A Trans Woman Had a Vagina Built From Fish Skin

Suicides have been happening at high frequencies in this community for generations. Getting attacked and belittled by society and the communities they live in doesn’t help. Or do you think it does?

It is going to rise even higher. Mark my words.

And they will try to hide it at first.

"Belittled"? I've been "belittled". That is nothing compared to coming face to face with the realization taht you have mutilated yourself and thus ruined your life forever.
I believe in freedom and liberty so I don’t mind calling a trans woman her and a trans male he. Whatever floats their boat is fine with me. You’re oppressive ass can do whatever you like as well.

You go ahead with your fucking gender bullshit of about .04% of the population

They are only political tools to you mental degenerates, just votes, not even human

You people elected and incestuous pedophile for a president and are fine with it
It is going to rise even higher. Mark my words.

And they will try to hide it at first.

"Belittled"? I've been "belittled". That is nothing compared to coming face to face with the realization taht you have mutilated yourself and thus ruined your life forever.
Interesting. What were you belittled for?
It is going to rise even higher. Mark my words.

And they will try to hide it at first.

"Belittled"? I've been "belittled". That is nothing compared to coming face to face with the realization taht you have mutilated yourself and thus ruined your life forever.
Especially when you realize it at 16 or 17. That is a tragedy

You go ahead with your fucking gender bullshit of about .04% of the population

They are only politcal tools do you mental degenerates, just votes, not even human

You people elected and incestous pedophile for a president and are fine with it
Haha, nice emotional off topic rant. Do you feel better now?
It’s her call to make… not yours.

Incorrect. Whether such surgery should be allowed, is a policy decision.

M point about the tech no being ready, is a very valid point.

If we were growing functional organs in labs and easily snapping them in and out, so that no permanent harm was done, I would be more comfortable with them trying games like this.

But, we don't have the tech.
Or do like you and hide behind the ignore button.
I am the patron saint of the Ignored Poster. I never ignore anyone, even the most wretched like you...lol.....j/k

You elected an incestuous pedo for prez you know...............................This will always be my last line in every post
What happened to our kind?????

Now they put booger eaters on a pedestal.
This is far worse than a booger eater....

Those were just the autistic kids we grew up with before doctors used the term autistic. They were just weird but tolerable. They still did it when they thought no one was looking.

Now we also had the helmet wearing window lickers in wheel chairs on the short bus. They're mostly found in congress now but one has been most recently installed in the SCOTUS by a potato.

This is something FAR WORSE.... This is like a jewish concentration camp victim volunteering to be victimized by "dr" mengele. It's a level of stupidity and insanity that historians will study if humanity exists in 1000 years in an effort to determine how populations descend into behavioral sinks once they reach certain variables.

The turning point in this mouse utopia, Calhoun observed, occurred on Day 315 when the first signs appeared of a breakdown in social norms and structure. Aberrations included the following: females abandoning their young; males no longer defending their territory; and both sexes becoming more violent and aggressive. Deviant behavior, sexual and social, mounted with each passing day. The last thousand mice to be born tended to avoid stressful activity and focused their attention increasingly on themselves.
I am the patron saint of the Ignored Poster. I never ignore anyone, even the most wretched like you...lol.....j/k

You elected an incestuous pedo for prez you know...............................This will always be my last line in every post
Biden always has been a piece of shit legislator to me, you may adore him all you like.
Suicides have been happening at high frequencies in this community for generations. Getting attacked and belittled by society and the communities they live in doesn’t help. Or do you think it does?

Mentally ill individuals of all types off themselves at high frequencies, not just Trannies.

But this kind of surgical treatment actually increases the number of people who will belittle you.

No one is really fooling anyone, you know.

BTW, do you think that those mentally ill people who think they are Napoleon or Jesus Christ should be addressed as such? Its the same thing, people imagining they are something other than what they actually are.

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