A very serious question to all Bush haters


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
are you crazy? Are you older then 18 years OLD?

If you aren't crazy AND older then 18 please tell me what alternate universe you lived in during the last 13 years where THESE events didn't occur?

1) 1991 Cease Fire meant Saddam agreed to stop fighting and USA agreed not to invade Iraq and remove him. Remember this?
And so after 9/11 with 92% of Americans WANTING something done and since SADDAM never KEPT the 1991 Cease Fire the 1991 war continued and finished 5/2003!

So my question to you: If you sign a legal document agreeing to terms and you fail to keep the terms.. DO YOU NOT EXPECT some penalties..
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 Public law 105-338 CNN - Clinton: Iraq has abused its last chance - December 16, 1998
Clinton signed The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 Public law 105-338 expressed the sense of congress it should be policy to support efforts to remove from power the
current Iraqi regime. "The President has authority under the consitution to take action in order to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States."

2) Do you remember the dot.com bubble THAT BURST in 2000?
The Stock Market Crash of 2000-2002 caused the loss of $5 trillion in the market value of companies from March 2000 to October 2002.
Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caused a recession that started then in 3/2001 and $5 trillion in market losses. Allowed taxpayers to deduct each year after 2002 $166 billion from their taxable income.
Lost 300,000 jobs

3) Does the minor event on 9/11/2001 mean anything to you? $2 trillion in losses that again are being written off and in so doing reduces the tax payments to the USA
145,000 jobs lost

4) From 2003 to 2008 WORST HURRICANE SEASONS in history with 7 of the worst 10 hurricanes rom 2004 through 2008 $1 trillion and 400,000 jobs..

YET in spite of that:
Bush had 5 million more people working at the end of his term !
The GDP grew 16% with a $769 billion growth in 2005 the best in 50 years!

Now where are your statistics???
Wow, someone is actually going to try to defend that cocksucker?

Why not, people defend obama all the time and he's way worse than Bush ever was or could ever be. obama can't be compared to Bush, obama would have to be compared to Caligula or Nero. That's how far back we'd have to go to get another obama.
Wow, someone is actually going to try to defend that cocksucker?

Why not, people defend obama all the time and he's way worse than Bush ever was or could ever be. obama can't be compared to Bush, obama would have to be compared to Caligula or Nero. That's how far back we'd have to go to get another obama.

If we're the Bush-haters, why aren't the Republicans touting their best bet for '16, Jeb Bush. Buncha self-loathers out there? :eusa_eh:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE2SdF1fN4s]US War Criminals - The Bush Lies Montage - YouTube[/ame]
If Bush was so great? Why did he not show his face for the last 2 elections to endorse a candidate?

LOL even Bush knows he is not so great as some demented persons think.

You gonna tell us how great Bush looks in blue jeans?
I voted for Bush - twice. But he was still a terrible president. We are still paying for his mistakes.

To answer your points-

1- Yes, Saddam was a bastard, but we had him in a box. We did not need to climb into that box with him. Democrats do deserve some of the blame, they went along with it and were just as loud, but it was still a horrible idea, and as one of Bush's predecessors said, "The BUck stops here."

2- Yes, the recession of 2001 was horrible. But you know what, Bush took the wrong approach. It was not a recession that could be helped with cutting taxes. (There are times when that might be a solution. the 1960 recession or the 1981 recession. 2001 and 2008 were not those times.)

3- Yes, 9-11 was horrible. But Bush's reaction to it, going to war with a country that had nothing to do with it w hile ignoring the guy who did it, was wrong, too. And expensive.

4- The hurricanes were awful. BUt they were made worse by the fact that he got rid of the professionals Clinton put in FEMA and replaced them with hacks like "Brownie".

The notion that he had more jobs than when he started is statistically misleading in so many ways.

Fact is, unemployment was 3.9% when he took office and 7.8% when he left. But it is worse than that in the fact that the jobs that were created on his watch were not good paying manufacturing jobs, but poorly paying service jobs.
Wow, someone is actually going to try to defend that cocksucker?

Why not, people defend obama all the time and he's way worse than Bush ever was or could ever be. obama can't be compared to Bush, obama would have to be compared to Caligula or Nero. That's how far back we'd have to go to get another obama.

What drugs are Republicans getting that the rest of us aren't? I seriously do not understand this Obama is the anti-christ rhetoric. He's just a mediocre President who means well.
They lied us into war.

the right will have to face that fact some day.

The rest of the world KNOWS the truth
I voted for Bush - twice. But he was still a terrible president. We are still paying for his mistakes.

To answer your points-

1- Yes, Saddam was a bastard, but we had him in a box. We did not need to climb into that box with him. Democrats do deserve some of the blame, they went along with it and were just as loud, but it was still a horrible idea, and as one of Bush's predecessors said, "The BUck stops here."

2- Yes, the recession of 2001 was horrible. But you know what, Bush took the wrong approach. It was not a recession that could be helped with cutting taxes. (There are times when that might be a solution. the 1960 recession or the 1981 recession. 2001 and 2008 were not those times.)

3- Yes, 9-11 was horrible. But Bush's reaction to it, going to war with a country that had nothing to do with it w hile ignoring the guy who did it, was wrong, too. And expensive.

4- The hurricanes were awful. BUt they were made worse by the fact that he got rid of the professionals Clinton put in FEMA and replaced them with hacks like "Brownie".

The notion that he had more jobs than when he started is statistically misleading in so many ways.

Fact is, unemployment was 3.9% when he took office and 7.8% when he left. But it is worse than that in the fact that the jobs that were created on his watch were not good paying manufacturing jobs, but poorly paying service jobs.

So Bush and 92% of the population IN FAVOR of upholding the 1991 CEASE FIRE were wrong?

Were these people wrong for encouraging the DEATHS of US TROOPS then or were they lying, or were they just telling the truth???
B]A) our troops are Terrorists.[/B]. called that by the below:
Presidential candidates that said: "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Kerry (D) calling our troops "TERRORISTS"!

B) Our troops KILL Civilians
or a future President saying: Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

C) Our troops cold blooded killers
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

D)Calling our troops Nazis, Soviets
Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE2SdF1fN4s]US War Criminals - The Bush Lies Montage - YouTube[/ame]

they lied to us to talk us into supporting the war.

You dont get that and that means your insane
If Bush was so great? Why did he not show his face for the last 2 elections to endorse a candidate?

LOL even Bush knows he is not so great as some demented persons think.

You gonna tell us how great Bush looks in blue jeans?

Because unlike democrats republicans believe in not needing to hold up the candidate ......Not everyone needs a Clinton to survive.....
Was the recession Bush's fault? NO.
The traditional solution to a recession CUT TAXES.
Did it work? YES!!!

Look at this chart:
If it didn't work explain why in 2001 there was over a 15% LOSS of federal revenue..
Then by 2005 a 20% growth just in 4 years AFTER the tax cuts.. a 35% swing!

Please explain that!


Contrary to Popular Belief, Federal Revenue Growth Is Impressive - Seeking Alpha
the reccession was caused by an inflation in housing prices that could have been avoided.

Your party gets 90% of the blame

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