Abortion: Innocence. What is it?

Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on.

Please, explain what you are replying to? Do you deny "Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body?" Please try and be clear here, and try not to conflate things especially some claim not posited.
So the fetus is innocent of what? What and who says a fetus did something wrong?
Does a fetus possess innocence, and what is your definition of innocence?
All abortions involve the health of a mother, as it's her body being assaulted.
You appear confused as to the questions raised. You have trouble offering up honest and sincere answers?
So you can't explain what exactly it is that you mean?
Who claims a fetus has committed a crime, and what crime would that be? You are the one raising crimes. Can you honestly and sincerely answer?
: CarsomyrPlusSix? answer about your claim of something being Fake News?
Reactions: CarsomyrPlusSix? Disagree? With what exactly?
I agree 100%
Who is justifying violence against an innocent and helpless human being?

Forget about the debate over 'is a fetus a human being' Please try and answer a few, very few simple questions I raised?
child/fetus: okay.
I was not speaking of a fetus being a threat to a mother's health. I posited a fact: all abortions involve a woman's health. As it's her body involved in the procedure.
asked to define what you or anyone else means when using the term: innocence.
Of what exactly?
and what of innocence? Can you define it, or have somebody you know who is fluent in language, define it for you?
How is a fetus innocent, and innocent of what?
and I will agree all surgery techniques are violent. But I was never asking about violence. I merely asked you and anyone else, to define innocence, and tell me what a fetus is innocent of?
In reality you have not. Why are you incapable of an honest and sincere answer to a few, very few simple questions regarding definition?
You keep injecting guilt, as a way of (and I can't fathom why), avoiding defining terms you use.
Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.
Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.
So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on.
Please, explain what you are replying to? Do you deny "Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body?" Please try and be clear here, and try not to conflate things especially some claim not posited.
So the fetus is innocent of what? What and who says a fetus did something wrong?
Does a fetus possess innocence, and what is your definition of innocence?
again, innocent of what exactly?
Simple question.
What has religion to do with abortion? And do you see abortion as being a punishment for sin and some guilt?

"The most devastating thing though that biology did to Christianity was the discovery of biological evolution. Now that we know that Adam and Eve never were real people the central myth of Christianity is destroyed.
If there never was an Adam and Eve there never was an original sin. If there never was an original sin there is no need of salvation. If there is no need of salvation there is no need of a Savior.
And I submit that puts Jesus, historical or otherwise, into the ranks of the unemployed. I think that evolution is absolutely the death knell of Christianity."
- Frank Zindler
I believe I asked you to define innocence and innocent. You seem to struggle with those two simple questions.
and you keep bringing up 'guilt'
Can you address the OP?
It's a very serious thread. Look at the OP.

Abortion: Innocence. What is it?​

[ Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.
Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.
So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on. ]
religion? "freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil"
please be respectful, and try to be honest and sincere? I trust you can.
A fetus is a participant in an abortion? Interesting concept.
Back to the OP. I'll try with you:
Abortion: Innocence. What is it?
Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.
Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.
So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on.
Ok. So religion. What if a mother doesn't believe? What if she doesn't believe in sin, original or otherwise?
You've never been more wrong.
But I'm stubborn, and stick to the issue/point raised. It's how I won a few legal things. I'm respectful, and honest and sincere here. I'm also giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. For now.
No. You did not.
Is this what you mean by sophistry?
So you're talking about a legal procedure in a court of law?
Please, try and address the OP. why does it seem so difficult for so many?
I could list a few definitions I'd use, if I were any of you people.
No you did not.
You've become hostile. Keep it up and I will only ignore you, and I seriously would prefer not to.
I've never posited anything was guilty.
Does an abortion INVOLVE a woman's health?
Okay, did I ever anywhere state I believed a fetus was innocent or guilty?
Last edited:

What has religion to do with abortion? And do you see abortion as being a punishment for sin and some guilt?

"The most devastating thing though that biology did to Christianity was the discovery of biological evolution. Now that we know that Adam and Eve never were real people the central myth of Christianity is destroyed.

If there never was an Adam and Eve there never was an original sin. If there never was an original sin there is no need of salvation. If there is no need of salvation there is no need of a Savior.

And I submit that puts Jesus, historical or otherwise, into the ranks of the unemployed. I think that evolution is absolutely the death knell of Christianity."
- Frank Zindler
Where did I mention religion? I posted the definition of innocence.
So you see abortion in a religious context, and not about the concerns of the woman who's body an abortion is performed on?
I see it as a concern of both participants.
The mother is not the only one involved but she is the sole judge & jury on the very life of her own child.
The innocent baby is the one that dies every time a mother commits infanticide.

Pretending the baby doesn't exist doesn't work on people that think in terms of reality.
Killing an innocent is always murder.
Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on.
with an unborn child, innocence is absence of sin
I think that Dante just wants to poke the posters. He/she doesn't want a conversation, just a rebuttal
to everything stated.
more like another troll thread that needs dumped to the bowels of the forum,,

someone should report it to a mod,,

wink wink
when you asked what innocence is, its the opposite of guilt,,
so if theres no guilt they are innocent,,,

so unless you have something they are guilty of they are innocent,,
I believe I asked you to define innocence and innocent. You seem to struggle with those two simple questions.

and you keep bringing up 'guilt'
So, liberals can't define what a woman IS. I don't expect them to be able to define the difference between an abortion and infanticide. I lost my metaphorical political virginity over this issue.
Can you address the OP?
more like another troll thread that needs dumped to the bowels of the forum,,

someone should report it to a mod,,

wink wink
It's a very serious thread. Look at the OP.

Abortion: Innocence. What is it?​

[ Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on. ]
It's a very serious thread. Look at the OP.

Abortion: Innocence. What is it?​

[ Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on. ]
innocence is the absence of guilt,,,

so it falls on you to say what they are guilty of,,
Where did I mention religion? I posted the definition of innocence.
religion? "freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil"

please be respectful, and try to be honest and sincere? I trust you can.
I see it as a concern of both participants.
The mother is not the only one involved but she is the sole judge & jury on the very life of her own child.
The innocent baby is the one that dies every time a mother commits infanticide.

Pretending the baby doesn't exist doesn't work on people that think in terms of reality.
Killing an innocent is always murder.
A fetus is a participant in an abortion? Interesting concept.

Back to the OP. I'll try with you:
Abortion: Innocence. What is it?

Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on.
A fetus is a participant in an abortion? Interesting concept.

Back to the OP. I'll try with you:
Abortion: Innocence. What is it?

Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on.
innocence is the absence of guilt,,,

so it falls on you to say what they are guilty of,,
It's a very serious thread. Look at the OP.

Abortion: Innocence. What is it?​

[ Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on. ]
I rather doubt anyone that supports or cares about innocence or definitions, just contrarian sophisist splitting hairs. What is the difference between Infanticide and abortion?
I think that Dante just wants to poke the posters. He/she doesn't want a conversation, just a rebuttal
to everything stated.
You've never been more wrong.

But I'm stubborn, and stick to the issue/point raised. It's how I won a few legal things. I'm respectful, and honest and sincere here. I'm also giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. For now.

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