A Trans Woman Had a Vagina Built From Fish Skin

1. No one is saying she didn't have the right to do this.

2. It is very, very strange. It's okay to say it's strange. Because it is.
Uhh yes, Correll was quite literally saying that. We were talking about policy.
I know what empathy means. I was asking if you are showing it when you call a trans woman a he...

I don't so much mind calling a he she and vice versa. They strains my credibility because it's a plural pronoun. And now there's someone on Twitter saying their pronouns are Frogself/Bug. No. I am not referring to a human being as Frogself/Bug as pronouns. I will not participate in the delusion of a human being believing/pretending they are an animal or whatever--over the age of say, 7 or 8, that is.
Uhh yes, Correll was quite literally saying that. We were talking about policy.

Then I disagree unless I am paying for it. This is an elective procedure. You can have it done, but it should not be covered by insurance in the same way elective plastic surgery is not.
I said that was my position in the post before I wrote that... You really shouldn't critique others for not listening when you literally just ignored that.

Not sure what you want from me. Are you refusing to defend your position because you don't understand teh concept?

Oh, wait, do you think that repeating it over and over is defending it?
I don't so much mind calling a he she and vice versa. They strains my credibility because it's a plural pronoun. And now there's someone on Twitter saying their pronouns are Frogself/Bug. No. I am not referring to a human being as Frogself/Bug as pronouns. I will not participate in the delusion of a human being believing/pretending they are an animal or whatever--over the age of say, 7 or 8, that is.
You're dealing in hypotheticals and online strangers. In real life we meet actual people and my hope is that if one person is curteous and respectful then others react in kind. If you meet somebody and hit it off with them and they politely ask you to refer to them as Frogself/Bug, then why not go with it? Who cares? Maybe ask some questions and learn about why they want that and where it all comes from. Or maybe somebody what would go that far outside the norm to express themself is the type of person that repels you and you simply disengage and don't interact.... I don't know. Either way, I don't see why people are making such a big deal about it. Acting like it is compromising their values or something by calling somebody a name. Thats so dumb
Not sure what you want from me. Are you refusing to defend your position because you don't understand teh concept?

Oh, wait, do you think that repeating it over and over is defending it?
In what way do you think I'm refusing to defend my position. I've answered every question asked and explained why I feel the way I feel. What are you missing?
It was a no.

Do you understand why?
Yes I understand why... I just find it amusing that in one breath you're defying empathy and in the next breath your are the voice of empathy and I'm the cold hearted ass. Rather hypocritical don't you think?
The part where you explain why it's "good".
Why its good? I never said it was good or bad nor do I have a position on that. It is a personal choice. The "Good" in my mind is liberty and freedom. Now what people do with that is up to them.
Yes I understand why... I just find it amusing that in one breath you're defying empathy and in the next breath your are the voice of empathy and I'm the cold hearted ass. Rather hypocritical don't you think?

Agreeing with someone, supporting their delusion, is not empathy.

You are incredible. YOu are so devoid of empathy, that you literally do not even know what it is anymore.
Why its good? I never said it was good or bad nor do I have a position on that. It is a personal choice. The "Good" in my mind is liberty and freedom. Now what people do with that is up to them.

The aim of policy is the good of society.

That you needed that explained, is you being ignorant beyond belief.
Agreeing with someone, supporting their delusion, is not empathy.

You are incredible. YOu are so devoid of empathy, that you literally do not even know what it is anymore.
Riiiight, so if a little kid was all excited about Santa Claus on Christmas and asked you about Santa would you respond by telling that kid that Santa does not exist? Or would you support their delusion because your empathetic to the excitement a young kid has about Santa and not want to make them feel bad?
The aim of policy is the good of society.

That you needed that explained, is you being ignorant beyond belief.
Interesting... So what good comes from smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol? would you support policies to make those illegal?

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