A win for fighting Abuse: Tennessee to ban sex change surgeries on children

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Tennessee lawmakers are one step closer to banning the practice of child sex change procedures in the state.

The bill, SB 0001, which would ban pediatric medical transition in Tennessee, is quickly moving forward after having passed a Senate committee with an 8-1 vote on Wednesday. It is now headed to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday
“The bill would clarify that performing these medical procedures can constitute abuse,” Johnson said. “The bill would treat these procedures as our law treats other attempts to wound, injure or disable a child.”
I think this is the home run from the article:

“From the very beginning, the doctors were negligent,” said Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old detransitioner from California, who is permanently scarred from having a double mastectomy surgery to remove her breasts at 15. “They treated me as if I were an adult who was capable of making informed lifelong decisions that would affect every area of my life — from socialization and relationships to sexual function and my ability to have children.”

We need to make laws against this tragic social contagion that is permanently harming our kids, and prevent the predatory medical activists who are pushing it from continuing to cause so much damage.
Tennessee lawmakers are one step closer to banning the practice of child sex change procedures in the state.

The bill, SB 0001, which would ban pediatric medical transition in Tennessee, is quickly moving forward after having passed a Senate committee with an 8-1 vote on Wednesday. It is now headed to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday
“The bill would clarify that performing these medical procedures can constitute abuse,” Johnson said. “The bill would treat these procedures as our law treats other attempts to wound, injure or disable a child.”
I think this is the home run from the article:

“From the very beginning, the doctors were negligent,” said Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old detransitioner from California, who is permanently scarred from having a double mastectomy surgery to remove her breasts at 15. “They treated me as if I were an adult who was capable of making informed lifelong decisions that would affect every area of my life — from socialization and relationships to sexual function and my ability to have children.”

We need to make laws against this tragic social contagion that is permanently harming our kids, and prevent the predatory medical activists who are pushing it from continuing to cause so much damage.
Society seems to enjoy abusing others, especially our vulnerable and young. This is a principled position that ensures that only adults can engage in such extreme mutilation of the body.
The pro-child transition loons are guilty of child abuse & should suffer the consequences.
They should be treated the same as NAMBLA & the other pervs/groomers that make up the + plus part of the LGBFJB side.

It's not enough they are mentally deranged, they insist on the right to do it to kids for future sexual abuse
I'm amazed that something like this that is merely common sense has become so polarizing. OF COURSE we shouldn't be carving up the genitals of our children, yet anybody who dares to stand up against this madness is sure to be savaged by a group of trained monkeys who are all on board with it.

It's a group psychosis as far as I'm concerned.

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