sic) not worth more of our time to list them. We have said enough!
You should be very proud that you have lost the respect of Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Greg Kelly, etc. and most importantly in our book, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh and us!
It is now most embarrassing to us that we are related to you. You have embarrassed the Kinzinger family name. We are not judging you. This letter is our opinion of you!
Oh, by the way, good luck in your fund raising (sic) endeavors. We are sure we know there are many others good GOP and Christian supporters, that feel the same way we do. Also very disappointed with the many other GOP have sided with the Democrats. (We should demand our money back!)
The following Kinzinger family members have asked that their names be added to this letter:
Signed [names redacted]
P.S. For your information, many more family members, feel the same as we do. They just didn't have the courage to sign our letter or write their own letter! Not us, we are throughly (sic) disgusted with you!! And, oh by the way, we are calling for your removal from office! I have received numerous calls concerning your actions and egregious behavior towards our President of the United States, Donald J. Trump!
CC: Many conservative Republicans.
*President Trump has done more for the American people in four years, than you, the Rino's (sic), and Democrates (sic) have done in years!!
Putting country, democracy, and the rule of law before your party

pot calling kettle black.jpg
And they think Trump is a Christian. DOUBLE wow.

I could never understand that one either.

I learned after that special election of Alabama Senate race in 2018 where Judge Roy Moore was found to be an old perv, previously banned from malls for picking up young girls, was barely defeated by Doug Jones by 1.5 points! It didn't matter to these hillbillies that Moore's only redeeming value to them was being a "Repuklican!" Sick, sick, sick! I was already done with "R's," seeing as they've only gotten more disgusting as time's gone on, it's totally justified in putting the scarlet letter on these animals! They attacked the fk'n Capitol for Gawd-sake! :hands:

I like what former Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner said of Kinzinger:

Former Gov. Bruce Rauner, the last Republican to win statewide office in Illinois, in 2014, said Kinzinger could find himself a casualty of the bitter schism dividing the party. “The only winners in the war between Trump and Republicans will be Democrats,” Rauner said. “For some voters, character matters. For most, it doesn’t.”
It is shameful for people like the ones who wrote this letter and those who took crosses on their attack of Congress to try to cover the religion based on the teachings of Jesus with human excrement. No matter if one thinks of Jesus as the Messiah, a profit, a teacher, has no opinion, or just doesn't care, it is evil to try to dunk him into a cesspool. Kinzinger's relatives need to stop desecrating the Christian faith. The Supreme Being has absolutely nothing to do with right-wing politics in the U.S. and elsewhere. Right-wing politics actually are opposite to the instructions that Jesus gave.
It is shameful for people like the ones who wrote this letter and those who took crosses on their attack of Congress to try to cover the religion based on the teachings of Jesus with human excrement. No matter if one thinks of Jesus as the Messiah, a profit, a teacher, has no opinion, or just doesn't care, it is evil to try to dunk him into a cesspool. Kinzinger's relatives need to stop desecrating the Christian faith. The Supreme Being has absolutely nothing to do with right-wing politics in the U.S. and elsewhere. Right-wing politics actually are opposite to the instructions that Jesus gave.

What's more ironic is, it's these rightwing crybabies complaining about the "cancel culture" we live in! They started it years ago on FNC when asking listeners to boycott Madonna, Ludicrous, & The Insane Clown Posse over lyrics or a video! Fk those a-hole! Too bad Kinzinger can't be more like me and walk away from those people and never look back! If my family was that much of an embarrassment, I'd welcome being cast out; going as far as to change my name if need be! :rolleyes:

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