Abortion... It's Murder.

Nope. Legal is what the law allows and disallows. What is "right" is purely subjective, and strictly defined by each person. Of course, if you disagree with that, you are putting me into a position to define for YOU what is right and what is wrong. I doubt that you want to do that.
Sorry, Keys, but the law is all that matters on issues about abortion. Your "morals" are not my morals, and vice versa. I would not even go there, myself. What to me is immoral is all that matters to me. What you find "immoral", I find "immaterial".

BULLSHIT, ethics and morals TRUMPS mans made up law...which has been changed SEVERAL TIMES by man!

I'm sure that to you, your ethics and morals are all that matters. Unfortunately for you, that means absolutely nothing to me.

When you're pregnant and going to have an abortion, call me, I'll do a FREEBIE for you!

No, it's illegal to murder.

Not necessarily. In some nations it is legal to murder a homosexual for being a homosexual. Is that murder? Yes. Is it legal? Yes. In some nations it is legal to put to death someone suspected of being involved in the occult and witchcraft. Is it legal? Yes. Is it murder? Yes. In some nations it is legal to put to death someone who has converted from Islam to Christianity. Is it legal? Yes. Is it murder? Yes, it is.

Abortion is cold blooded murder.

We don't live in other nations. The Supreme Court ruled that a fetus does not have protections of a person.

The Supreme Court is not the arbiter of 'personhood'. The Supreme Court knows this, therefore, we can be sure that the Supreme Court made no such ruling.

Personhood is established by one thing and one thing only: Where the entity at issue is a human being... the entity is a person.

The irrational rant of Harvard Feminists, notwithstanding.
Not a child, just a bunch of cells..... May all you fucking abortion lovers die a slow and agonizing death as this little one has!


That doesn't even look real. Where the hell did you find this photo?

Just do a search of DEAD HUMAN CELLS you dumb bitch!

I've got all the information I need.
Your photo is bullshit. Your photo is trying to humanize a fetus beyond it's actual appearance. It's propaganda.

The Photo shows the pre-born human baby...merely points to the humanity intrinsic to that human baby... and this without regard that such happens to be in the very early stages of development; disproving the Feminist myth that the baby human being, OKA: the person developing inside the mother, is something other than THAT.

But Propaganda? Puhhhlease ...

Your argument holds that: because the person exists inside the mother, it does not possess a right to its life. And that despite being conceived through the willful and wanton actions of the mother; who seeks to take the life for which she is solely responsible, because that life represents an inconvenience to her and that this is her RIGHT!

That is reasoning which is exclusively SUBJECTIVE, thus cannot be party to: TRUTH.

Therefore, where the term "Propaganda" is defined as: 'chiefly derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular, subjective political cause or point of view', we can readily see that "PROPAGANDA" defines YOUR argument.

LOL! Now how cool is THAT?
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Not necessarily. In some nations it is legal to murder a homosexual for being a homosexual. Is that murder? Yes. Is it legal? Yes. In some nations it is legal to put to death someone suspected of being involved in the occult and witchcraft. Is it legal? Yes. Is it murder? Yes. In some nations it is legal to put to death someone who has converted from Islam to Christianity. Is it legal? Yes. Is it murder? Yes, it is.

Abortion is cold blooded murder.

We don't live in other nations. The Supreme Court ruled that a fetus does not have protections of a person.

The Supreme Court is not the arbiter of 'personhood'. The Supreme Court knows this, therefore, we can be sure that the Supreme Court made no such ruling.

Personhood is established by one thing and one thing only: Where the entity at issue is a human being... the entity is a person.

The irrational rant of Harvard Feminists, notwithstanding.
Not a child, just a bunch of cells..... May all you fucking abortion lovers die a slow and agonizing death as this little one has!


That doesn't even look real. Where the hell did you find this photo?

Just do a search of DEAD HUMAN CELLS you dumb bitch!

I've got all the information I need.

Yes, that why I call you beings pond scum, after awhile humans just don't seem to apply to you, and yours!
Abortion is not one of the points I get emotional about. That does not mean that my position on it is not totally firm.

Odd, if you know that one is killing another being, and approve of it, you are simply immoral, unethical, and uncivilized.... I like that last one, I haven't begun to use that yet!

I am going to lose sleep tonight that you feel this way about me, Vigil....
Most women I have ever known that had abortions felt guilt. And, I have known a few women that should have had abortions regardless that didn't . One of these women had a child that that grew up and murdered a preacher, a man of god. Maybe abortion is another form of GOD'S will. Who is to say?

Your photo is bullshit. Your photo is trying to humanize a fetus beyond it's actual appearance. It's propaganda.

The Photo shows the pre-born human baby... in the very early stages of development, wherein the myth that the baby human being, OKA: the person developing inside the mother, is just that.

Your argument is that because the person exists inside the mother, it does not possess a right to its life, conceived, as it was, through the willful and wanton actions of the mother, who seeks to take the life for which is is solely responsible, because that life represents an inconvenience to her.

Reasoning which is exclusively SUBJECTIVE, thus cannot be party to: TRUTH. Therefore, where the term "Propaganda" is defined as: 'chiefly derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular, subjective political cause or point of view', we can readily see that such defines YOUR argument.

LOL! Now how cool is THAT?

Wow, you are completely irrational. Whether you like it or not, the fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections, but the woman is. What goes on between a woman and her doctor is none of your business.
Most women I have ever known that had abortions felt guilt. And, I have known a few women that should have had abortions regardless that didn't . One of these women had a child that that grew up and murdered a preacher, a man of god. Maybe abortion is another form of GOD'S will. Who is to say?

Mary, I'm agnostic, and the image of killing another INNOCENT LIFE, whether just conceived or an adult is repugnant, and UNCIVILIZED!

Your photo is bullshit. Your photo is trying to humanize a fetus beyond it's actual appearance. It's propaganda.

The Photo shows the pre-born human baby...merely points to the humanity intrinsic to that human baby... and this without regard that such happens to be in the very early stages of development; disproving the Feminist myth that the baby human being, OKA: the person developing inside the mother, is something other than THAT.

But Propaganda? Puhhhlease ...

Your argument holds that: because the person exists inside the mother, it does not possess a right to its life. And that despite being conceived through the willful and wanton actions of the mother; who seeks to take the life for which she is solely responsible, because that life represents an inconvenience to her and that this is her RIGHT!

That is reasoning which is exclusively SUBJECTIVE, thus cannot be party to: TRUTH.

Therefore, where the term "Propaganda" is defined as: 'chiefly derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular, subjective political cause or point of view', we can readily see that "PROPAGANDA" defines YOUR argument.

LOL! Now how cool is THAT?

Wow, you are completely irrational. Whether you like it or not, the fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections, but the woman is. What goes on between a woman and her doctor is none of your business.

Let's Review: That which is illegal, is such, because it is: immoral. Meaning simply, that where something is morally sound, there is no basis on which to preclude the behavior through legal statute.

You 'feel' that "The Constitution requires a separation between Church and State" and that because of THAT, the legal code is therefore separated from morality.

Those 'feelings' are detached from reality... the 'reasoning' which stems from those 'feelings' is a perversion of sound human reasoning. It is therefore delusional.

That reasoning rests in what is known as "Relativism".

Relativism is the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and as such are never the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

As a result, this perversion of human reasoning rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth, thus essential to trust, therefore it is the core to a soundly reasoned morality and as such represents the basis of JUSTICE.

You're literally claiming that Killing the ABSOLUTELY MOST INNOCENT OF HUMAN LIFE is "LEGAL", therefore it is 'right', thus you're entitled to do so ... . This is precisely how the NAZIS saw the world; it is how The Progressives see the world. It is Precisely how the Socialists see the world. It is how the Communists see the world! All ideologies which fail. And they fail because THEY FAIL TO SERVE JUSTICE.

And THAT is how we can know that YOU and people LIKE you, are "THE PROBLEM!".

Which, for those keeping score... YOU ARE: The manifestation of PURE, UNADULTERATED EVIL!

Your photo is bullshit. Your photo is trying to humanize a fetus beyond it's actual appearance. It's propaganda.

The Photo shows the pre-born human baby...merely points to the humanity intrinsic to that human baby... and this without regard that such happens to be in the very early stages of development; disproving the Feminist myth that the baby human being, OKA: the person developing inside the mother, is something other than THAT.

But Propaganda? Puhhhlease ...

Your argument holds that: because the person exists inside the mother, it does not possess a right to its life. And that despite being conceived through the willful and wanton actions of the mother; who seeks to take the life for which she is solely responsible, because that life represents an inconvenience to her and that this is her RIGHT!

That is reasoning which is exclusively SUBJECTIVE, thus cannot be party to: TRUTH.

Therefore, where the term "Propaganda" is defined as: 'chiefly derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular, subjective political cause or point of view', we can readily see that "PROPAGANDA" defines YOUR argument.

LOL! Now how cool is THAT?

Wow, you are completely irrational. Whether you like it or not, the fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections, but the woman is. What goes on between a woman and her doctor is none of your business.

Let's Review: That which is illegal, is such, because it is: immoral. Meaning simply, that where something is morally sound, there is no basis on which to preclude the behavior through legal statute.

You 'feel' that "The Constitution requires a separation between Church and State" and that because of THAT, the legal code is therefore separated from morality.

Those 'feelings' are detached from reality... the 'reasoning' which stems from those 'feelings' is a perversion of sound human reasoning. It is therefore delusional.

That reasoning rests in what is known as "Relativism".

Relativism is the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and as such are never the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

As a result, this perversion of human reasoning rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth, thus essential to trust, therefore it is the core to a soundly reasoned morality and as such represents the basis of JUSTICE.

You're literally claiming that Killing the ABSOLUTELY MOST INNOCENT OF HUMAN LIFE is "LEGAL", therefore it is 'right', thus you're entitled to do so ... . This is precisely how the NAZIS saw the world; it is how The Progressives see the world. It is Precisely how the Socialists see the world. It is how the Communists see the world! All ideologies which fail. And they fail because THEY FAIL TO SERVE JUSTICE.

And THAT is how we can know that YOU and people LIKE you, are "THE PROBLEM!".

Which, for those keeping score... YOU ARE: The manifestation of PURE, UNADULTERATED EVIL!

Review your worn out cut n paste?
Within the first six weeks the heart begins to beat, the brain and the nervous system have already began forming. It is a living moving being. Politicians, especially those interested in depopulation or what is also called eugenics can define these tiny beings with the stroke of a pen as not being alive but we all know they are living creatures. The fetus has been seen to move away from the surgeons intruments when they go in to get the fetus. They can only move away as far as the womb allows them before they are destroyed. They have feelings and seek self preservation. They are alive but dependent on their mother for sustenance.
Within the first six weeks the heart begins to beat, the brain and the nervous system have already began forming. It is a living moving being. Politicians, especially those interested in depopulation or what is also called eugenics can define these tiny beings with the stroke of a pen as not being alive but we all know they are living creatures. The fetus has been seen to move away from the surgeons intruments when they go in to get the fetus. They can only move away as far as the womb allows them before they are destroyed. They have feelings and seek self preservation. They are alive but dependent on their mother for sustenance.

The KILLERS don't want to hear that... It's ALL ABOUT THEM...as it is with almost all liberals!

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