Heaven has gates, walls, so why does Biden think America is better than heaven???

"dummy videos"?

You mean the Jeff Dunham thing?

He's a well known comedian.

If you're seeing that a lot you are missing the point more often than most.
Crepitus... I'm concerned about this as I don't remember having submitting these comments. I think the moderators are messing with my comments.
Actually, God reads my posts and thinks they are funny

Yours? He is not too happy with
You got some Splain’n to do
Racist! "Splain’n"
Making fun of a Cuban!!! How disgusting! Wait till you get to Hell and Castro hears your
disgusting racist statement after he check with Ricky Ricardo!!!

That would be really fucked up.
By the way... your comment If you like tRump, I'm 99% sure you wont like me.
I personally don't like Trump. He's a braggart. Narcissistic. Loudmouth. I've known a few people like him especially when I lived in NY. But like them while I personally disliked them...THEY and TRUMP get things done! I can list several actions Trump took that MOST presidents never did that helped the USA.
But it is a waste of time as most people like you that don't like Trump aren't knowledgeable or mature enough to get beyond your personal dislikes... like I do regarding Trump. I don't care about those negative characteristics ... I care about our country especially since I'm not here for long and my offspring will be!
The following list of accomplishments under Trump you will most likely ignore because frankly you let personality get in the way.
Now I'm listing just a few from the below and yes this was before Covid! And by the way, the BIASED MSM and Democrats saw Covid as an Anti-Trump administration weapon! A virus which by the way was funded before Trump and by the Democrats.
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has suspended federal funding for EcoHealth Alliance, a New York City-based non-profit organization that came under scrutiny during the COVID-19 pandemic for collaborating with a virology laboratory in China that was accused of potentially leaking the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus

ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE INC started receiving fund from the US on June 1, 2014... Under Obama!
  • America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections.
  • Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
  • The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
  • Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings.
  • More Americans reported being employed than ever before – nearly 160 million.
  • Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
  • The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record.
  • Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades.
Trump Administration Accomplishments – The White House
All of that and much more before COVID!

So in summary you won't read most of this but again... I'm hoping as the numbers are showing more and more logical and rational people like me look beyond Trump peccadilloes... and accept him as a flawed human, hated by the BIASED MSM and people that only look at him like they are a mentally, socially and inexperienced, immature juvenile.... "oh I don't like Trump because he brags"! Like that.
As a immature juvenile...look beyond that.
Remember, Trump was the first president to actually try to "Drain the swamp"
i.e. reducing the influence of special interests and lobbyists.
If that were true, why does man usually do the polar opposite of what is written there? The Bible encourages people to live a certain way in order to "prosper and be in health". What is unfortunate is that people dismiss the wisdom found there.
The lessons that don't contain bigotry , religiosity and ignorance equate to good health measures all should follow. Most people are smart , they follow the ones that actually make a difference.
The lessons that don't contain bigotry , religiosity and ignorance equate to good health measures all should follow. Most people are smart , they follow the ones that actually make a difference.
Just as in Jesus' day worldly people are smarter but only in "the ways of the world".

My brother and sister both had a 'worldly smartness' but they were unwilling to control their alcoholism, and both are dead. So, it is true that "A live dog is better than a dead lion."
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Science doesn’t do gods or religion.
Interesting regarding "Science"... Here is the transcript of a TED presentation. You probably don't know what they are so here is some background for you to try to comprehend!
TED Talks are videos that present a great idea in 18 minutes or less
Founded: February 23, 1984; 40 years ago

Alexander Tsiaras was offered a position as associate professor of medicine and chief of scientific visualization at Yale University in the department of medicine.
And his job was to write many of the algorithms and code for NASA to do virtual surgery in preparation for the astronauts going into deep-space flight, so they could be kept in robotic pods.

Mr. Tsiaras said this: Two times Tsiaras used the term "divinity".
1st use of "divinity".
"Even though I am a mathematician, I look at this with marvel of how do these instruction sets not make these mistakes as they build what is us?
It's a mystery, it's magic, it's divinity.

2nd use "divinity"
So perfectly organized a structure, it was hard not to attribute divinity to it.

Human beings: we are approximately 100 trillion cells, and yet so much more. In his talk “Conception to birth — visualized,” Alexander Tsiaras shows the incredible journey we all take from a single cell to a crying baby born into the world.
Just as in Jesus' day worldly people are smarter but only in "the ways of the world".

My brother and sister both had a 'worldly smartness' but they were unwilling to control their alcoholism, and both are dead. So, it is true that "A live dog is better than a dead lion."
Interesting....hmmm...being a "Active Sigma male." why are you on this forum if you care what others think of you? I mean what purpose does making comments do for you as you don't care what others think of you?

Now in my case since almost all my comments are substantiated with links so they don't have to take my limited knowledge as the expert. For example...."
A sigma man enjoys his own hobbies, dresses how he pleases, and stays true to his personal values."
Sigmas don't choose to forge their own path to stand out or to be alternative—they couldn't care less what others think of them

Is this you??? Mr. Confident! Go ahead agree as you really don't care what I'm suggesting!

Screen Shot 2024-05-18 at 6.19.37 PM.png
Interesting....hmmm...being a "Active Sigma male." why are you on this forum if you care what others think of you? I mean what purpose does making comments do for you as you don't care what others think of you?

Now in my case since almost all my comments are substantiated with links so they don't have to take my limited knowledge as the expert. For example...."
A sigma man enjoys his own hobbies, dresses how he pleases, and stays true to his personal values."
Sigmas don't choose to forge their own path to stand out or to be alternative—they couldn't care less what others think of them

Is this you??? Mr. Confident! Go ahead agree as you really don't care what I'm suggesting!

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All I can tell you is that I check most of the boxes for Sigma male, not that it's all that important to me.

I'm here to participate in discussions that interest me.
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All I can tell you is that I check most of the boxes for Sigma male, not that it's all that important to me.

I'm here to participate in discussions that interest me.
My purpose is to WITH LINKS and SUBSTANTIATION raise the awareness level of how people like Biden will do or say anything to be elected to run our country!
For example... where is your justification for these two Biden totally glaring politically driven statements:
Biden:"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Where does that HELP the illegal border crossings?
The other totally destructive Biden statement:

"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”
September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Proof that the above statement and attitude has a negative effect on the oil industry?
"Increasing questions around the future of oil demand are making it harder for oil companies to secure financing from banks and other large investors for drilling projects.""Oil companies are having a harder time finding finance as questions about climate and future oil demand increase.
"Increasing questions around the future of oil demand are making it harder and harder for oil companies to secure financing from banks and other large investors for drilling projects

This translates to higher gas prices.
And again as I've mentioned these are substantiated statements that I find incredible that you
don't comprehend the affect on our lives!
My purpose is to WITH LINKS and SUBSTANTIATION raise the awareness level of how people like Biden will do or say anything to be elected to run our country!
For example... where is your justification for these two Biden totally glaring politically driven statements:
Biden:"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Where does that HELP the illegal border crossings?
The other totally destructive Biden statement:

"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”
September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Proof that the above statement and attitude has a negative effect on the oil industry?
"Increasing questions around the future of oil demand are making it harder for oil companies to secure financing from banks and other large investors for drilling projects.""Oil companies are having a harder time finding finance as questions about climate and future oil demand increase.
"Increasing questions around the future of oil demand are making it harder and harder for oil companies to secure financing from banks and other large investors for drilling projects.

This translates to higher gas prices.
And again as I've mentioned these are substantiated statements that I find incredible that you
don't comprehend the affect on our lives!

I think you are confusing me with someone else.

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