About that Fox News Poll...

From the horses mouth...now we know the poll was heavily biased to the ABNORMALS!

Fox News ^

The recent Fox News polls showing 51% of the American people supporting impeachment is clearly skewed with an outrageous 48% Democrats sample. But despite that, what else does this poll have to say?

Let's find out.

Visit the above website for complete details

It underscores the problem Trump has with suburban women. Suburban women strongly believe that Trump should be impeached and removed. They largely think the worse of Trump by 60%+ and in some cases 70%+.

And many of them are bubble headed soccer mom's with faded Hillary stickers on their Range Rovers.

ALL "NEWS" is intended to manipulate opinion. There is not a single "Fair and Balanced" or otherwise non-biased or objective source of information.

This poll may be intended to rile up the Trump supporters and get them seething so they can't wait to vote, it may be to discourage them. It may be to get democrook bed wetters complacent and more likely to stay home.

I don't know for sure, but even though I wrote in Ted Cruz in 2016 I am eager to vote Trump in 2020.


News agencies get paid to attract viewers and readers; people writing to the outlet, participating in their blogs, emails, calls with complaints or compliments. It's all to make headlines to get that kind of reaction.

So what if a poll came out announcing that impeaching Trump would be unfavorable by 70%? Think the MSM would go near it? Think anybody would talk about it?

A caller on Limbaugh's show brought up a pretty interesting point: He said the responders to that poll simply want to get it over with; not get rid of Trump, but to get the process over with because they're sick of hearing about it. They know that it never gets past the Senate, and it gives Republicans the ability to question people who were interviewed in these clandestine impeachment gatherings.

Trying to explain away the bad numbers is a loser's game. It is a attempt to make excuses and hide from reality. Suburban women are extremely negative towards Trump Suburban women are likely going to put Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in the Democrat column and put Texas, Arizona and Georgia in play.

Actually, I always felt believing in those numbers is a losers game.

It's not like we haven't seen it before. Why just last presidential election is a good example.

I have more faith in people than numbers. People today are doing well. Some made more money, some were able to find better jobs, many got their taxes reduced. Why why in the world would you want the person responsible for your good fate out of power?

But you keep believing in polls like this. It makes it much more festive when we run your noses in it like so many times since Trump took office.
From the horses mouth...now we know the poll was heavily biased to the ABNORMALS!

Fox News ^

The recent Fox News polls showing 51% of the American people supporting impeachment is clearly skewed with an outrageous 48% Democrats sample. But despite that, what else does this poll have to say?

Let's find out.

Visit the above website for complete details

It underscores the problem Trump has with suburban women. Suburban women strongly believe that Trump should be impeached and removed. They largely think the worse of Trump by 60%+ and in some cases 70%+.
If by "suburban women" you mean "white women" they voted for Trump in 2016.
Surrender accepted Purge

When Trump loses Fox he's got nuthin
Surrender accepted Purge

When Trump loses Fox he's got nuthin

Leash . You have a mouthful of cock again!
We all know there's such a thing as a push poll. We also know that a heckuva lot of pollsters get their results wrong.

Nevertheless, here's an unwelcome Fox News poll result being reported as news and being flashed, at least at first, in red letters at the center of the page on the Drudge Report:

Just over half of voters want President Trump impeached and removed from office, according to a Fox News Poll released Wednesday.

A new high of 51 percent wants Trump impeached and removed from office, another 4 percent want him impeached but not removed, and 40 percent oppose impeachment altogether. In July, 42 percent favored impeachment and removal, while 5 percent said impeach but don't remove him, and 45 percent opposed impeachment.

Details about the poll, which should have been placed near the top of the piece, instead could be found only way down at the bottom:

Conducted October 6–8, 2019 under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with 1,003 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide who spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points for all registered voters.

It's undoubtedly a lot of randomly selected registered voters, even if it's not 51%, and that's likely a reflection of the wall-to-wall negative media coverage President Trump has gotten over this impeachment whistleblower issue, which I've seen on television news broadcasts. Those are the ones that claim Biden did "nothing wrong" in his family lining their pockets with Ukrainian oligarch cash to head off corruption inquiries (latest news: Biden himself reportedly took a $900,000 payoff from the Ukrainian gas company) with little regard for the facts about this sorry spectacle —

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ..
Math is hard, especially to those in the cult. lol

Yes, libtards are stupid in so many academic areas.
pot meet kettle
From the horses mouth...now we know the poll was heavily biased to the ABNORMALS!

Fox News ^

The recent Fox News polls showing 51% of the American people supporting impeachment is clearly skewed with an outrageous 48% Democrats sample. But despite that, what else does this poll have to say?

Let's find out.

Visit the above website for complete details
Lol so they should have not had any democrats in a poll intended to be general? That’s so dumb.

Ok silly billy, let me explain the math for you. Roughly 30% of the voters identify as Democrats. Therefore, a poll with 48% democrat respondents is heavily skewed left. See, math isn’t that scary.
lol that doesn’t make any goddamn sense and you know it.

No, it doesn’t make any sense to someone who is illiterate in math.
Ok silly billy, let me explain the math for you. Roughly 30% of the voters identify as Democrats. Therefore, a poll with 48% democrat respondents is heavily skewed left. See, math isn’t that scary.

That's where you're wrong, math terrifies bed wetters.

Unless it's some Orwellian shit like 2+2= 5

Likely found in the same universe where human cause global warming, can do anything to manipulate global climate one way or another, obozo isn't a failure and socialism actually creates prosperity and a happy society.

Okay republicans are about 30% of voters as well, so what does that tell you?

That we have about the same number of democrats as republicans. Ooooh.......more scary math.
Ok silly billy, let me explain the math for you. Roughly 30% of the voters identify as Democrats. Therefore, a poll with 48% democrat respondents is heavily skewed left. See, math isn’t that scary.

That's where you're wrong, math terrifies bed wetters.

Unless it's some Orwellian shit like 2+2= 5

Likely found in the same universe where human cause global warming, can do anything to manipulate global climate one way or another, obozo isn't a failure and socialism actually creates prosperity and a happy society.

Okay republicans are about 30% of voters as well, so what does that tell you?


What that tells you is that something is off.

And that is what 2016 showed you.

You and your fucking left wing loud mouth media are so intolerant and foster that intolerance to the point people are not going to answer and risk getting yelled at.

So, now you know.

Now STFU and go join your Anna Kasparian fan club.....

From the horses mouth...now we know the poll was heavily biased to the ABNORMALS!

Fox News ^

The recent Fox News polls showing 51% of the American people supporting impeachment is clearly skewed with an outrageous 48% Democrats sample. But despite that, what else does this poll have to say?

Let's find out.

Visit the above website for complete details
Dems are only 33 % of the total population....polls should sample groups by their pop size ...percentage wise
The poll was 48% democrat? Sounds pretty balanced to me. What am I missing here?

The OP left out the other factors that show the imbalance in the poll. The full breakdown of the party affiliations of the poll respondents was as follows:

48% Democrats
40% Republicans
12% Independents

That's what you're missing. Democrats were more heavily represented in the poll than Republicans by 8%, whereas the breakdown by party affiliation nationally is relatively even between Democrats and Republicans--each with just under 1/3 of voters--and Independents being the plurality at around 40%.

See Gallup Poll "Party Affiliation" poll with monthly results from January 2004 through September 2019

Thus, the outcome of the poll--51% favoring impeachment--is unsurprising given that the sampling of Democrats was significantly disproportional to Republicans and Independents, which is not consistent with the party affiliation ratios nationally. In other words, it is not a representative sample for purposes of the query that was polled.
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Saw a propaganda-pushing libtard on Fox News - he regurgitated every lie that's out about the 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine'. When each point was addressed and debunked he began screaming over everyone, just repeating the same exact thing he had said earlier.

Laura Ingram successfully pointed out what this lying POS had just demonstrated was the tactic of repeating the same thing over and over again, despite it being a lie, which results in people beginning to believe it.
From the horses mouth...now we know the poll was heavily biased to the ABNORMALS!

Fox News ^

The recent Fox News polls showing 51% of the American people supporting impeachment is clearly skewed with an outrageous 48% Democrats sample. But despite that, what else does this poll have to say?

Let's find out.

Visit the above website for complete details
I love those polls that politicians use to justify gun control
80% of gun owners favor universal background checks
and all the other gun control BS
When in fact 90% of gun owners have never been asked their opinion of guns. And that's my personal poll I conducted nationally.
From the horses mouth...now we know the poll was heavily biased to the ABNORMALS!

Fox News ^

The recent Fox News polls showing 51% of the American people supporting impeachment is clearly skewed with an outrageous 48% Democrats sample. But despite that, what else does this poll have to say?

Let's find out.

Visit the above website for complete details
Lol so they should have not had any democrats in a poll intended to be general? That’s so dumb.

What's dumb is the fact that the numbers are no different than they were in 2016.
They don't mean shit.

The Trump haters haven't changed nor have their numbers changed... Trump supporters however seem to be on the rise.


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