Zone1 Abortion Position Confirmed by Poster.

What is Your Absolute Position on Abortion? Multiple Choices Allowed.

  • The US Government Should Decide, and ALL States Must Follow

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Agreed, that is why the GOP must unify around an abortion limit of 12 weeks. The extremist position of late term abortions on demand is green-lighting baby murder and must be called out as such.
I don't agree with this late term 'on demand'.
If a woman hasn't made up her mind after 12-15 weeks, then NO abortion, except if the woman will die.
Agreed, that is why the GOP must unify around an abortion limit of 12 weeks. The extremist position of late term abortions on demand is green-lighting baby murder and must be called out as such.

Youi want to green-light the murders of those less than twelve weeks into their lives.

How do you delusionally imagine that makes you any better than any others who support the murders of unborn children?

The extremist position is that which supports the murder of •ANY• innocent children, at any age.
I chose:

1). Health Reasons. My reason is that IF a woman is going to Die if the pregnancy continues, then IMO, saving the Woman is necessary. Life is full of decisions, this is just my position on impending death of the woman if the pregnancy continues.

2). I also chose Time Restrictions based on choice. Whatever that choice is. Most pregnancies are discovered within the time frame of 6-7 weeks to 9-10 weeks. If a woman doesn't KNOW she is pregnant by 11-13 weeks, I would just wonder why don't you know? That said, it's time to make a decision, choose your position, and live with it. I'll support the Time Restriction of 11-15 weeks.
Understanding that I'm supporting no late term abortions 'by choice' after 15 weeks.

3). I choose States Choose over Government choose, strictly due to Time Restrictions. One State might approve 13 weeks while another approves 16 weeks. I would recognize that I chose States Choice, and IF a State decided, 'No Abortions Allowed Under Any Circumstance' then I can support that States Choice, as LONG as the woman is allowed to travel Out of State if she chooses.
Thanks, like your full explanations
The main point is that Americans are too busy fighting each other, to put the emphasis on working to prevent the need for women to seek abortions.

All debating of the abortion issue in America is at best harmlessly treading water as long as they don't start shooting each other again.
Time to come clean and announce your Absolute Position on Abortion.
Multiple votes are Allowed, because some of the Choices Cross Over.
There are times when in helping both mother and child , one will die. Taking an innocent life is ALWAYS wrong
Let us switch to questions about the end of life, so as to make the point that the basic error here is making ordinary know-it-alls into ethicists we are bound to do evil.

Okay, end of life. You would make it all or nothing but that is a logical mistake,. Why?
“Ordinary” (or proportionate) vs. “Extraordinary” (or disproportionate) means of care: Following from a belief in the sacred dignity of every human life, Catholic patients have a duty to make reasonable efforts to restore health (5). Yet this duty is not absolute.

So the one forcing extraordinary means IS wrong. But that is in no way minimizing the value of life.
It’s her body and she has to live with the decision. The rest of us need to butt out.

Besides, the planet is hardly facing a shortage of humans.
wrong on both counts. Do some investigating before signing on to infanticide.
Let me ask why tens of millions more females are aborted. The decision there statistically is that a female baby is less valuable than a male

Since I live in NY, to me the best I could hope for is:

1. 12 week limit on Birth control Abortions. This covers Rape (which also covers incest)
2. Abortion at any time for the life of the mother if abortion is better than early birth as a treatment.
3. Define miscarriage and fetal death as situations not requiring abortion, but miscarriages, even if assisted.
4. Parental notification for a minor under their responsibility.
5. No transporting minors to other States for abortions except by parents or guardians.
6. No Government funds for birth control abortions. Coverage for therapeutic abortions and miscarriage treatments.

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