Abortion: Innocence. What is it?

A fetus is a participant in an abortion? Interesting concept.

Back to the OP. I'll try with you:
Abortion: Innocence. What is it?

Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on.
Again, you are just extra dense.

Are you familiar with the concept of "innocent until proven guilty"?
It's the backbone of our entire legal system.

I'm sure a court appointed attorney has given you hope with that basic fact many times
You've never been more wrong.

But I'm stubborn, and stick to the issue/point raised. It's how I won a few legal things. I'm respectful, and honest and sincere here. I'm also giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. For now.
my ass you do,,

I have answered your question 8 times and you still say I didnt,,

innocence is the absence of guilt,,,

so it falls on you to say what they are guilty of,,
Again, you are just extra dense.

Are you familiar with the concept of "innocent until proven guilty"?
It's the backbone of our entire legal system.

I'm sure a court appointed attorney has given you hope with that basic fact many times
So you're talking about a legal procedure in a court of law?

Please, try and address the OP. why does it seem so difficult for so many?

I could list a few definitions I'd use, if I were any of you people.
my ass you do,,

I have answered your question 8 times and you still say I didnt,,

innocence is the absence of guilt,,,

so it falls on you to say what they are guilty of,,
No you did not.

You've become hostile. Keep it up and I will only ignore you, and I seriously would prefer not to.

I've never posited anything was guilty.
Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

Now, I've heard the term 'innocent' used. As in some particular(?) life possesses innocence, whereas I assume, the claim is other life does not posses innocence.

So I ask in good faith and sincerity: " What is innocence?" -- a definition people should be able to agree on.
Does an abortion INVOLVE a woman's health?
Let's try this: What definition are people using (if any listed here) in debates over abortion?

Let's try this: What definition are people using (if any listed here) in debates over abortion?


why didnt you use that instead of trolling on the internet??
Let's try this: What definition are people using (if any listed here) in debates over abortion?

if a child isnt guilty of anything then why do you want to kill it??
religion? "freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil"

please be respectful, and try to be honest and sincere? I trust you can.
Religion was not mentioned. You can understand the meaning of the word sin without any religious connections.my response was a definition from a dictionary. I’m not religious but I know right from wrong.

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Religion was not mentioned. You can understand the meaning of the word sin without any religious connections.my response was a definition from a dictionary. I’m not religious but I know right from wrong.

Now: Religion?
sin, moral evil as considered from a religious standpoint. Sin is regarded in Judaism and Christianity as the deliberate and purposeful violation of the will of God.

definition of innocence:
b: "freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil : blamelessness"

I'm curious because I think of life -- all life as equal. The genome we share has so little in the way of differences. I can focus entirely on human life, even the life of a fetus as being life. A fetus is alive in that sense. But as a fully functioning human being? It's too much of an argument and debate to get into. I'm just wondering how life itself can be innocent. Because I always come back to innocent of what?

Evil? It's an abstract thing for me. The dualistic view -- evil/good, is far too immature for me. Do I believe there are evil people? In one sense yes, but do I believe evil exists as an entity? No. There is no poof, no test, of things as abstract as good and evil.

I digress here. I love life. I love the life of anything. I love life in all it's aspects. I believe life has one purpose at the molecular level -- to reproduce.

Life is cruel. Life can be ugly and frightening.

Since childhood, I have always struggled with: "What is life?

Is abortion ugly to us, the living who observe it? Is it frightening? But, how can it be evil? How can it even be good?

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