According to the LGBTQQIP2SAA, the token Negro Black Panther movie does not have gays.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

BTW, that is the new acronym. In case you wanted to know what that thing stands for, here is the explanation.

Over time, a number of other additions have been suggested to the LGBT acronym. The most common is Q, signifying “questioning” to recognize that many people are uncertain about their sexual orientation or gender identity (or both). Some also use the Q for queer. At full throttle, the letters wind up something like LGBTQQIP2SAA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

  • Two Q’s to cover both bases (queer and questioning);
  • I for Intersex, people with two sets of genitalia or various chromosomal differences;
  • P for Pansexual, people who refuse to be pinned down on the Kinsey scale;
  • 2S for Two-Spirit, a tradition in many First Nations that considers sexual minorities to have both male and female spirits;
  • A for Asexual, people who do not identify with any orientation; and
  • A for Allies, recognizing that the community thrives best with loving supporters, although they are not really part of the community itself.
Yes, that keeps expanding, and I think it now has certain symbols in it too.
Yes, these hate groups sooner or later start eating each other up; that's what happens when you encourage and finance as many hate groups and sociopaths as the DNC does; they're fraying at the fringes, and of course their entire base is the fringes. That stupid racist movie Hollywood is using to peddle yet more racist tripe to children is just perfect as a vehicle for yet another 'cause' for neurotic simpletons to argue over.

BTW, that is the new acronym. In case you wanted to know what that thing stands for, here is the explanation.

Over time, a number of other additions have been suggested to the LGBT acronym. The most common is Q, signifying “questioning” to recognize that many people are uncertain about their sexual orientation or gender identity (or both). Some also use the Q for queer. At full throttle, the letters wind up something like LGBTQQIP2SAA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

  • Two Q’s to cover both bases (queer and questioning);
  • I for Intersex, people with two sets of genitalia or various chromosomal differences;
  • P for Pansexual, people who refuse to be pinned down on the Kinsey scale;
  • 2S for Two-Spirit, a tradition in many First Nations that considers sexual minorities to have both male and female spirits;
  • A for Asexual, people who do not identify with any orientation; and
  • A for Allies, recognizing that the community thrives best with loving supporters, although they are not really part of the community itself.
Yes, that keeps expanding, and I think it now has certain symbols in it too.

Yes, that hate group and the pedophile-friendlies that operate it just keep getting more and more insane.
And I should be feeling what for another comic book movie?

Apparently, the Negro "people" believe this movie (you know a token super hero) is the most important thing that has ever happened to the Negro "people."
BTW, that is the new acronym. In case you wanted to know what that thing stands for, here is the explanation.

Over time, a number of other additions have been suggested to the LGBT acronym. The most common is Q, signifying “questioning” to recognize that many people are uncertain about their sexual orientation or gender identity (or both). Some also use the Q for queer. At full throttle, the letters wind up something like LGBTQQIP2SAA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

Homophobes are like that vegetarian you know who just can't stop talking about steak.
And I should be feeling what for another comic book movie?

Apparently, the Negro "people" believe this movie (you know a token super hero) is the most important thing that has ever happened to the Negro "people."
I never cared to read the comic books...
come on moon,when you showed that picture of you a while back we seen the Casper comics on the table....
Maybe Scrooge McDuck in my younger days...
Apparently, the Negro "people" believe this movie (you know a token super hero) is the most important thing that has ever happened to the Negro "people."

Really, the only people I see making a big deal about this film are racist white people who are freaking out that a super hero is black guy.

If that's true, it's because you aren't seeing much about the movie. There are plenty of people making a big deal out of it for various reasons, from the racial aspect, to the record-breaking box office numbers, to simple opinions on it's merit as a Marvel movie.

BTW, that is the new acronym. In case you wanted to know what that thing stands for, here is the explanation.

Over time, a number of other additions have been suggested to the LGBT acronym. The most common is Q, signifying “questioning” to recognize that many people are uncertain about their sexual orientation or gender identity (or both). Some also use the Q for queer. At full throttle, the letters wind up something like LGBTQQIP2SAA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

  • Two Q’s to cover both bases (queer and questioning);
  • I for Intersex, people with two sets of genitalia or various chromosomal differences;
  • P for Pansexual, people who refuse to be pinned down on the Kinsey scale;
  • 2S for Two-Spirit, a tradition in many First Nations that considers sexual minorities to have both male and female spirits;
  • A for Asexual, people who do not identify with any orientation; and
  • A for Allies, recognizing that the community thrives best with loving supporters, although they are not really part of the community itself.
Yes, that keeps expanding, and I think it now has certain symbols in it too.

I don't see anything in the video claiming there are no gays in the movie, just that the movie did not adapt a same sex relationship that was in the comics. :dunno:

BTW, that is the new acronym. In case you wanted to know what that thing stands for, here is the explanation.

Over time, a number of other additions have been suggested to the LGBT acronym. The most common is Q, signifying “questioning” to recognize that many people are uncertain about their sexual orientation or gender identity (or both). Some also use the Q for queer. At full throttle, the letters wind up something like LGBTQQIP2SAA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

  • Two Q’s to cover both bases (queer and questioning);
  • I for Intersex, people with two sets of genitalia or various chromosomal differences;
  • P for Pansexual, people who refuse to be pinned down on the Kinsey scale;
  • 2S for Two-Spirit, a tradition in many First Nations that considers sexual minorities to have both male and female spirits;
  • A for Asexual, people who do not identify with any orientation; and
  • A for Allies, recognizing that the community thrives best with loving supporters, although they are not really part of the community itself.
Yes, that keeps expanding, and I think it now has certain symbols in it too.

You're missing OS, for those that are objecto sexuals.

BTW, that is the new acronym. In case you wanted to know what that thing stands for, here is the explanation.

Over time, a number of other additions have been suggested to the LGBT acronym. The most common is Q, signifying “questioning” to recognize that many people are uncertain about their sexual orientation or gender identity (or both). Some also use the Q for queer. At full throttle, the letters wind up something like LGBTQQIP2SAA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

  • Two Q’s to cover both bases (queer and questioning);
  • I for Intersex, people with two sets of genitalia or various chromosomal differences;
  • P for Pansexual, people who refuse to be pinned down on the Kinsey scale;
  • 2S for Two-Spirit, a tradition in many First Nations that considers sexual minorities to have both male and female spirits;
  • A for Asexual, people who do not identify with any orientation; and
  • A for Allies, recognizing that the community thrives best with loving supporters, although they are not really part of the community itself.
Yes, that keeps expanding, and I think it now has certain symbols in it too.

I don't see anything in the video claiming there are no gays in the movie, just that the movie did not adapt a same sex relationship that was in the comics. :dunno:

LGBT Advocates Outraged That Black Panther Lesbian Scene Was Cut From Movie
‘Black Panther,’ hailed for diversity, has no gay characters
What About LGBT Representation in 'Black Panther?'

BTW, that is the new acronym. In case you wanted to know what that thing stands for, here is the explanation.

Over time, a number of other additions have been suggested to the LGBT acronym. The most common is Q, signifying “questioning” to recognize that many people are uncertain about their sexual orientation or gender identity (or both). Some also use the Q for queer. At full throttle, the letters wind up something like LGBTQQIP2SAA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

  • Two Q’s to cover both bases (queer and questioning);
  • I for Intersex, people with two sets of genitalia or various chromosomal differences;
  • P for Pansexual, people who refuse to be pinned down on the Kinsey scale;
  • 2S for Two-Spirit, a tradition in many First Nations that considers sexual minorities to have both male and female spirits;
  • A for Asexual, people who do not identify with any orientation; and
  • A for Allies, recognizing that the community thrives best with loving supporters, although they are not really part of the community itself.
Yes, that keeps expanding, and I think it now has certain symbols in it too.

Wow, is there anything that people will not think of?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. "Children, go run and jump and play. You'll be men and women some day."

BTW, that is the new acronym. In case you wanted to know what that thing stands for, here is the explanation.

Over time, a number of other additions have been suggested to the LGBT acronym. The most common is Q, signifying “questioning” to recognize that many people are uncertain about their sexual orientation or gender identity (or both). Some also use the Q for queer. At full throttle, the letters wind up something like LGBTQQIP2SAA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

Homophobes are like that vegetarian you know who just can't stop talking about steak.

No such thing as a 'homophobe', it's just some tripe made up by a mentally ill homosexual fetishist suffering from infantilism, which is why you identify with the silly gimmick, by the way. and homosexuals are self-obsessed narcissists who can't think of anybody or anything but themselves, they have to be the center of attention, also much like yourself, and people responding to their tripe in other than gushingly positive ways can indeed 'stop talking about them'; all the gimps need to do is waddle back into their closets where their butt plugs are and stop annoying the adults and jumping up and down for constant attention, much as you do. Nobody ever talks about you at all, unless you jump into threads with your usual infantile trolling idiocy, screaming for male attention, as do many of the other deviants and pedo-friendlies.
The law of probability says that there must be at least one closet peter puffer in it.
BTW, that is the new acronym. In case you wanted to know what that thing stands for, here is the explanation.

Over time, a number of other additions have been suggested to the LGBT acronym. The most common is Q, signifying “questioning” to recognize that many people are uncertain about their sexual orientation or gender identity (or both). Some also use the Q for queer. At full throttle, the letters wind up something like LGBTQQIP2SAA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

Homophobes are like that vegetarian you know who just can't stop talking about steak.
I'm not a homophobe, I'm just scared of queers. Gotta be something wrong with a man who puts his mouth where another man pees from. But hey, it's ok for you.

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